Ports 搜索

textproc/sigil-0.9.5 (Score: 0.068937615)
WYSIWYG ePub editor
Sigil is a multi-platform EPUB ebook editor with the following features: * Free and open source software under GPLv3 * Multi-platform * Full UTF-16 support * EPUB 2 spec support with limited EPUB 3 support * Multiple Views: Book View, Code View and Preview View * WYSIWYG editing in Book View * Complete control over directly editing EPUB syntax in Code View * Table of Contents generator with multi-level heading support * Metadata editor * User interface translated into many languages * Spell checking with default and user configurable dictionaries * Full Regular Expression (PCRE) support for Find & Replace * Supports import of EPUB and HTML files, images, and style sheets * Documents can be validated for EPUB compliance with the integrated * All imported files have their formatting corrected, and your editing can be optionally cleaned * Plugins!
textproc/xmlformat-1.04 (Score: 0.068937615)
XML Document Formatter
xmlformat is a configurable formatter (or "pretty-printer") for XML documents. It provides control over indentation, line-breaking, and text wrapping. These properties can be defined on a per-element basis.
textproc/xmlgen-1.4 (Score: 0.068937615)
Write XML documents using Tcl
xmlgen is a TCL package to write XML documents in Tcl. This XML code is expressed by TCL code, which is translated. Every tag is made into a markup command which takes attributes and the element's content as parameters and then prints the XML tagged content. Of course, the content again can contain markup commands.
textproc/xmlindent-0.2.17 (Score: 0.068937615)
XML stream reformatter
XML Indent is a XML stream reformatter written in ANSI C.
textproc/silvercity-0.9.7 (Score: 0.068937615)
Lexing package for over 20 programming and markup languages
SilverCity is a lexing package, based on Scintilla, that can provide lexical analysis for over 20 programming and markup languages. Scripting language bindings currently exist for Python.
textproc/xmlprpr-1.32 (Score: 0.068937615)
XML pretty printer
An XML pretty printer created to format XML that doesn't make use of mixed content. In the default mode each element is put on a separate line with consistent indentation. It can also separate attributes onto individual lines, sort attributes in a specified or alphabetic order, expand self closing tags, and more. Note that the distribution calls this tool "xmlpp", but it has been renamed so as not to conflict with an xmlpp already in the ports tree.
textproc/simplexml-1.0.1 (Score: 0.068937615)
C++ XML parser library
A C++ XML parser library.
textproc/mythes-2016.05.22 (Score: 0.068937615)
Slovak thesaurus
Slovak thesaurus
textproc/mythes-2016.05.22 (Score: 0.068937615)
Slovenian thesaurus
Slovenian thesaurus
textproc/slides-3.4.0 (Score: 0.068937615)
Doctype and stylesheets for making slides
The Slides doctype and stylesheets are for making presentations.