Ports 搜索

devel/Test-Warn-0.30 (Score: 5.3006617E-5)
Perl extension to test methods for warnings
Test::Warn provides a few convenience methods for testing warning based code.
devel/Time-Crontab-0.02 (Score: 5.3006617E-5)
Perl extension to parse crontab date and time field
Time::Crontab is a parser for crontab date and time field. And it provides simple matcher.
devel/Tree-Simple-View-0.17 (Score: 5.3006617E-5)
Set of classes for viewing Tree::Simple hierarchies
Tree::Simple::View - A set of classes for viewing Tree::Simple hierarchies
devel/Tree-Simple-VisitorFactory-0.15 (Score: 5.3006617E-5)
Set of visitor objects for traversing Tree::Simple hierarchies
Tree::Simple::VisitorFactory is a collection of visitor objects used to traverse Tree::Simple hierarchies.
devel/VCP-Dest-svk-0.29 (Score: 5.3006617E-5)
VCP destination driver for svn/svk
This is a VCP destination driver for svn repositories by using the SVK module.
devel/orz-0.13 (Score: 5.3006617E-5)
Method of annotation as /* */ in perl
When you just can't get your code to work, admit you are a total failure.
devel/pcre++-0.9.5 (Score: 5.3006617E-5)
Wrapper class around the pcre library
pcre++ is a wrapper class around the pcre library (Perl Compatible Regular Expressions)
devel/Horde_Role-1.0.1 (Score: 5.3006617E-5)
PEAR installer role for Horde components
PEAR method to install Horde components into a base Horde installation.
devel/File_Iterator-1.3.3 (Score: 5.3006617E-5)
PEAR FileIterator implementation
FilterIterator implementation that filters files based on a list of suffixes.
devel/Horde_Constraint-2.0.3 (Score: 5.3006617E-5)
Horde Constraint library
This Horde package provides a programmatic way of building constraints that evaluate to true or false.