Ports Search

Results 1,9411,950 of 19,819 for %22HTTP Server%22.(0.006 seconds)
net/Net-Amazon-Signature-V4-0.14 (Score: 0.005083602)
Perl extension for AWS signature V4, AWS4-HMAC-SHA256
This module signs an HTTP::Request to Amazon Web Services by appending an Authorization header. Amazon Web Services signature version 4, AWS4-HMAC-SHA256, is used.
textproc/rss-0.9.1 (Score: 0.005083602)
Ruby library for parsing, creating, downloading, and caching RSS
This is a Ruby library for parsing, creating, downloading, and caching RSS (http://my.netscape.com/publish/help/mnn20/quickstart.html).
www/LWP-Authen-OAuth-1.02 (Score: 0.005083602)
Perl extension to generate signed OAuth requests
This module provides a sub-class of LWP::UserAgent that generates OAuth 1.0 signed requests. You should familiarise yourself with OAuth at http://oauth.net/.
www/Role-REST-Client-0.18 (Score: 0.005083602)
Perl extension for Rest Client Role
Perl extension for Rest Client Role. Role::REST::Client will handle encoding and decoding when using the HTTP verbs. GET, PUT, POST, DELETE, OPTIONS, HEAD.
www/polipo-1.1.1 (Score: 0.005083602)
Small and fast caching web proxy
Polipo is a small and fast caching web proxy (a web cache, an HTTP proxy) designed to be used by one person or a small group of people.
security/oauthlib-1.1.2 (Score: 0.0050789276)
RFC-compliant implementation of the OAuth request-signing logic
OAuthLib is a generic Python module which implements the logic of OAuth without assuming a specific HTTP request object. Use it to graft OAuth support onto your favorite HTTP library.
biology/jalview-2.07 (Score: 0.0050611375)
Viewer and editor for multiple sequence alignments
Jalview is a multiple alignment editor written in Java. It is used widely in a variety of web pages (e.g. the EBI Clustalw server and the Pfam protein domain database) and is also available as a general purpose alignment editor. o Reads and writes alignments in a variety of formats o Gaps can be inserted/deleted using the mouse. o Group editing (insertion deletion of gaps in groups of sequences). o Removal of gapped columns. o Align sequences using Web Services (Clustal, Muscle...) o Amino acid conservation analysis similar to that of AMAS. o Alignment sorting options (by name, tree order, percent identity, group). o UPGMA and NJ trees calculated and drawn based on percent identity distances. o Sequence clustering using principal component analysis. o Removal of redundant sequences. o Smith Waterman pairwise alignment of selected sequences. o Web based secondary structure prediction programs (JNet). o User predefined or custom colour schemes to colour alignments or groups. o Sequence feature retrieval and display on the alignment. o Print your alignment with colours and annotations. o Output alignments as HTML pages, images (PNG) or postscript (EPS). If you use Jalview in your work, please quote this publication. Clamp, M., et al. (2004), The Jalview Java Alignment Editor. Bioinformatics, 12, 426-7
cad/gnucap-2009.12.07 (Score: 0.0050611375)
The GNU Circuit Analysis Package
GnuCap is the GNU Circuit Analysis Package. The primary component is a general purpose circuit simulator. It performs nonlinear dc and transient analyses, fourier analysis, and ac analysis. It is fully interactive and command driven. It can also be run in batch mode or as a server. Spice compatible models for the MOSFET (level 1-7) and diode are included in this release. GnuCap is not based on Spice, but some of the models have been derived from the Berkeley models. Unlike Spice, the engine is designed to do true mixed-mode simulation. Most of the code is in place for future support of event driven analog simulation, and true multi-rate simulation. If you are tired of Spice and want a second opinion, you want to play with the circuit and want a simulator that is interactive, you want to study the source code and want something easier to follow than Spice, or you are a researcher working on modeling and want automated model generation tools to make your job easier, try GnuCap.
devel/ptypes-2.1.1 (Score: 0.0050611375)
C++ Portable Types Library
PTypes is a C++ Portable Types Library. It offers the following features: * Threads and synchronization objects along with message queues solve the vital problem of diversity of the threading API's on different platforms. * IP socket classes and utilities provide complete IP-based framework for both client-side and server-side programming. They can be combined with PTypes multithreading. * Dynamic strings, variants, character sets, date/time type and various kinds of dynamic and associative arrays: Delphi programmers will find them very similar to the ones in their favorite language. * Streaming interfaces provide buffered I/O with simple and powerful text parsing methods. A strictly defined syntax for the given text format or a formal language can be represented by calls to PTypes token extraction methods. The unified streaming interface is applicable to files, named pipes and network sockets. * Special thread class with enhanced functionality called unit. Units have their own main() and input/output 'plugs'; they can be connected to each other within one application to form pipes, like processes in the Unix shell. * Finally, everything above is portable: all platform-dependent details are hidden inside.
dns/dnsutl-1.12 (Score: 0.0050611375)
Programs to make using DNS easier
The dnsutl package is a collection tools to make administering DNS easier. These include programs for: * Generating the reverse DNS mapping by using the DNS forward mapping. This is useful for producing a self-consistent DNS configuration. * Generating the /etc/ethers file by using a bogus record type. * Generating the /etc/hosts file by using the DNS forward mapping. * Generating the /etc/bootptab file by using the MAC and IP information. * Generating the /etc/netgroup file by using the DNS forward mapping. * Generating the Sun /etc/bootparams file by using the MAC and IP information. * Checking the new-style /etc/named.conf files for self-consistency. * Checking the old-style /etc/named.boot files for self-consistency. * Generating the DNS forward mapping by using the /etc/hosts file. This could be a first step to configuring your DNS server. * Generating the /etc/dhcp.conf file by using the MAC and IP information. All of these programs are both faster than shell scripts, and more robust when faced with all the peculiar semantics of DNS resource files. They even understand the $include directive.