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sysutils/clockspeed-0.62 (Score: 0.0050880406)
Uses a hardware tick counter to compensate for deviant system clock
clockspeed uses a hardware tick counter to compensate for a persistently fast or slow system clock. Given a few time measurements from a reliable source, it computes and then eliminates the clock skew. sntpclock checks another system's NTP clock, and prints the results in a format suitable for input to clockspeed. sntpclock is the simplest available NTP/SNTP client. taiclock and taiclockd form an even simpler alternative to SNTP. They are suitable for precise time synchronization over a local area network, without the hassles and potential security problems of an NTP server. This version of clockspeed can use the Pentium RDTSC tick counter or the Solaris gethrtime() nanosecond counter. A port to non-i386 platforms was done using the clock_gettime(2) function. Since this is somewhat experimental, there might be some tiny precision differences from the i386 platform versions. You have been warned!
sysutils/cronolog-1.7.1 (Score: 0.0050880406)
Web log rotation utility that provides datestamp filenames
"cronolog" is a simple program that reads log messages from its input and writes them to a set of output files, the names of which are constructed using template and the current date and time. "cronolog" is intended to be used in conjunction with a Web server, such as Apache to split the access log into daily or monthly logs. E.g.: TransferLog "|/www/sbin/cronolog /www/logs/%Y/%m/%d/access.log" ErrorLog "|/www/sbin/cronolog /www/logs/%Y/%m/%d/errors.log" would instruct Apache to pipe its access and error log messages into separate copies of cronolog, which would create new log files each day in a directory hierarchy structured by date, i.e. on 31 December 1996 messages would be written to: /www/logs/1996/12/31/access.log /www/logs/1996/12/31/errors.log After midnight the following files would be used: /www/logs/1997/01/01/access.log /www/logs/1997/01/01/errors.log
sysutils/spinner-1.2.4 (Score: 0.0050880406)
Keep ssh and telnet connections from dropping due to inactivity
Spinner is a small program that displays a little "spinning" ASCII character in the top left corner of your terminal. To make this effect it cycles through punctuation marks like this " - \ | / - \ | / ... " (try it to see). By default the character is drawn in inverse video (or your terminal's equivalent). But you can turn this off with the -i switch. It supports any terminal capable of handling VT100 style escape codes. Spinner is useful for keeping telnet and ssh links from dropping due to inactivity. Many firewalls, and some ISPs drop connections when they are perceived as idle. By having spinner running the server is constantly sending a tiny amount of data over the link, preserving the connection. Thus (for search engines) Spinner is an anti-dle, timeout preventing, background daemon process for Unix variants including Linux. - Michael L. Hostbaek mich@FreeBSD.org
sysutils/stalepid-1.0.b1 (Score: 0.0050880406)
Check for stale pid files and remove them
The stalepid utility was developed to facilitate the startup of servers that write their process ID to a file and refuse to start if that file exists (e.g. when the process was last terminated by an unclean shutdown, or simply killed without given the chance to clean up the process ID file). The stalepid utility is used to check for and possibly remove those stale process ID files. Upon its invocation, stalepid checks for the following conditions: - the file specified by the pidfile argument exists; - it contains a single line, and the line contains a single number; - there is no process with the process ID specified in the file, or if there is one, it is not named processname. If all those conditions are met, the stalepid utility will remove the file specified by the pidfile argument, thus allowing the next invocation of the server to proceed normally.
www/mod_myvhost-0.21 (Score: 0.0050880406)
Apache module for dynamically configured mass virtual hosting with php
mod_myvhost is Apache module for dynamically configured name based mass virtual hosting with PHP, virtual host's configurations and PHP settings are stored in database. No need to have every vhost in apache's configuration file, no need to restart apache after configuration changed (vhost added|deleted, vhost rootdir changed, vhost unblocked/unblocked...). After all, it is capable to change settings of PHP4/5 dynamically (if php is loadable module or it is linked with apache) for any vhost. By default, it sets open_basedir as vhost's rootdir to prevent user from stoling files from other users and from your server, but you have ability to change almost any parameter that exists in php.ini, for example, you can turn on safe_mode or register_globals for particular vhost, if it has old php scripts that use global variables.
www/CGI.pm-3.63 (Score: 0.0050880406)
Simple Common Gateway Interface Class for Perl
There are two styles of programming with CGI.pm, an object-oriented style and a function-oriented style. In the object-oriented style you create one or more CGI objects and then use object methods to create the various elements of the page. Each CGI object starts out with the list of named parameters that were passed to your CGI script by the server. You can modify the objects, save them to a file or database and recreate them. Because each object corresponds to the "state" of the CGI script, and because each object's parameter list is independent of the others, this allows you to save the state of the script and restore it later.
www/Compress-LeadingBlankSpaces-0.06 (Score: 0.0050880406)
Perl class to compress leading blank spaces in web content
Compress::LeadingBlankSpaces - Perl class to compress leading blank spaces in (HTML, JavaScript, etc.) web content. This class provides the functionality for the most simple web content compression. Basically, the outgoing web content (HTML, JavaScript, etc.) contains a lot of leading blank spaces, because of being structured on development stage. Usually, the client browser ignores leading blank spaces. Indeed, the amount of those blank spaces is as significant as 10 to 20 percent of the length of regular web page. We can reduce this part of web traffic on busy servers with no visible impact on transferred web content, especially for old browsers incapable to understand modern content compression. The main functionality of this class is concentrated within the "squeeze_string" member function that is supposed to be used inside the data transfer loop on server side. The rest of the class is developed in order to serve possible exceptions, like pre-formatted data within HTML.
www/MasonX-WebApp-0.12 (Score: 0.0050880406)
Works with HTML::Mason to do processing before Mason is invoked
MasonX::WebApp works with Mason to let you do processing before Mason is ever invoked. There are a number of things that one might want to do: * Argument munging You might want to make sure all incoming arguments are UTF-8 encoded. Or you might want to create some objects which Mason will see as incoming arguments. For example, a "user_id" parameter could be turned into a user object. * Handle requests without Mason If you're not generating output for the browser other than a redirect, then there's no reason to use Mason. You can use a MasonX::WebApp subclass to handle all form submissions, for example. This has the added benefit of making it easier to preload this code once during server startup. * And others ...
x11/xcb-2.4 (Score: 0.0050880406)
Tool for managing x11 cut-buffers
Do you ever wish you could cut two or more separate pieces of text at once from a window? Do you ever need to save the output from one command for reuse in several subsequent tasks? Do you ever find yourself wanting some easy means of globally exporting data, e.g. to a parent shell, to another xterm or application, or to another machine or user? If you answer yes to any of these questions, then xcb is for you. Xcb provides access to the cut buffers built into every X server. It allows the buffers to be manipulated either via the command line, or with the mouse in a point and click manner. The buffers can be used as holding pens to store and retrieve arbitrary data fragments, so any number of different pieces of data can be saved and recalled later. The program is designed primarily for use with textual data.
chinese/Lingua-Han-PinYin-0.22 (Score: 0.005083602)
Retrieve the Mandarin (PinYin) of Chinese character (HanZi)
There is a Chinese document @ http://www.fayland.org/project/Han-PinYin/. It tells why and how I write this module.