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Results 1,9111,920 of 19,819 for %22HTTP Server%22.(0.006 seconds)
x11-toolkits/fxscintilla-2.28.0 (Score: 0.005146726)
Fox toolkit reimplementation of Scintilla editing widget
Scintilla is a free source code editing component for Win32 and GTK+ developped by Neil Hodgson. For more information about Scintilla, see http://www.scintilla.org. The FOX GUI toolkit is a platform independent GUI library developped by Jeroen van der Zijp. For more information about FOX, see http://fox-toolkit.org. FXScintilla is an implementation of Scintilla for the FOX GUI Library.
audio/ezstream-0.5.6 (Score: 0.0050880406)
Command line utility for streaming to icecast servers
Ezstream is a command line source client for Icecast media streaming servers. It began as the successor of the old "shout" utility, and has since gained a lot of useful features. In its basic mode of operation, it streams media files or data from standard input without reencoding and thus requires only very little CPU resources. It can also use various external decoders and encoders to reencode from one format to another, and stream the result to an Icecast server. Additional features include scriptable playlist and metadata handling. All of its features make ezstream a very flexible source client. Supported media formats for streaming are MP3, Ogg Vorbis and Ogg Theora. Native metadata support includes MP3 (ID3v1 only) and Ogg Vorbis, and many more formats when the optional TagLib support has been compiled in. Ezstream is free software and licensed under the GNU General Public License.
devel/pth-2.0.7 (Score: 0.0050880406)
GNU Portable Threads
GNU Pth - The GNU Portable Threads Copyright (c) 1999-2005 Ralf S. Engelschall <rse@gnu.org> Pth is a very portable POSIX/ANSI-C based library for Unix platforms which provides non-preemptive priority-based scheduling for multiple threads of execution (aka ``multithreading'') inside event-driven applications. All threads run in the same address space of the server application, but each thread has it's own individual program-counter, run-time stack, signal mask and errno variable. The thread scheduling itself is done in a cooperative way, i.e., the threads are managed by a priority- and event-based non-preemptive scheduler. The intention is that this way one can achieve better portability and run-time performance than with preemptive scheduling. The event facility allows threads to wait until various types of events occur, including pending I/O on file descriptors, asynchronous signals, elapsed timers, pending I/O on message ports, thread and process termination, and even customized callback functions.
dns/dnsperf- (Score: 0.0050880406)
Accurate performance metrics of Domain Name Services
DNSPerf and ResPerf Provide Communication Providers with Predictive Planning Tools to Scale Networks. Two tools, DNSPerf and ResPerf deliver accurate performance metrics of Domain Name Services (DNS). These tools are easy-to-use and simulate real Internet workloads to provide the necessary insight that carriers need to plan and deploy network services. DNSPerf measures Authoritative Domain Name services and is designed to simulate network conditions by self-pacing the query load. Caching services performance and workload profile differ significantly from Authoritative Domain services; therefore a different tool is needed. ResPerf is designed specifically to simulate Caching Domain Name services. To test a caching server, ResPerf systematically increases the query rate and monitors the response rate.
mail/sieve-connect-0.88 (Score: 0.0050880406)
Command-line client for the MANAGESIEVE protocol
This is sieve-connect. A client for the ManageSieve protocol, as specifed in RFC 5804. Historically, this was MANAGESIEVE as implemented by timsieved in Cyrus IMAP. This is not yet fully compatible with RFC 5804, but is moving towards that from the timsieved baseline; some issues to be worked on are documented in the "TODO" file. sieve-connect speaks ManageSieve and supports TLS for connection privacy and also authentication if using client certificates. sieve-connect will use SASL authentication; SASL integrity layers are not supported, use TLS instead. GSSAPI-based authentication should generally work, provided that client and server can use a common underlaying protocol. If it doesn't work for you, please report the issue. sieve-connect is designed to be both a tool which can be invoked from scripts and also a decent interactive client. It should also be a drop-in replacement for "sieveshell", as supplied with Cyrus IMAP.
math/ngraph-6.3.54 (Score: 0.0050880406)
XY plotting tool for students, scientists, and engineers
Ngraph is prepared to plot 2-dimensional graph for students, scientists and engineers. The program reads numerical data from general ASCII text files, and plot to graph. ** Tips ** - This program support Kanji font. If you want to use it, please set environment variable LANG to ja_JP.EUC. (cf, under csh/tcsh) % setenv LANG ja_JP.EUC and you need.... - kinput2 - X True Type or X True Type Font server[best], or kanji18 and kanji26 fonts, these fonts are in below ports[better], - ja-ngraph-fonts (japanese/ngraph-fonts) - ja-kanji18 (japanese/kanji18) - ja-kanji26 (japanese/kanji26) or to change font name in Ngraph.ini as below[poor]. font_map=Mincho,1,-*-fixed-medium-r-normal--*-*-75-75-c-*-jisx0208.1983-0 font_map=Gothic,1,-*-fixed-medium-r-normal--*-*-75-75-c-*-jisx0208.1983-0 - You can get documentation in Japanese from below URL. ** Acknowledgements to this ports file ** Special thanks to: Satoshi Ishizaka <isizaka@msa.biglobe.ne.jp> Nobuhiro Yasutomi <nobu@rd.isac.co.jp>
net/Parallel-Pvm-1.4.0 (Score: 0.0050880406)
Perl extension for the Parallel Virtual Machine (PVM)
Paraller::Pvm is a perl interface to the Parallel Virtual Machine (PVM) Message Passing System. The PVM message passing system enables a programmer to configure a group of (possibly heterogenous) computers connected by a network into a parallel virtual machine. Using PVM, applications can be developed which spawns parallel processes onto nodes in the virtual machine to perform specific tasks. These parallel tasks can also periodically exchange information using a set of message passing functions developed for the system. PVM applications have mostly been developed in the scientific and engineering fields. However applications for real-time and client/server systems can also be developed. PVM simply provides a convenient way for managing parallel tasks and communications without need for rexec or socket level programming.
net/sock-0.3.2 (Score: 0.0050880406)
W. Richard Stevens' sock program
This is a standalone version of W. Richard Stevens' "sock" program, based on the code available for the UNIX Network Programming book. Adapted and reworked code for W. Richard Stevens' "sock" utility by Christian Kreibich. From the author: In TCP/IP Illustrated Vol. 1, Richard Stevens used a program called "sock" to demonstrate the many properties of TCP/IP. Unfortunately, the book only speaks about how to use the program but does not point to a site for downloading its sources. While sock is contained in the code package accompanying UNIX Network Programming, this code is also getting dated. The program can be used to generate TCP or UDP packets for testing various network features. It runs as either client or server.
security/Crypt-Lite-0.82.11 (Score: 0.0050880406)
Perl extension for a symmetric data encryption and decryption
Sometimes it's necessary to protect some certain data against plain reading or you intend to send information through the Internet. Another reason might be to assure users cannot modify their previously entered data in a follow-up step of a long Web transaction where you don't want to deal with server-side session data. The goal of Crypt::Lite was to have a pretty simple way to encrypt and decrypt data without the need to install and compile huge packages with lots of dependencies. Crypt::Lite generates every time a different encrypted hash when you re-encrypt the same data with the same secret string. Nevertheless you are able to make double or tripple-encryption with any data to increase the security. Decryption works also on hashes that have been encrypted on a foreign host (try this with an unpatched IDEA installation ;-).
security/Net-SSLGlue-1.058 (Score: 0.0050880406)
Add/extend SSL support for common perl modules
Some commonly used Perl modules don't have SSL support at all, even if the protocol supports it. Others have SSL support, but most of them don't do proper checking of the server's certificate. The Net::SSLGlue::* modules try to add SSL support or proper certificate checking to these modules. Currently support for the following modules is available: - Net::SMTP - add SSL from beginning or using STARTTLS - Net::POP3 - add SSL from beginning or using STLS - Net::FTP - add SSL and IPv6 support to Net::FTP - Net::LDAP - add proper certificate checking - LWP - add proper certificate checking There is also a Net::SSLGlue::Socket package which combines SSL and non-SSL and IPv6 capabilities to make it easier to enhance modules based on IO::Socket::INET.