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Results 7,6317,640 of 17,773 for comment.zh_CN%3A%E6%8E%A7%E5%88%B6%E5%8F%B0.(0.012 seconds)
devel/Class-Date-1.1.15 (Score: 2.1584389E-4)
Perl class for easy date and time manipulation
This module is intended to provide a general-purpose date and datetime type for perl. You have a Class::Date class for absolute date and datetime, and have a Class::Date::Rel class for relative dates. You can use ``+'', ``-'', ``<'' and ``>'' operators as with native perl data types.
devel/Class-MakeMethods-1.010 (Score: 2.1584389E-4)
Generate common types of methods
The Class::MakeMethods framework allows Perl class developers to quickly define common types of methods. When a module "use"s a subclass of Class::MakeMethods, it can select from the supported method types, and specify a name for each method desired. The methods are dynamically generated and installed in the calling package.
devel/Class-MixinFactory-0.92 (Score: 2.1584389E-4)
Class Factory with Selection of Mixins
This distribution facilitates the run-time generation of classes which inherit from a base class and some optional selection of mixin classes. A factory is provided to generate the mixed classes with multiple inheritance. A NEXT method allows method redispatch up the inheritance chain.
devel/Class-STL-Containers-0.35 (Score: 2.1584389E-4)
Perl extension for STL-like object management
This package provides a framework for rapid Object Oriented Perl application development. It consists of a number of base classes that are similar to the C++/STL framework, plus a number of helper classes which provide the glue to transparently generate common functions, and will enable you to put your Perl application together very quickly.
devel/Class-Throwable-0.13 (Score: 2.1584389E-4)
Minimal lightweight exception class
This module implements a minimal lightweight exception object. It is meant to be a compromise between more basic solutions like Carp which can only print information and cannot handle exception objects, and more complex solutions like Exception::Class which can be used to define complex inline exceptions and has a number of module dependencies.
devel/Config-JFDI-0.065 (Score: 2.1584389E-4)
Catalyst::Plugin::ConfigLoader-style layer over Config::Any
Config::JFDI is an implementation of Catalyst::Plugin::ConfigLoader that exists outside of Catalyst. Essentially, Config::JFDI will scan a directory for files matching a certain name. If such a file is found which also matches an extension that Config::Any can read, then the configuration from that file will be loaded.
devel/apache-ant-1.9.7 (Score: 2.1584389E-4)
Java- and XML-based build tool, conceptually similar to make
Apache Ant, a Java-based build tool, conceptually similar to make. Ant uses XML build files that defines a set of targets. Each target has dependencies (other targets) and contains a set of tasks to perform. There are tasks for various things, like compiling ("javac"), copying ("copy"), deleting ("delete"), executing other programs ("java", "exec", "execon", etc.), stylesheet transformations ("style") and so on.
devel/Data-DumpXML-1.06 (Score: 2.1584389E-4)
Dump arbitrary data structures as XML
This module provide a single function called dump_xml() that takes a list of perl values as argument and produce a string as result. The string returned is an XML document that represents any perl data structures passed in. Reference loops are handled correctly. Seamus Venasse <svenasse@polaris.ca>
devel/Date-Manip-6.53 (Score: 2.1584389E-4)
Perl5 module containing date manipulation routines
Date::Manip is a series of modules designed to make any common date/time operation easy to do. Operations such as comparing two times, calculating a time a given amount of time from another, or parsing international times are all easily done.
devel/DateTime-Format-Pg-0.16.009 (Score: 2.1584389E-4)
Parse and format PostgreSQL dates and times
This module understands the formats used by PostgreSQL for its DATE, TIME, TIMESTAMP, and INTERVAL data types. It can be used to parse these formats in order to create DateTime or DateTime::Duration objects, and it can take a DateTime or DateTime::Duration object and produce a string representing it in a format accepted by PostgreSQL.