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Results 10,08110,090 of 19,819 for %22HTTP Server%22.(0.019 seconds)
textproc/hexpat-0.20.9 (Score: 0.0010835839)
XML parser/formatter based on expat
This package provides a general purpose Haskell XML library using Expat to do its parsing (a fast stream-oriented XML parser written in C). It is extensible to any string type, with String, ByteString and Text provided out of the box.
textproc/bbe-0.2.2 (Score: 0.0010835839)
Sed-like editor for binary files
Instead of reading input in lines as sed, bbe reads arbitrary blocks from an input stream and performs byte-related transformations on found blocks. Blocks can be defined using start/stop strings, stream offset and block length, or a combination. Basic editing commands include delete, replace, search/replace, binary operations (and, or, etc.), append, and bcd/ASCII conversion. For examining the input stream, it contains some grep-like features like printing the input file name, stream offset, and block number of found blocks. Block contents can also be printed in different formats like hex, octal, ASCII, and binary.
textproc/texmath-0.8.3 (Score: 0.0010835839)
Conversion between formats used to represent mathematics
The texmath library provides functions to read and write TeX math, presentation MathML, and OMML (Office Math Markup Language, used in Microsoft Office). Support is also included for converting math formats to pandoc's native format (allowing conversion, via pandoc, to a variety of different markup formats). The TeX reader supports basic LaTeX and AMS extensions, and it can parse and apply LaTeX macros.
textproc/xml-conduit-1.3.1 (Score: 0.0010835839)
Pure-Haskell utilities for dealing with XML with the conduit package
This package provides parsing and rendering functions for XML. It is based on the datatypes found in the xml-types package. This package is broken up into the following modules: * Text.XML: DOM-based parsing and rendering. This is the most commonly used module. * Text.XML.Cursor: A wrapper around Text.XML which allows bidirectional traversing of the DOM, similar to XPath. * Text.XML.Unresolved: A slight modification to Text.XML which does not require all entities to be resolved at parsing. The datatypes are slightly more complicated here, and therefore this module is only recommended when you need to deal directly with raw entities. * Text.XML.Stream.Parse: Streaming parser, including some streaming parser combinators. * Text.XML.Stream.Render: Streaming renderer.
textproc/yaml-0.8.13 (Score: 0.0010835839)
Support for parsing and rendering YAML documents
Provides support for parsing and emitting Yaml documents. This package includes the full libyaml C library version 0.1.2 by Kirill Simonov in the package so you don't need to worry about any non-Haskell dependencies.
textproc/html2fo-0.4.2 (Score: 0.0010835839)
HTML to xsl:fo converter
html2fo is a converter from html to xsl:fo. The html code could be written with StarOffice or other WYSIWYM editors and must not be 100% valid html code. html2fo is designed to produce a valid xsl:fo for using FOP from Apache.
textproc/libtranslate-0.99 (Score: 0.0010835839)
Natural language translation library
libtranslate is a library for translating text and web pages between natural languages. Its modular infrastructure allows to implement new translation services separately from the core library. libtranslate is shipped with a generic module supporting web-based translation services such as Babel Fish, Google Language Tools and SYSTRAN. Moreover, the generic module allows to add new services simply by adding a few lines to a XML file (see the services.xml(5) manual page). The libtranslate distribution includes a powerful command line interface (see the translate(1) manual page).
textproc/libunibreak-1.1 (Score: 0.0010835839)
Implementation of the line and word breaking algorithm for Unicode
Liblinebreak is an implementation of the line and word breaking algorithm as described in Unicode 5.1.0 Standard Annex 14, Revision 22. It breaks lines that contain Unicode characters. It is designed to be used in a generic text renderer. FBReader is one real-world example.
textproc/libutf8proc- (Score: 0.0010835839)
UTF8 Processing library
This is the Public software group utf8proc library repackaged as a conveniance library for NetSurf. This takes the unicode 5 capable version 1.1.6 of the library and converts it to the NetSurf build system. additional API has been added with a normalisation function but there are no data changes from upstream.
textproc/libyaml-0.1.6 (Score: 0.0010835839)
YAML 1.1 parser and emitter written in C
LibYAML is a YAML 1.1 parser and emitter written in C. LibYAML covers presenting and parsing processes. Thus LibYAML defines the following two processors: * Parser, which takes an input stream of bytes and produces a sequence of parsing events. * Emitter, which takes a sequence of events and produces a stream of bytes. The processes of parsing and presenting are inverse to each other. Any sequence of events produced by parsing a well-formed YAML document should be acceptable by the Emitter, which should produce an equivalent document. Similarly, any document produced by emitting a sequence of events should be acceptable for the Parser, which should produce an equivalent sequence of events. The job of resolving implicit tags, composing and serializing representation trees, as well as constructing and representing native objects is left to applications and bindings. Although some of these processes may be covered in the latter releases, they are not in the scope of the initial release of LibYAML.