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Results 701710 of 1,385 for /security/.(0.003 seconds)
security/Digest-SHA1-2.13 (Score: 0.08339406)
Perl interface to the SHA-1 Algorithm
The Digest::SHA1 module allows you to use the NIST SHA-1 message digest algorithm from within Perl programs. The algorithm takes as input a message of arbitrary length and produces as output a 160-bit "fingerprint" or "message digest" of the input. You will need Perl version 5.004 or better to install this module. Copyright 1999-2001 Gisle Aas. Copyright 1997 Uwe Hollerbach. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
security/php55-5.5.38 (Score: 0.08339406)
The hash shared extension for php
security/php55-5.5.38 (Score: 0.08339406)
The mcrypt shared extension for php
security/Digest-Tiger-0.03 (Score: 0.08339406)
Perl extension for Tiger hash algorithm
A perl module that implements the tiger hash, which is believed to be secure and runs quickly on 64-bit processors.
Passphrases and Passwords as objects for Dancer
Dancer::Plugin::Passphrase manages the hashing of passwords for Dancer apps, allowing developers to follow cryptography best practices without having to become a cryptography expert. It uses the bcrypt algorithm as the default, while also supporting any hashing function provided by Digest.
security/php55-5.5.38 (Score: 0.08339406)
The openssl shared extension for php
security/Crypt-SSLeay-0.72 (Score: 0.08339406)
Perl5 interface to allow p5-libwww LWP to make https connections
This perl module provides support for the https protocol under LWP, so that a LWP::UserAgent can make https GET & HEAD & POST requests. Please see perldoc LWP for more information on POST requests. The Crypt::SSLeay package contains Net::SSL, which is automatically loaded by LWP::Protocol::https on https requests, and provides the necessary SSL glue for that module to work via these deprecated modules: Crypt::SSLeay::CTX Crypt::SSLeay::Conn Crypt::SSLeay::X509 Work on Crypt::SSLeay has been continued only to provide https support for the LWP - libwww perl libraries. If you want access to the OpenSSL API via perl, check out Sampo's Net::SSLeay.
security/File-Scan-1.43 (Score: 0.08339406)
Perl5 anti-virus file scanning package
File::Scan allows users to make multiplatform virus scans which can detect Windows/DOS/Mac viruses. It includes a virus scanner and a signature database.
Extensible authentication framework for Dancer2 apps
Define that a user must be logged in and have the proper permissions to access a route
security/GSSAPI-0.28 (Score: 0.08339406)
Perl extension providing access to the GSSAPIv2 library
This module gives access to the routines of the GSSAPI library, as described in rfc2743 and rfc2744 and implemented by the Kerberos-1.2 distribution from MIT.