Ports 搜索

net/Net-Traceroute6-0.03 (Score: 0.062264226)
Perl module to parse traceroute6(8) output
This module implements traceroute6(8) functionality for perl5. It allows you to trace the path IP packets take to a destination. It is currently implemented as a parser around the system traceroute command.
net/Net-sFlow-0.11 (Score: 0.062264226)
Decode sFlow datagrams
The sFlow module provides a mechanism to parse and decode sFlow datagrams. It supports sFlow version 2/4 (RFC 3176 - http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3176.txt) and sFlow version 5 (Memo - http://sflow.org/sflow_version_5.txt).
net/Net-Trackback-1.01 (Score: 0.062264226)
Interface for developing Trackback clients and servers
This package is an object-oriented interface for developing Trackback clients and servers.
net/Net-Whois-1.9 (Score: 0.062264226)
Perl5 module to get information using the Whois protocol
This is a Perl 5 module that retrieves and parses information from the InterNIC 'whois' database. If you are behind a firewall, you probably won't be able to use this module. This version supports only the information about domains. Future work may include information about people and other entities about which the InterNIC keeps data.
net/Net-Yadis-1.0 (Score: 0.062264226)
Yadis service discovery protocol, and parses XRDS xml documents
Yadis is a service discovery system allowing relying parties (aka identity consumers or membersites) to determine automatically, without end-user intervention, the most appropriate protocol to use. Examples of such services are: * Single sign-on across web sites * Profile exchange and form filling * Blog anti-spam Yadis provides the first step for any service that uses identifiers for authentication, accountability, privacy controlled data exchange and more.
net/sdl_net-1.2.8 (Score: 0.062264226)
Small sample cross-platform networking library
This is a small sample cross-platform networking library, with a sample chat client and server application. The chat client uses the GUIlib GUI framework library.
net/sdl2_net-2.0.1 (Score: 0.062264226)
Small sample cross-platform networking library
This is a small sample cross-platform networking library, with a sample chat client and server application. The chat client uses the GUIlib GUI framework library.
net/Net-OpenSSH-Parallel-0.14 (Score: 0.061890796)
Run SSH jobs in parallel
Net::OpenSSH::Parallel is an scheduler that can run commands in parallel in a set of hosts through SSH. It tries to find a compromise between being simple to use, efficient and covering a good part of the problem space of parallel process execution via SSH. Obviously, it is build on top of Net::OpenSSH! Common usage of the module is as follows: - Create a Net::OpenSSH::Parallel object. - Register the hosts where you want to run commands with the "add_host" method. - Queue the actions you want to run (commands, file copy operations, etc.) using the "push" method. - Call the "run" method and let the parallel scheduler take care of everything!
net/Net-Address-IPv4-Local-0.12 (Score: 0.061644718)
Class for discovering the local system's IP address
Net::Address::IPv4::Local discovers the local system's IP address that would be used as the source address when contacting "the internet" or a certain specified remote IP address.
net/Net-Frame-Dump-1.14 (Score: 0.061644718)
Tcpdump like perl implementation
Net::Frame::Dump is the base class for all dump modules. With them, you can open a device for live capture, for offline analysis, or for creating a pcap file.