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german/unix-connect-0.95 (Score: 0.0054736417)
Unix-Connect - mail+news-gateway for Zconnect (tm)
English abstract: It is a German communication protocol used over modem lines, a mail and news gateway compliant with the German "GATEBAU" regulations. It is the native protocol for z-netz newsgroups. UNIX-Connect kann sehr vielseitig eingesetzt werden. Entwickelt wurde es, um ein Unix-System als Server im Z-NETZ (im alten Sinne) einsetzen zu koennen. Nebeneffekt ist die Gateway-Funktion. Gerade die Gateway-Routinen sind relativ gut portabel (ANSI-C ohne wesentliche UNIX-Einfluesse), und daher bereits auf anderen Computertypen realisiert worden. Bei den Online-Routinen ist das schwieriger, aber nicht unmoeglich. UNIX-Connect kann auch als Point benutzt werden - also um am heimischen Linux-System die Nachrichten aus der Z-NETZ MailBox vor Ort im ELM oder NN zu lesen. Dieser Einsatzmoeglichkeit widmet die Dokumentation ein eigenes Kapitel, da hierbei sehr viele Konfigurationsprobleme von vornherein vermieden werden koennen. LICENSE: GPL2 or later LICENSE: BSD (rsmtp) FTP: ftp://unix-connect.sf.net/pub/unix-connect/ FTP: ftp://ftp.dinoex.org/pub/unix-connect/
devel/kdbg-2.5.5 (Score: 0.005240526)
Graphical user interface around gdb using KDE
KDbg is a graphical user interface to gdb, the GNU debugger, to provide an intuitive interface for setting breakpoints, inspecting variables, and stepping through code. * Inspection of variable values in a tree structure. * Debugger at your finger tips: The basic debugger functions (step, next, run, finish, until, set/clear/enable/disable breakpoint) are bound to function keys F5 through F10. * Of course, lots of other basic functions: View source code, search text, set program arguments and environment variables, display arbitrary expressions * Debugging of core dumps, attaching to running processes is possible. * Conditional breakpoints.
finance/strucchange-1.5.1 (Score: 0.005240526)
Testing, Monitoring, and Dating Structural Changes
Testing, monitoring and dating structural changes in (linear) regression models. strucchange features tests/methods from the generalized fluctuation test framework as well as from the F test (Chow test) framework. This includes methods to fit, plot and test fluctuation processes (e.g., CUSUM, MOSUM, recursive/moving estimates) and F statistics, respectively. It is possible to monitor incoming data online using fluctuation processes. Finally, the breakpoints in regression models with structural changes can be estimated together with confidence intervals. Emphasis is always given to methods for visualizing the data.
math/randlib-1.3 (Score: 0.005240526)
Library of Routines for Random Number Generation
This library provides routines that return: (1) Beta random deviates (2) Chi-square random deviates (3) Exponential random deviates (4) F random deviates (5) Gamma random deviates (6) Multivariate normal random deviates (mean and covariance matrix specified) (7) Noncentral chi-square random deviates (8) Noncentral F random deviates (9) Univariate normal random deviates (10) Random permutations of an integer array (11) Real uniform random deviates between specif (12) Binomial random deviates (13) Negative Binomial random deviates (14) Multinomial random deviates (15) Poisson random deviates (16) Integer uniform deviates between specified limits (17) Seeds for the random number generator calculated from a character string
x11-wm/piewm-1.04 (Score: 0.005240526)
tvtwm with pie (circular) menus
This is piewm, a tvtwm with "pie" (i.e., round) menus. You can change "f.menu" and "menu" in your .tvtwmrc into "f.piemenu" "piemenu" in .piewmrc and you will suddenly seeing lovely round menus. It also has virtual desktops that you can "pull" things out, i.e., move the mouse into the virtual desktop window, grab a window with the middle button, and move the mouse out, and then the window will appear in the current screen. This feature is exactly the same as tvtwm.
converters/unidecode-0.04.19 (Score: 0.0049408157)
ASCII transliterations of Unicode text
What Unidecode provides is a function, 'unidecode(...)' that takes Unicode data and tries to represent it in ASCII characters (i.e., the universally displayable characters between 0x00 and 0x7F). The representation is almost always an attempt at *transliteration* -- i.e., conveying, in Roman letters, the pronunciation expressed by the text in some other writing system. (See the example above)
devel/file-tail-1.1.1 (Score: 0.0049408157)
Ruby library that allows Ruby to 'tail' files
This is a small ruby library that allows Ruby to 'tail' a file, including following a file, that still is growing like the Unix command 'tail -f' can. This Library is similar to Perl's File::Tail. It can be used to extend Ruby's File-objects, for File-derived classes, or by using the included simple File::Tail::Logfile class.
games/sl-5.01 (Score: 0.0049408157)
Steam locomotive runs across the screen if you type "sl" instead of "ls"
This is deluxe edition of joke software "sl" such that a steam locomotive runs across your screen if you type "sl" (Steam Locomotive) instead of "ls" by mistake. -a, -l and -F options are available. This program was written by TOYODA Masashi
games/torcs-1.3.6 (Score: 0.0049408157)
The Open Racing Car Simulator
TORCS is a car simulator, and also a racing robots game. It requires a 3D accelerated card, with OpenGL support. For the player driver, the car parameters are located in the files: torcs/runtime/drivers/human/car*.xml depending on the car used. During the menus or the game hit the F1 key to get help.
games/xsc-1.6 (Score: 0.0049408157)
Vector graphics space shoot'em up game
Xsc is a clone of the old vector graphics video game Star Castle by Cinematronics. The object is to destroy the enemy ship, destroying its protective rings first while dodging various buzzers and fireballs sent to destroy you. Keys: D turn counter-clockwise F turn clockwise J thrust K fire laser P pause Q quit space new game