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devel/llvm-3.5.2 (Score: 0.0012383816)
Low Level Virtual Machine
Low Level Virtual Machine (LLVM) is: - A compilation strategy designed to enable effective program optimization across the entire lifetime of a program. - A virtual instruction set. - A compiler infrastructure. - LLVM does not imply things that you would expect from a high-level virtual machine. It does not require garbage collection or run-time code generation.
devel/llvm-3.6.2 (Score: 0.0012383816)
Low Level Virtual Machine
Low Level Virtual Machine (LLVM) is: - A compilation strategy designed to enable effective program optimization across the entire lifetime of a program. - A virtual instruction set. - A compiler infrastructure. - LLVM does not imply things that you would expect from a high-level virtual machine. It does not require garbage collection or run-time code generation.
devel/phabricator-20151220 (Score: 0.0012383816)
Open source, software engineering platform
Phabricator is a collection of open source web applications that help software companies build better software.
devel/xdebug-2.4.0 (Score: 0.0012383816)
Xdebug extension for PHP
The Xdebug extension helps you debugging your script by providing a lot of valuable debug information. The debug information that Xdebug can provide includes the following: * stack and function traces in error messages with: o full parameter display for user defined functions o function name, file name and line indications o support for member functions * memory allocation * protection for infinite recursions Xdebug also provides: * profiling information for PHP scripts * script execution analysis * capabilities to debug your scripts interactively with a debug client
devel/devtools-10 (Score: 0.0012383816)
Linux compilers and base libraries
Development tools and base libraries for linux_base-f10. Required by some Linux applications such as Matlab, which allows the user to integrate custom C, C++, and Fortran code via the MEX compiler.
devel/looks-2.6.0 (Score: 0.0012383816)
Improved appearance for Java Swing applications
The JGoodies Looks make Swing applications and applets look better. The package consists of a Windows look&feel and the Plastic look&feel family optimized for readability, precise micro-design and usability.
devel/lrmi-0.10 (Score: 0.0012383816)
LRMI is a library for calling real mode BIOS routines
Linux/BSD Real Mode interface library.
devel/dwarves-1.10.20160713 (Score: 0.0012383816)
Debugging Information Manipulation Tools
Dwarves is a set of tools that use the debugging information inserted in ELF binaries by compilers such as GCC, used by well known debuggers such as GDB, and more recent ones such as systemtap. Utilities in the dwarves suite include pahole, that can be used to find alignment holes in structs and classes in languages such as C, C++, but not limited to these. It also extracts other information such as CPU cacheline alignment, helping pack those structures to achieve more cache hits. A diff like tool, codiff can be used to compare the effects changes in source code generate on the resulting binaries. Another tool is pfunct, that can be used to find all sorts of information about functions, inlines, decisions made by the compiler about inlining, etc.
devel/bitop-1.0.2 (Score: 0.0012383816)
Bitwise operations on numbers
Lua BitOp is a C extension module for Lua 5.1/5.2 which adds bitwise operations on numbers.
devel/magit-2.7.0 (Score: 0.0012383816)
Interface to Git for Emacs
Magit is an interface to the version control system Git, implemented as an Emacs extension. Unlike Emacs' native Version Control package which strives to provide a unified interface to various version control systems, Magit only supports Git and can therefore better take advantage of its native features.