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Results 1,0311,040 of 5,824 for /net/.(0.003 seconds)
net/libnet-1.1.6 (Score: 0.07643312)
C library for creating IP packets
Libnet is a high-level API (toolkit) allowing the application programmer to construct and inject network packets. It provides a portable and simplified interface for low-level network packet shaping, handling and injection. Libnet hides much of the tedium of packet creation from the application programmer such as multiplexing, buffer management, arcane packet header information, byte-ordering, OS-dependent issues, and much more. Libnet features portable packet creation interfaces at the IP layer and link layer, as well as a host of supplementary and complementary functionality. Using libnet, quick and simple packet assembly applications can be whipped up with little effort. With a bit more time, more complex programs can be written (Traceroute and ping were easily rewritten using libnet and libpcap).
net/libnfs-1.3.0 (Score: 0.07643312)
Client library for accessing NFS shares over a network
LIBNFS is a client library for accessing NFS shares over a network. LIBNFS offers three different APIs, for different use : 1, RAW : A fully async low level RPC library for NFS protocols 2, NFS ASYNC : A fully asynchronous library for high level vfs functions 3, NFS SYNC : A synchronous library for high level vfs functions
net/libnss-pgsql-1.5.0 (Score: 0.07643312)
NSS module using a PostgreSQL database for backend
libNSS-PostgreSQL allows you to authenticate UNIX groups and users using a PostgreSQL database. It uses the NSS API which provides an abstraction layer between the UNIX authentication API and the related data. NSS-PostgreSQL currently supports the passwd and groups services.
net/libp0f-2.0.8 (Score: 0.07643312)
Library of p0f-2.x for yaf as in the CERT NETSA confluence
libp0f is the autotools version of p0f-2.x with support for 3rd-party linkage. libp0f splits the core p0f functionality from the p0f-2.x application. The p0f library is installed as libp0f.so so p0f2 and libp0f can co-exist independantly.
net/libproxy-0.4.12 (Score: 0.07643312)
GConf-based plug-in for libproxy
Libproxy exists to answer the question: Given a network resource, how do I reach it? It handles all the details, enabling you to get back to programming. This plug-in allows libproxy to obtain proxy settings from a GNOME2 desktop by using GConf.
net/avahi-libs-0.6.25 (Score: 0.07643312)
Libraries for Avahi (Linux CentOS 6.8)
net/libproxy-0.4.12 (Score: 0.07643312)
GSettings-based configuration plug-in for libproxy
Libproxy exists to answer the question: Given a network resource, how do I reach it? It handles all the details, enabling you to get back to programming. This plug-in allows libproxy to obtain proxy settings from a GNOME3 desktop by using GSettings.
net/libproxy-0.4.12 (Score: 0.07643312)
Mozilla JavaScript plug-in for libproxy
Libproxy exists to answer the question: Given a network resource, how do I reach it? It handles all the details, enabling you to get back to programming. This plug-in allows Mozilla-based browsers to make use of libproxy.
net/libproxy-0.4.12 (Score: 0.07643312)
Perl binding for libproxy
Libproxy exists to answer the question: Given a network resource, how do I reach it? It handles all the details, enabling you to get back to programming. This plug-in allows perl applications to make use of libproxy.
net/libproxy-0.4.12 (Score: 0.07643312)
python binding for libproxy
Libproxy exists to answer the question: Given a network resource, how do I reach it? It handles all the details, enabling you to get back to programming. This plug-in allows python applications to make use of libproxy.