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Results 11,12111,130 of 17,660 for descr%3A%22spam filter%22.(0.012 seconds)
devel/ExtUtils-InstallPaths-0.011 (Score: 1.2052792E-4)
Build.PL install path logic made easy
ExtUtils::InstallPaths tries to make install path resolution as easy as possible. When you want to install a module, it needs to figure out where to install things. The nutshell version of how this works is that default installation locations are determined from ExtUtils::Config, and they may be individually overridden by using the install_path attribute. An install_base attribute lets you specify an alternative installation root like /home/foo and prefix does something similar in a rather different (and more complicated) way. destdir lets you specify a temporary installation directory like /tmp/install in case you want to create bundled-up installable packages.
devel/rth-1.7.0 (Score: 1.2052792E-4)
Web-based requirement, test, and bugtracking system
rth is a web-based tool designed to manage requirements, tests, test results, and defects throughout the application life cycle. The tool provides a structured approach to software testing and increases the visibility of the testing process by creating a common repository for all test assets including requirements, test cases, test plans, and test results. Regardless of their geographic location, rth allows testers, developers, business analysts, and managers to monitor and gauge application readiness. The tool includes modules for requirements management, test planning, test execution, defect tracking, and reporting.
devel/IO-stringy-2.111 (Score: 1.2052792E-4)
Use IO handles with non-file objects
IO-stringy makes it possible to create perl filehandles that point to just about any object. It contains next modules: IO::AtomicFile - write a file which is updated atomically IO::InnerFile - define a file inside another file IO::Lines - IO:: interface for reading/writing an array of lines IO::Scalar - IO:: interface for reading/writing a scalar IO::ScalarArray - IO:: interface for reading/writing an array of scalars IO::Wrap - wrap raw filehandles in IO::Handle interface IO::WrapTie - wrap tieable objects in IO::Handle interface
devel/IPC-MMA-0.81 (Score: 1.2052792E-4)
Improved Perl interface to Ralf Engelschall's mm library
IPC::MMA provides an interface to Ralf Engelschall's mm library, allowing memory to be shared between multiple processes in a relatively convenient way. IPC::MMA is a superset of Arthur Choung's IPC::MM module, adding arrays and allowing any Perl scalar to be used as a hash/BTree key rather than just C strings. IPC::MMA hashes are like IPC::MM BTrees in that they return keys in sorted order ineach, keys, and next operations. An IPC::MMA array can store data in any of six ways, including general-purpose scalars, signed or unsigned integers, floating-point numbers, fixed-length strings/records, and booleans at one bit per array element.
devel/Log-Dump-0.14 (Score: 1.2052792E-4)
Perl extension of simple logger mainly for debugging
Log::Dump is a simple logger mix-in mainly for debugging. This installs six methods into a caller (the class that used Log::Dump) via Sub::Install. The point is you don't need to load extra dumper modules or you don't need to concatenate messages. Just log things and they will be dumped (and concatenated if necessary) to stderr, and to a file if you prefer. Also, you can use these logging methods as class methods or object methods (though usually you don't want to mix them, especially when you're doing something special).
devel/Module-Extract-0.01 (Score: 1.2052792E-4)
Base class for working with Perl distributions
Module::Extract is a convenience base class for creating module that work with Perl distributions. Its purpose is to take care of the mechanisms of locating and extracting a Perl distribution so that your module can do something specific to the distribution. This module was originally created to provide an abstraction for the extraction logic for both Module::Inspector and Module::P4P and to allow additional features to be added in the future without having to modify both of them, because the general problem of "locate, download, and expand a distribution" is one that is almost ideal for adding additional features down the line.
devel/MooseX-App-1.35 (Score: 1.2052792E-4)
Write user-friendly command line apps with even less suffering
MooseX-App is a highly customizeable helper to write user-friendly command-line applications without having to worry about most of the annoying things usually involved. Just take any existing Moose class, add a single line (use MooseX-App qw(PluginA PluginB ...)) and create one class for each command in an underlying namespace. MooseX-App will then take care of - Finding, loading and initializing the command classes - Creating automated doucumentation - Reading and validating the command line options entered by the user Read the Tutorial[1] for getting started with a simple MooseX::App command line application. [1] http://search.cpan.org/dist/MooseX-App/lib/MooseX/App/Tutorial.pod
devel/Object-Destroyer-2.01 (Score: 1.2052792E-4)
Make objects with circular references DESTROY normally
Object::Destroyer allows for the creation of "Destroy" handles. The handle is "attached" to the circular relationship, but is not a part of it. When the destroy handle falls out of scope, it will be cleaned up correctly, and while being cleaned up, it will also force the data structure it is attached to be destroyed as well. Object::Destroyer can call a specified release method on an object (or method DESTROY by default). Alternatively, it can execute an arbitrary user code passed to constructor as a code reference.
devel/PAR-Dist-0.49 (Score: 1.2052792E-4)
Create and manipulate PAR distributions
This module creates and manipulates PAR distributions. They are architecture-specific PAR files, containing everything under blib/ of CPAN distributions after their "make" or "Build" stage, a META.yml describing metadata of the original CPAN distribution, and a MANIFEST detailing all files within it. Digitally signed PAR distributions will also contain a SIGNATURE file. The naming convention for such distributions is: $NAME-$VERSION-$ARCH-$PERL_VERSION.par For example, "PAR-Dist-0.01-i386-freebsd-5.8.0.par" corresponds to the 0.01 release of "PAR-Dist" on CPAN, built for perl 5.8.0 running on "i386-freebsd".
devel/PAR-1.010 (Score: 1.2052792E-4)
Perl Archive Toolkit
The PAR Toolkit is a cross between Java's JAR and Perl2EXE; It makes cross-platform packaging and deployment a breeze for Perl programmers. Notable features include: * Turn your Perl programs into ready-to-run executables * Pack scripts and required libraries with a binary loader * Put PAR files into @INC to avoid version conflicts * Works with remote URL as well as local files * Supports XS modules and DATA sections * Turns CPAN module distributions into PAR distributions * Install, uninstall, signs and verifies PAR distributions * Runs scripts inside PAR files, generated by "pp -p"