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devel/SVN-S4-1.056 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Wrapper for subversion program
S4 provides a wrapper to subversion that extends several of the commands (for example, "fixprop", "scrub", "snapshot"). It understands all svn commands; you may simply use "s4" wherever you would normally type "svn".
devel/Taint-Util-0.08 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Test for and flip the taint flag without regex matches or eval
Taint::Util wraps perl's internal routines for checking and setting the taint flag and thus does not rely on regular expressions for untainting or odd tricks involving eval and kill for checking whether data is tainted, instead it checks and flips a flag on the scalar in-place.
devel/Task-Tiny-0.002 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Install a lightweight development environment
Task::Tiny may be used to install a selection of tiny Perl extensions from CPAN.
devel/Task-Weaken-1.04 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Ensure that a platform has weaken support
One recurring problem in modules that use Scalar::Util's weaken function is that it is not present in the pure-perl variant. While this isn't necessarily always a problem in a straight CPAN-based Perl environment, some operating system distributions only include the pure-Perl versions, don't include the XS version, and so weaken is then "missing" from the platform, despite passing a dependency on Scalar::Util successfully. Most notably this is RedHat Linux at time of writing, but other come and go and do the same thing, hence "recurring problem". The normal solution is to manually write tests in each distribution to ensure that weaken is available. This restores the functionality testing to a dependency you do once in your Makefile.PL, rather than something you have to write extra tests for each time you write a module. It should also help make the package auto-generators for the various operating systems play more nicely, because it introduces a dependency that they have to have a proper weaken in order to work.
devel/SVN-Simple-0.28 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Simple interface to SVN::Delta::Editor
SVN::Simple::Edit wraps the subversion delta editor with a perl friendly interface and then you could easily drive it for describing changes to a tree. A common usage is to wrap the commit editor, so you could make commits to a subversion repository easily.
devel/SVN-Statistics-0.041 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
SVN::Statistics - perl module to create subversion statistics
SVN::Statistics - perl module to create subversion statistics
devel/SVN-Web-0.63 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Subversion repository web frontend
SVN::Web provides a web interface to subversion repositories. You can browse the tree, view history of a directory or a file, see what's changed in a specific revision, track changes with RSS, and also view diff. SVN::Web also tracks the branching feature (node copy) of subversion, so you can easily see the relationship between branches.
devel/Term-ANSIScreen-1.50 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Term::ANSIColor clone with screen mode support
Term::ANSIScreen is an Term::ANSIColor clone with support for screen mode, cursor control and keyboard mapping sequences.
devel/Sah-0.9.41 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Schema for data structures (specification)
Sah is a schema language for validating data structures. In the 0.9.0 series, there will probably still be incompatible syntax changes between revision before the spec stabilizes into 1.0 series.
devel/Scalar-Defer-0.23 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Calculate values on demand
Unlike the tie-based Data::Lazy, this module operates on values, not variables. Therefore, assigning into $dv and $lv above will simply replace the value, instead of triggering a STORE method call. Also, thanks to the overload-based implementation, this module is about 2x faster than Data::Lazy.