Ports 搜索

www/Amon2-6.10 (Score: 0.020137845)
Perl extension for lightweight web application framework
Amon2 is simple, readable, extensible, STABLE, FAST web application framework based on Plack.
www/mod_setenvifplus-0.22 (Score: 0.020137845)
Allows setting environment variables based on request attributes
The mod_setenvifplus module allows you to set environment variables according to whether different aspects of the request match regular expressions you specify. These environment variables can be used by other parts of the server to make decisions about actions to be taken, e.g. by using mod_qos or to propagate supplemental information to the appliaction via HTTP header data. mod_setenvifplus is derived from the standard Apache modules mod_setenvif and mod_headers.
www/Any-Template-1.015 (Score: 0.020137845)
Provide a consistent interface to a wide array of templating languages
Provide a consistent interface to a wide array of templating languages
www/Any-URI-Escape-0.01 (Score: 0.020137845)
Load URI::Escape::XS preferentially over URI::Escape
URI::Escape is great, but URI::Escape::XS is faster. This module loads URI::Escape::XS and imports the two most common methods if XS is installed.
www/AnyEvent-HTTP-LWP-UserAgent-0.10 (Score: 0.020137845)
Perl extension for LWP::UserAgent interface using AnyEvent::HTTP
AnyEvent::HTTP::LWP::UserAgent uses AnyEvent::HTTP inside but have an interface of LWP::UserAgent. You can safely use this module in Coro environment (and possibly in AnyEvent too).
www/AnyEvent-HTTP-2.22 (Score: 0.020137845)
Simple but non-blocking HTTP/HTTPS client
Implements a simple, stateless and non-blocking HTTP client. It supports GET, POST and other request methods, cookies and more, all on a very low level. It can follow redirects supports proxies and automatically limits the number of connections to the values specified in the RFC.
www/AnyEvent-HTTPD-0.93 (Score: 0.020137845)
Simple lightweight event based web server
A simple lightweight event based web server
www/AnyEvent-Mojo-0.8003 (Score: 0.020137845)
Perl extension to start async Mojo servers easily
This module allows you to integrate Mojo applications with the AnyEvent framework. For example, you can run a web interface for a long-lived AnyEvent daemon.
www/AnyEvent-ReverseHTTP-0.05 (Score: 0.020137845)
Perl extension of reversehttp for AnyEvent
A reversehttp for AnyEvent.
www/mod_xml2enc-1.0.3 (Score: 0.020137845)
Apache module for converting encoding before and/or after a filter run
mod_xml2enc is a transcoding module that can be used to extend the internationalisation support of libxml2-based filter modules by converting encoding before and/or after the filter has run. Thus an unsupported input charset can be converted to UTF-8, and output can also be converted to another charset if required.