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Results 411420 of 17,773 for comment.zh_CN%3A%E6%8E%A7%E5%88%B6%E5%8F%B0.(0.009 seconds)
devel/Data-Clone-0.004 (Score: 0.008723101)
Polymorphic data cloning
Data::Clone does data cloning, i.e. copies things recursively. This is smart so that it works with not only non-blessed references, but also with blessed references (i.e. objects). When clone() finds an object, it calls a clone method of the object if the object has a clone, otherwise it makes a surface copy of the object. That is, this module does polymorphic data cloning. Although there are several modules on CPAN which can clone data, this module has a different cloning policy from almost all of them. See "Cloning policy" and "Comparison to other cloning modules" [1] for details. [1] http://search.cpan.org/dist/Data-Clone/lib/Data/Clone.pm
mail/nmh-1.6 (Score: 0.008723101)
Cleaned up MH mailer suite
----------- What is it? ----------- nmh (new MH) is an electronic mail handling system - a MUA (Mail User Agent) package for end-users to handle their e-mail. It was originally based on the package MH-6.8.3, and is intended to be a (mostly) compatible drop-in replacement for MH. nmh consists of a collection of fairly simple single-purpose programs to send, receive, save, retrieve, and manipulate e-mail messages. Since nmh is not a single comprehensive program, you may freely intersperse nmh commands with other shells commands, or write custom scripts which utilize these commands in flexible ways.
chinese/big5width-1.0 (Score: 0.008658834)
Unicode width dirty fix for Big5 font (zh_TW.UTF-8 locale)
Unicode define some character width as ambiguous. Software determines the width of characters accroding the context. However, sometimes it is hard or impossible to know the context. Thus, this port dirty fixes some console software, let them recognize all characters in Big5 encoding range as double width. Now you will be happy with UTF8 terminal and Big5 fonts :) This port fixes the zh_TW.UTF-8 locale for wcwidth(3) and wcswidth(3).
devel/btree- (Score: 0.008654825)
BTree implementation for Go
This package provides an in-memory B-Tree implementation for Go, useful as a an ordered, mutable data structure.
audio/jackit-0.124.1 (Score: 0.00864797)
Low latency audio server
JACK is a low latency audio server, written for POSIX-conformant operating systems. It can connect a number of different applications to an audio device, as well as allowing them to share audio between themselves. Its clients can run in their own processes (i.e. as normal applications), or can they can run within the JACK server (i.e. as a "plugin"). JACK was designed from the ground up for professional audio work, and its design focuses on two key areas: synchronous execution of all clients, and low latency operation.
biology/bedtools-2.25.0 (Score: 0.00864797)
Toolset for genome arithmetic
The bedtools utilities are a suite of tools for performing a wide range of genomics analysis tasks. The most widely-used of these tools enable genome arithmetic, i.e., set theory on the genome. For example, with bedtools one can intersect, merge, count, complement, and shuffle genomic intervals from multiple files in common genomic formats such as BAM, BED, GFF/GTF, and VCF. Although each individual utility is designed to do a relatively simple task, e.g., intersect two interval files, more sophisticated analyses can be conducted by stringing together multiple bedtools operations on the command line or in shell scripts.
mail/spampd-2.42 (Score: 0.00864797)
Spamassassin SMTP Proxy
spampd is a program used within an e-mail delivery system to scan messages for possible Unsolicited Commercial E-mail (UCE, aka spam) content. It uses an excellent program called SpamAssassin (SA) to do the actual message scanning. spampd acts as a transparent SMTP/LMTP proxy between two mail servers, and during the transaction it passes the mail through SA. If SA decides the mail could be spam, then spampd will ask SA to add some headers and a report to the message indicating it's spam and why. spampd is written in Perl and should theoretically run on any platform supported by Perl and SpamAssassin.
devel/f77flow-0.12 (Score: 0.008627794)
Analyze the structure of a fortran77 program
This little program analyses the structure of FORTRAN source-code. As a result you get a little flow diagram in which you can recognize which SUBROUTINE is called by the program. Further all subroutines called from this one are displayed. The indciation of the displayed names is a degree for the level. A new addition is the change of the starting point for an analysis. Instead to check the whole source-code you can start with a special SUBROUTINE and see the depence of this one. The number of files which contain the routines are not restricted by the program. You can report the CALL- and/or SUBROUTINE-statements together with filenames and line numbers to special files. Dirk Geschke 7. March 1997
mail/meta1-1.1.0a.6.0 (Score: 0.008564292)
Secure and efficient mail gateway
MeTA1 is a message transfer agent that has been designed with these main topics in minds: * Security * Reliability * Efficiency * Configurability * Extendibility MeTA1 consists of five main modules of which only one runs as root: * mcp: the main control program is similar to inetd(8): it starts all other MeTA1 modules and watches over their execution. mcp runs as root in order to bind to port 25 and to change the uid of the processes it starts. * smtps: the SMTP server receives e-mails. * smtpc: the SMTP client sends e-mails. * smar: the address resolver provides lookups in various maps including DNS for mail routing. * qmgr: the queue manager controls the flow of e-mails through the SMTP servers and clients.
sysutils/lmmon-0.65 (Score: 0.008558852)
Display information gathered from MB power management controller
lmmon displays information gathered from a motherboard power management controller (e.g. LM78/79). Displayed values include fan speeds, motherboard temperature, and various voltages. By default it cycles once per second using a curses- based display. Currently, the /dev/smb0 interface is only supported in FreeBSD 3.3-STABLE (after 01 November 1999), 4.x, and 5.x; however, the /dev/io interface may work with many motherboards in FreeBSD 3.x and some non-LM78/79 motherboards. In addition, lmmon supports simple text output that can be easily used by external programs (e.g. UCD SNMP Daemon) for monitoring.