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Results 401410 of 17,773 for comment.zh_CN%3A%E6%8E%A7%E5%88%B6%E5%8F%B0.(0.027 seconds)
www/server_spy-0.2.3 (Score: 0.008978096)
Indicates what brand of HTTP server runs on the visited site
Server Spy indicates what brand of HTTP server (e.g. Apache, IIS, etc.) runs on the visited sites.
multimedia/vdr-plugin-remote-0.4.0 (Score: 0.008976107)
Video Disk Recorder - remote control plugin
http://www.linuxtv.org/vdrwiki/index.php/Remote-plugin This plugin extends the remote control capabilities of vdr. The following remote control devices are supported: (a) Linux input device driver ('/dev/input/eventX', X=0,1,2,...) (currently not supported on FreeBSD) (b) keyboard (tty driver): /dev/console, /dev/ttyX (c) TCP connection (telnet) (d) LIRC (e) some(?) FreeBSD uhid(4) devices (experimental support added by this port) To use, add something like this to vdr_flags: '-Premote -h /dev/uhid0', (re)start vdr, then the osd should ask you to configure the remote by pressing the buttons you want to assign. Note: If your remote is detected as a keyboard you'll have to tell ukbd(4) to ignore it first by doing (as root) something like: usbconfig add_dev_quirk_vplh 0x1241 0xe000 0 0xffff UQ_KBD_IGNORE (and possibly unplug it for a moment or reset it via usbconfig, 0x1241 there is the vendor id, 0xe000 the product id of the device, you can get yours by doing usbconfig -d 1.2 dump_device_desc and looking for idVendor and idProduct, -d 1.2 there corresponds to ugen1.2 listed by usbconfig w/o args.) You can check with: usbconfig show_ifdrv if the device is then listed as ugen...: uhid... you're good to go. 2nd note: If vdr cannot open your uhid device check it is not claimed by xorg: fstat |grep uhid If it is you may need an xorg.conf(5) with manually defined InputDevice sections for mouse and keyboard and Option "AutoAddDevices" "False" in the ServerFlags section. And if for some reason you want to reassign the buttons on the remote you can stop vdr and do: touch /usr/local/etc/vdr/channels.conf and/or remove uhid entries from /usr/local/etc/vdr/remote.conf . When you then start vdr again it should ask to configure the remote again.
devel/log4sh-1.4.2 (Score: 0.008971147)
Common logging library for Bourne shell scripts
Log4sh is a logging framework for shell scripts that works similar to the other wonderful logging products available from the Apache Software Foundation (eg. log4j, log4perl). Although not as powerful as the others, it can make the task of adding advanced logging to shell scripts easier. It has much more power than just using simple "echo" commands throughout. In addition, it can be configured from a properties file so that scripts in a production environment do not need to be altered to change the amount of logging they produce.
multimedia/poe-0.5.1 (Score: 0.008963764)
Vorbis comment editor for GNUstep
Poe: A Pugnacious Ogg Editor. Poe is a vorbis comment editor. It tries to follow the vorbis comment header specification closely, while being convenient and flexible to use. Towards that end, it doesn't have a static 'form' style interface. Instead, it has an editable table of comments. The contents of the table change dependent upon preference settings, and what comments are in the ogg file you are editing. LICENSE: GPL2 or later
dns/pdnsd-1.2.9a (Score: 0.008917186)
Caching (permanently, writes to disk on exit) DNS proxy-server
pdnsd is a proxy dns server with permanent caching (the cache contents are written to hard disk on exit) that is designed to cope with unreachable or down dns servers (for example in dial-in networking). pdnsd can be used with applications that do dns lookups, eg on startup, and can't be configured to change that behavior, to prevent the often minute-long hangs (or even crashes) that result from stalled dns queries. Some Netscape Navigator versions for Unix, for example, expose this behavior. pdnsd is configurable via a file and supports run-time configuration using the program pdnsd-ctl that comes with pdnsd. This allows you to set the status flags of servers that pdnsd knows (to influence which servers pdnsd will query), and the addition, deletion and invalidation of DNS records in pdnsd's cache. Parallel name server queries are supported. This is a technique that allows querying several servers at the same time so that very slow or unavailable servers will not block the answer for one timeout interval. Since version 1.0.0, pdnsd has full IPv6 support.
math/x12arima-0.3 (Score: 0.008809265)
X-12-ARIMA seasonal adjustment program
X-12-ARIMA is seasonal adjustment software produced, distributed, and maintained by the U.S. Census Bureau, where it is used for all official seasonal adjustments.
www/Catalyst-View-XML-Simple-0.01 (Score: 0.008809265)
Perl extension for Catalyst XML View Class
Catalyst View class for XML::Simple.
www/WWW-Mixi-0.50 (Score: 0.008809265)
Perl module of Automated interface to the Mixi
Mixi is most famous as SNS of Japan.
Tenner themes pack for fluxbox
Tenr Fluxbox themes pack
graphics/pqiv-2.6 (Score: 0.00879795)
Pretty Quick Image Viewer
Originally, PQIV was written as a drop-in replacement for QIV. The first release was not more than a Python script, hence the name. Now, PQIV is a (modulo some small extras) full featured clone of QIV written in C using GTK-2 and GLIB-2. Features include: * Command line image viewer * Directory traversing to view whole directories * Watch files and directories for changes * Natural order sorting of the images * A status bar showing information on the current image * Transparency and animation support * Moving, zooming, rotation, flipping * Slideshows * Highly customizable * Supports external image filters (e.g. convert) * Preloads the next image in the background * Fade between images * Optional PDF/eps/ps support (useful e.g. for scientific plots) * Optional video format support (e.g. for webm animations)