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Results 7,0617,070 of 18,669 for descr.zh_CN%3A%E9%81%8F%E5%88%B6%E5%9E%83%E5%9C%BE.(0.016 seconds)
sysutils/host-setup-4.0.2 (Score: 2.252498E-4)
System configuration setup/management utility
Host-setup is a dialog(1) (or Xdialog(1)) based utility for configuring your system. Built on the same safety and reliability of sysrc(8) to manage changes to rc.conf(5), host-setup(1) can also activate changes to the system in a safe and effective manner. Functionality includes (but may not be limited to): - Configure Time Zone - Configure Hostname/Domain - Configure Network Interfaces - Confgure Default Router/Gateway - Configure DNS nameservers
sysutils/ods2-1.3 (Score: 2.252498E-4)
Utility for manipulating ODS-2 filesystems
From aaareadme.txt: Say, what is this? ODS2 is a program to read VMS disk volumes written in VMS ODS2 format. What can it do? Basically ODS2 provides cut down DIRECTORY, COPY and SEARCH commands for VMS volumes on non-VMS systems. These can be used to find out what is on a VMS volume, and copy files onto the local file sytem. See aaareadme.txt and aaareadme.too for more information.
sysutils/userneu-1.43 (Score: 2.252498E-4)
Account management and creation tool
'userneu' is a Perl script that parses a list of usernames and additional information (such as the real name or other information to be put in the GECOS field in /etc/passwd) and creates Unix accounts and (if desired) Samba accounts as well. If the script stumbles upon duplicate user names it can append random characters to the username until it fits. -Andreas Fehlner fehlner@gmx.de
textproc/xslcache-0.7.2 (Score: 2.252498E-4)
Caches the parsed XSL stylesheet between sessions
The XSL Cache extension is a modification of PHP's standard XSL extension that caches the parsed XSL stylesheet representation between sessions for 2.5x boost in performance for sites that repeatedly apply the same transform. Although there is still some further work that could be done on the extension, this code is already proving beneficial in production use for a few applications on the New York Times' website.
textproc/localize-0.0.1 (Score: 2.252498E-4)
Application to aid in the translation of .strings files
Localize is an application to aid in the translation of .strings files. .strings files must be distributed in ASCII encoding, which generally isn't a convenient encoding to do translation in. As an example, its rather difficult to enter Chinese characters into an ASCII encoded text file. Localize will, with any luck, help out with this. Currently its just a shell of an application, but sometime in the future I hope to complete it. LICENSE: GPL2 or later
textproc/Number-Format-1.75 (Score: 2.252498E-4)
Perl extension for formatting numbers
Number::Format is a library for formatting numbers. Functions are provided for converting numbers to strings in a variety of ways, and to convert strings that contain numbers back into numeric form. The output formats may include thousands separators - characters inserted between each group of three characters counting right to left from the decimal point. The characters used for the decimal point and the thousands separator come from the locale information or can be specified by the user. Seamus Venasse <svenasse@polaris.ca>
textproc/RTF-Writer-1.11 (Score: 2.252498E-4)
Perl module for generating documents in Rich Text Format
This module is for generating documents in Rich Text Format. This module is a class; an object belonging to this class acts like an output filehandle, and calling methods on it causes RTF text to be written. Incidentally, this module also exports a few useful functions, upon request. The following documentation assumes some familiarity with the RTF Specification. Users not already intimately familiar with RTF should look at RTF::Cookbook.
textproc/Text-Ngram-0.15 (Score: 2.252498E-4)
Perl module for n-gram analysis
Text-Ngram n-Gram analysis is a field in textual analysis which uses sliding window character sequences in order to aid topic analysis, language determination and so on. The n-gram spectrum of a document can be used to compare and filter documents in multiple languages, prepare word prediction networks, and perform spelling correction. This module provides an efficient XS-based implementation of n-gram spectrum analysis.
textproc/RTF-Tokenizer-1.20 (Score: 2.252498E-4)
Perl module for reading RTF files
RTF::Tokenizer is an object-orientated low-level RTF reader. If you're looking to render RTF, or want a higher-level RTF processor, this is not the module for you - you want RTF::Reader. This is the sixth release of RTF::Tokenizer - it's faster, higher quality, and implements the RTF standard better than any previous release. It's also philosophically a better module, and conforms more strictly to Object Orientated guidelines - it can be sub-classed and the interface is cleaner.
textproc/dbacl-1.14.1 (Score: 2.252498E-4)
Digramic Bayesian classifier
dbacl is a digramic Bayesian text classifier. Given some text, it calculates the posterior probabilities that the input resembles one of any number of previously learned document collections. It can be used to sort incoming email into arbitrary categories such as spam, work, and play, or simply to distinguish an English text from a French text. It fully supports international character sets, and uses sophisticated statistical models based on the Maximum Entropy Principle.