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Results 7,2217,230 of 18,669 for descr.zh_CN%3A%E9%81%8F%E5%88%B6%E5%9E%83%E5%9C%BE.(0.2 seconds)
net/Net-Google-SafeBrowsing2-1.09 (Score: 2.0813005E-4)
Perl extension for the Google Safe Browsing v2 API
Net::Google::SafeBrowsing2 implements the Google Safe Browsing v2 API. The library passes most of the unit tests listed in the API documentation. See the documentation (http://code.google.com/apis/safebrowsing/developers_guide_v2.html) for more details about the failed tests. The Google Safe Browsing database must be stored and managed locally. Net::Google::SafeBrowsing2::Sqlite uses Sqlite as the storage back-end, Net::Google::SafeBrowsing2::MySQL uses MySQL. Other storage mechanisms (databases, memory, etc.) can be added and used transparently with this module. You may want to look at "Google Safe Browsing v2: Implementation Notes" (http://www.zscaler.com/research/Google%20Safe%20Browsing%20v2%20API.pdf), a collection of notes and real-world numbers about the API. This is intended for people who want to learn more about the API, whether as a user or to make their own implementation.
net/XML-Compile-SOAP-3.18 (Score: 2.0813005E-4)
Base-class for SOAP implementations
This module handles the SOAP protocol. The first implementation is SOAP1.1 (http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/NOTE-SOAP-20000508/), which is still most often used. The SOAP1.2 definition (http://www.w3.org/TR/soap12/) is quite different; this module tries to define a sufficiently abstract interface to hide the protocol differences. Be aware that there are three kinds of SOAP: 1. Document style (literal) SOAP, where there is a WSDL file which explicitly types all out-going and incoming messages. Very easy to use. 2. RPC style SOAP literal. The WSDL file is not explicit about the content of the messages, but all messages must be schema defined types. 3. RPC style SOAP encoded. The sent data is nowhere described formally. The data is transported in some ad-hoc way.
net/matrix-synapse-0.12.0 (Score: 2.0813005E-4)
Matrix protocol reference homeserver
Matrix is an ambitious new ecosystem for open federated Instant Messaging and VoIP. The basics you need to know to get up and running are: * Everything in Matrix happens in a room. Rooms are distributed and do not exist on any single server. Rooms can be located using convenience aliases like #matrix:matrix.org or #test:localhost:8448. * Matrix user IDs look like @matthew:matrix.org (although in the future you will normally refer to yourself and others using a 3PID: email address, phone number, etc rather than manipulating Matrix user IDs) Synapse is currently in rapid development, but as of version 0.5 we believe it is sufficiently stable to be run as an internet-facing service for real usage!
security/ipsec-tools-0.8.2 (Score: 2.0813005E-4)
KAME racoon IKE daemon, ipsec-tools version
racoon speaks IKE (ISAKMP/Oakley) key management protocol, to establish security association with other hosts. This is the IPSec-tools version of racoon. Enchancements: - Support of NAT-T and IKE fragmentation. - Support of many authentication algorithms. - Tons of bugfixes. Known issues: - Non-threaded implementation. Simultaneous key negotiation performance should be improved. - Cannot negotiate keys for per-socket policy. - Cryptic configuration syntax - blame IPsec specification too... - Needs more documentation. Design choice, not a bug: - racoon negotiate IPsec keys only. It does not negotiate policy. Policy must be configured into the kernel separately from racoon. If you want to support roaming clients, you may need to have a mechanism to put policy for the roaming client after phase 1 finishes.
security/Filter-Crypto-2.07 (Score: 2.0813005E-4)
Create runnable Perl files encrypted with OpenSSL libcrypto
The Filter-Crypto distribution provides the means to convert your Perl files into an encrypted, yet still runnable, format to hide the source code from casual prying eyes. This is achieved using a Perl source code filter. The encrypted files, produced using the Filter::Crypto::CryptFile module automatically have one (unencrypted) line added to the start of them which loads the Filter::Crypto::Decrypt module. The latter is a Perl source code filter which decrypts the remaining (encrypted) part of the Perl file on-the-fly when it is run. See perlfilter if you want to know more about how Perl source code filters work. Encrypted files can also be produced more conveniently using the crypt_file script, or (if you also have the PAR module available) using the PAR::Filter::Crypto module. The latter can be utilised by the standard PAR tools to produce PAR archives in which your Perl files are encrypted.
sysutils/dt-17.07 (Score: 2.0813005E-4)
Data Test Program - disk/tape error diagnostic tool
dt is a generic data test program used to verify proper operation of peripherals, file systems, device drivers, or any data stream supported by the operating system. In its simplest mode of operation, dt writes and then verifies its default data pattern, then displays performance statistics and other test parameters before exiting. Since verification of data is performed, dt can be thought of as a generic diagnostic tool. dt has been used to successfully test disks, tapes, serial lines, parallel lines, pipes, and memory mapped files. In fact, dt can be used for any device that allows the standard open, read, write, and close system calls. Special support is necessary for some devices, such as serial lines, for setting up the speed, parity, data bits, etc.
www/mod_encoding-20021209 (Score: 2.0813005E-4)
Apache module for non-ASCII filename interoperability
mod_encoding - Apache module for non-ascii filename interoperability This module improves non-ascii filename interoperability of apache (and mod_dav). It seems many WebDAV clients send filename in its platform-local encoding. But since mod_dav expects everything, even HTTP request line, to be in UTF-8, this causes an interoperability problem. I believe this is a future issue for specification (RFC?) to standardize encoding used in HTTP request-line and HTTP header, but life would be much easier if mod_dav (and others) can handle various encodings sent by clients, TODAY. This module does just that. This module adds following directives: EncodingEngine, SetServerEncoding, AddClientEncoding, DefaultClientEncoding, and NormalizeUsername. Note by maintainer: It also solves the problem with the "hostname\\username" way of authentication that Windows machines do when they attach to a DAV server. See the use of the NormalizeUsername directive.
www/CGI-Ex-2.44 (Score: 2.0813005E-4)
CGI utility suite - makes powerful application writing fun and easy
CGI::Ex provides a suite of utilities to make writing CGI scripts more enjoyable. Although they can all be used separately, the main functionality of each of the modules is best represented in the CGI::Ex::App module. CGI::Ex::App takes CGI application building to the next step. CGI::Ex::App is not quite a framework (which normally includes pre-built html) instead CGI::Ex::App is an extended application flow that dramatically reduces CGI build time in most cases. It does so using as little magic as possible. See CGI::Ex::App. The main functionality is provided by several other modules that may be used separately, or together through the CGI::Ex interface.
x11-toolkits/slingshot-2.1 (Score: 2.0813005E-4)
Supplemental Libraries to extend Xview
Slingshot provides rectangles (like the Xt Intrinsics' RectObj gadget), drag-and-drop support, images, icons and text, trees, lines, arrows... You can look at the documentation for the details, but here's a few teasers: there are new objects (clock, bag, box). The grip and the drawarea have had a few interesting features added. The documentation has been improved dramatically. The drawtext can now be editible. CAVEATS ------- This is NOT an official or supported product of Sun Microsystems, Inc. This software has been developed to leverage other efforts, and it is being released because it is hoped others can get benefits from it too. However, there ARE bugs in this software which may never be fixed, and there is no guarantee of compatibility between releases.
deskutils/zim-0.65 (Score: 2.0774436E-4)
Desktop wiki editor
Zim - A Desktop Wiki Editor Zim is a graphical text editor used to maintain a collection of wiki pages. Each page can contain links to other pages, simple formatting and images. Pages are stored in a folder structure, like in an outliner, and can have attachments. Creating a new page is as easy as linking to a nonexistent page. All data is stored in plain text files with wiki formatting. Various plugins provide additional functionality, like a task list manager, an equation editor, a tray icon, and support for version control. Zim can be used to: * Keep an archive of notes * Take notes during meetings or lectures * Organize task lists * Draft blog entries and emails * Do brainstorming