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Results 521530 of 5,827 for /net-mgmt/.(0.004 seconds)
net/smm++-6.1.1 (Score: 0.033929482)
Graphical mudclient with mapper
SMM++ is a MUD client with mapping functionality. You can just use mapping or just mudding or both together. It is based on itcl , which itself depends on tcl/tk . itcl, tcl/tk are free and standart programming languages. (If you need further information, where to get itcl and/or tcl/tk, please drop me a line.)
net/vblade-21 (Score: 0.033929482)
Virtual EtherDrive(R) blade AoE target
The vblade is the virtual EtherDrive (R) blade, a program that makes a seekable file available over an ethernet local area network (LAN) via the ATA over Ethernet (AoE) protocol. The seekable file is typically a block device like /dev/md0 but even regular files will work. Sparse files can be especially convenient. When vblade exports the block storage over AoE it becomes a storage target. Another host on the same LAN can access the storage if it has a compatible aoe kernel driver.
net/vde2-2.3.2 (Score: 0.033929482)
User-mode virtual ethernet infrastructure
Virtual Distributed Ethernet is a user-mode virtual network (layer 2) infrastructure. It can be used for network simulations, joining multiple qemu instances together in a shared virtual network, or tunneling over the Internet. Physical hosts can be joined to the virtual network by means of the tap(4) driver.
net/sntop-1.4.3 (Score: 0.033929482)
Monitor status of network nodes using fping
This is a port of sntop, a curses-based utility that uses fping (ping can be used as well) to determine connectivity of remote network hosts on a regular interval. Features include HTML generation and a secure terminal.
net/ss5-3.8.5 (Score: 0.033929482)
SOCKS v4/v5 application layer gateway with many features
SS5 is a socks server that implements the SOCKS v4 and v5 protocol.
net/syncthing-cli- (Score: 0.033929482)
Syncthing CLI
Command line interface to syncthing
net/wmwifi-0.4 (Score: 0.033929482)
Dockapp displaying the signal strength of WiFi connection
WindowMaker dockapp for displaying signal strenghts of WLAN Adapters
net/syncthing-discosrv-0.13.0 (Score: 0.033929482)
Discovery server for syncthing
Syncthing discovery server
net/netatalk-3.1.9 (Score: 0.033929482)
File server for Mac OS X
Netatalk is an OpenSource software package, that can be used to turn an inexpensive *NIX machine into an extremely high-performance and reliable file server for Macintosh computers. Using Netatalk's AFP 3.4 compliant file-server leads to significantly higher transmission speeds compared with Macs accessing a server via SaMBa/NFS while providing clients with the best possible user experience (full support for Macintosh metadata, flawlessly supporting mixed environments of classic MacOS and MacOS X clients)
net/tclsoap-1.6.7 (Score: 0.033929482)
SOAP and XML-RPC support for TCL library
tclsoap provides support for building clients and servers for the SOAP remote procedure call protocol from Tcl. SOAP is an XML based RPC mechanism which provides cross-platform cross language compatibility.