Ports 搜索

mail/mime4j-0.7.2 (Score: 0.04307857)
Java parser for e-mail message streams
mime4j provides a parser, MimeStreamParser, for e-mail message streams in plain rfc822 and MIME format. The parser uses a callback mechanism to report parsing events such as the start of an entity header, the start of a body, etc. If you are familiar with the SAX XML parser interface you should have no problem getting started with mime4j. The parser only deals with the structure of the message stream. It won't do any decoding of base64 or quoted-printable encoded header fields and bodies. The parser has been designed to be extremely tolerant against messages violating the standards. mime4j can also be used to build a tree representation of an e-mail message using the Message class. Using this facility mime4j automatically handles the decoding of fields and bodies and uses temporary files for large attachments.
www/interchange-5.6.3 (Score: 0.042870015)
RedHat's database-enabled e-commerce server
Interchange is the open source alternative to commercial e-commerce servers and "best of breed" application server/component applications. Interchange is one of the most powerful tools available to automate and database-enable your web site or build online applications. It's also one of the easiest tools to learn, plus it's open source, making it the most open and least expensive solution to implement. For some documentation and resources for it have a look at http://www.interchange.rtfm.info/
korean/hmconv-1.0.3 (Score: 0.042222247)
Hangul code conversion utility for E-mail
hmconv-1.0pl3 ------------- hmconv is Korean code conversion utility for especially for E-mail. It can convert between KS C 5601 and ISO-2022-KR. Original version is by Jungshik Shin <jshin@minerva.cis.yale.edu>.
devel/Thread-Cancel-1.13 (Score: 0.041902162)
Cancel (i.e., kill) threads
This module adds cancellation capabilities for threads. Cancelled threads are terminated using threads->exit(). The thread is then detached, and hence automatically cleaned up. Threads that are suspended using Thread::Suspend do not need to be resumed in order to be cancelled. It is possible for a thread to cancel itself.
Send images by e-mail
www/py-restclient-1.3.3 (Score: 0.04141061)
Python REST Client
A simple REST client for Python, inspired by the microframework (Camping, Sinatra) style of specifying actions: get, put, post, delete.
java/EPIC-0.6.35 (Score: 0.041368764)
EPIC是一个开源的Eclipse平台上的Perl集成开发环境。 它所支持的功能有语法高亮、语法检查、内容帮助、perldoc支持、源码格式化、模板支持 和一个Perl调试器。 也有正则表达式插件和eSpell拼写检查器支持。
converters/convmv-1.15 (Score: 0.041366685)
Convert filenames from one encoding to another
convmv is meant to help convert a single filename, a directory tree and the contained files or a whole filesystem into a different encoding. It just converts the filenames, not the content of the files. A special feature of convmv is that it also takes care of symlinks, also converts the symlink target pointer in case the symlink target is being converted, too. All this comes in very handy when one wants to switch over from old 8-bit locales to UTF-8 locales. It is also possible to convert directories to UTF-8 which are already partly UTF-8 encoded. convmv is able to detect if certain files are UTF-8 encoded and will skip them by default. To turn this smartness off use the --nosmart switch.
audio/eawplus-12.1 (Score: 0.04136286)
E.A.W.+Izumo+Tamuki collection of Gravis Ultrasound MIDI patches
This is, tuned by Shoichi Tamuki, Eric A. Welsh's collection of Gravis UltraSound MIDI patches configured for use with the TiMidity++ MIDI player. A configuration file for TiMidity++ to use these patches is also included.
textproc/queequeg-0.91 (Score: 0.041317146)
Tiny English grammar checker
Queequeg is a tiny English grammar checker for non-native speakers who are not used to verb conjugation and number agreement. We especially focus on people who're writing academic papers or business documents where thorough checking is required. We aim to reduce this laborious work with automated checking.