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共有19,819项符合%22HTTP Server%22的查询结果,以下是第5,0215,030项(搜索用时0.008秒)
graphics/libkipi-4.14.3 (Score: 0.0012383816)
KDE Image Plugin Interface
Kipi (KDE Image Plugin Interface) is an effort to develop a common plugin structure for Digikam, GwenView and other KDE parts. Its aim is to be able to share image plugins among graphic applications.
graphics/laternamagica-0.4 (Score: 0.0012383816)
Image viewer and slideshow application
LaternaMagica is a single-window image viewer application which is capable of switching to full-screen mode. LaternaMagica maintains its image list in a window and the user selects which image to display, making it easy to assemble a show from different source directories. LICENSE: GPL2 or later
graphics/lcms-1.19 (Score: 0.0012383816)
Light Color Management System (python bindings)
LCMS is the Little Color Management System, a Color Matching Method (CMM) library which implements fast transforms between ICC profiles. It is released under LGPL with source code and meant to be portable. Color management refers to techniques that ensure consistent color as images are transferred from scanners or cameras to monitors and printers.
graphics/aqsis-1.8.2 (Score: 0.0012383816)
Photorealistic rendering system
Aqsis is a Renderman(tm) compliant photorealistic 3D rendering toolkit. It is based on the Reyes rendering approach. Features include - programmable shading, true displacements, NURBS, CSG.
graphics/ksaneplugin-4.14.3 (Score: 0.0012383816)
KDE 4 plugin for scanning through libksane
This is a KDE 4 plugin that implements the scanning through libksane.
graphics/libkdcraw-4.14.3 (Score: 0.0012383816)
LibRaw interface for KDE
libkdcraw is a C++ interface around the LibRaw library used to decode RAW picture files.
graphics/libkexiv2-4.14.3 (Score: 0.0012383816)
Exiv2 library interface for KDE
Libkexiv2 is a wrapper around Exiv2 library to manipulate pictures metadata as EXIF/IPTC and XMP. This library is used by kipi-plugins, digiKam and others kipi host programs.
graphics/ggplot2-2.1.0 (Score: 0.0012383816)
Implementation of the Grammar of Graphics
ggplot2 is a plotting system for R, based on the grammar of graphics, which tries to take the good parts of base and lattice graphics and none of the bad parts. It takes care of many of the fiddly details that make plotting a hassle (like drawing legends) as well as providing a powerful model of graphics that makes it easy to produce complex multi-layered graphics.
graphics/GraphicsMagick-1.3.24 (Score: 0.0012383816)
Fast image processing tools based on ImageMagick
GraphicsMagick is the swiss army knife of image processing. Comprised of 267K physical lines (according to David A. Wheeler's SLOCCount) of source code in the base package (or 1,225K including 3rd party libraries) it provides a robust and efficient collection of tools and libraries which support reading, writing, and manipulating an image in over 88 major formats including important formats like DPX, GIF, JPEG, JPEG-2000, PNG, PDF, PNM, and TIFF. GraphicsMagick supports huge images and has been tested with gigapixel-size images. GraphicsMagick can create new images on the fly, making it suitable for building dynamic Web applications. GraphicsMagick may be used to resize, rotate, sharpen, color reduce, or add special effects to an image and save the result in the same or different image format. Image processing operations are available from the command line, as well as through C, C++, Lua, Perl, PHP, Python, Tcl, Ruby, Windows .NET, or Windows COM programming interfaces. With some modification, language extensions for ImageMagick may be used.
graphics/wpvs-2.5 (Score: 0.0012383816)
Deegree Web Terrain Service(WTS)/Web Perspective View Service(WPVS)
A WPVS is a web service which is able to generate perspective terrain views, e.g. images of a certain terrain/area (possibly containing three dimensional objects, e.g. building or trees) rendered from a requested viewpoint. For this purposes the WPVS needs to process and render different kinds of geospatial data which is retrieved from different pre-configured datasets. These datasets can be remote OGC web services or locally installed deegree 2 web services.