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devel/File-Flat-1.04 (Score: 0.0015686885)
Implements a flat filesystem
File::Flat implements a flat filesystem. A flat filesystem is a filesystem in which directories do not exist. It provides an abstraction over any normal filesystem which makes it appear as if directories do not exist. In effect, it will automatically create directories as needed. This is create for things like install scripts and such, as you never need to worry about the existence of directories, just write to a file, no matter where it is.
sysutils/sloth-1.1.0 (Score: 0.0015677587)
Slow down a process
Sloth allows you to slow down a specified application by specifying (in miliseconds) the delay on the process. It slows down the process by sending SIGSTOP & SIGCONT signals to the process over a very fast period of time, giving the appearance of a slower application.
Stores a Catalyst Session in a Cookie
In order for Catalyst::Plugin::Session to work the session ID needs to be stored on the client, and the session data needs to be stored on the server. This plugin stores the session ID on the client using the cookie mechanism.
net/Net-DAV-Server-1.30.5 (Score: 0.0015573399)
Provide a DAV Server
This module provides a WebDAV server. WebDAV stands for "Web-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning". It is a set of extensions to the HTTP protocol which allows users to collaboratively edit and manage files on remote web servers. Net::DAV::Server provides a WebDAV server and exports a filesystem for you using the Filesys::Virtual suite of modules. If you simply want to export a local filesystem, use Filesys::Virtual::Plain as above. This module doesn't currently provide a full WebDAV implementation. However, I am working through the WebDAV server protocol compliance test suite (litmus, see http://www.webdav.org/neon/litmus/) and will provide more compliance in future. The important thing is that it supports cadaver and the Mac OS X Finder as clients.
Shuffle a list
Algorithm::Numerical::Shuffle ============================= Shuffle is a perl module which performs a one pass, fair shuffle on a list. If the list is passed as a reference to an array, the shuffle is done in situ. The running time of the algorithm is linear in the size of the list. For an in situ shuffle, the memory overhead is constant; otherwise, linear extra memory is used. The algorithm used is discussed by Knuth [3]. It was first published by Fisher and Yates [2], and later by Durstenfeld [1].
emulators/frodo-4.1b (Score: 0.0015557376)
Emulates a Commodore 64
Frodo is a freeware C64 emulator for BeOS, Unix, MacOS, AmigaOS, Win32 and RiscOS systems and the world's first C64 emulator not bearing a "64" in its name. :-) (No, it has absolutely nothing to do with frodo.hiof.no, that's a pure coincidence.) Frodo was developed to reproduce the graphics of games and demos better than the existing C64 emulators. Therefore Frodo has relatively high system requirements: It should only be run on systems with at least a PowerPC/Pentium/68060. But on the other hand, Frodo can display raster effects correctly that only result in a flickering mess with other emulators. Frodo comes in three flavours: The "normal" Frodo with a line-based emulation, the improved line-based emulation "Frodo PC", and the single-cycle emulation Frodo SC that is slower but far more compatible. In addition to a precise 6510/VIC emulation, Frodo features a processor-level 1541 emulation that is even able to handle about 95% of all fast loaders. There is also a faster 1541 emulation for four drives in .d64/x64 disk images, .t64/LYNX archives, or directories of the host system.
math/Statistics-Forecast-0.3 (Score: 0.0015557376)
Calculates a future value
This is an Oriented Object module that calculates a future value by using existing values. The new value is calculated by using linear regression.
games/scroll-1.20151219 (Score: 0.0015512934)
A roguelike game
In scroll, you're a bookworm that's stuck on a scroll. You have to dodge between words and use spells to make your way down the page as the scroll is read. Go too slow and you'll get wound up in the scroll and crushed.
audio/aften-0.0.8 (Score: 0.0015427866)
ATSC A/52 audio encoder
Aften is an audio encoder which generates compressed audio streams based on ATSC A/52 specification. This type of audio is also known as AC-3 or Dolby(R) Digital and is one of the audio codecs used in DVD-Video content.
www/CGI-Untaint-date-1.00 (Score: 0.0015421357)
Validate a date
This Input Handler verifies that it is dealing with a reasonable date. Reasonably means anything that Date::Manip thinks is sensible, so you could use any of (for example): "December 12, 2001" "12th December, 2001" "2001-12-12" "next Tuesday" "third Wednesday in March" See Date::Manip for much more information on what date formats are acceptable. The resulting date will be a Date::Simple object. Date::Simple for more information on this.