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Results 2,1412,150 of 5,623 for /devel/.(0.003 seconds)
devel/Data-Serializer-0.60 (Score: 0.032514982)
Modules that serialize data structures
Provides a unified interface to the various serializing modules currently available. Adds the functionality of both compression and encryption.
devel/Data-ShowTable-4.6 (Score: 0.032514982)
Perl5 module to pretty-print arrays of data
ShowTable.pm, is a Perl 5 module which defines subroutines to print arrays of data in a nicely formatted listing, using one of four possible formats: simple table, boxed table, list style, and HTML-formatting (for World-Wide-Web output). See the documentation on ShowTable.pm for details on the formatting. The program "showtable" reads data in a variety of formats from a file or STDIN, optimally columnizes the data, and then feeds the array of data to the ShowTable module for display. Showtable can parse its own output as input (except for HTML). Individual or ranges of columns may be selected for display, either by name or by index. In other words, showtable is a data formatting program. Using the '-html' option, showtable can accept ASCII tabular data and format it appropriately for display through a Web-browser.
devel/Date-Simple-3.03 (Score: 0.032514982)
Simple date object
From Date::Simple(3) man page: Dates are complex enough without times and timezones. This module may be used to create simple date objects. It handles: Validation: Reject 1999-02-29 but accept 2000-02-29. Interval arithmetic: How many days were between two given dates? What date comes N days after today? Day-of-week calculation: What day of the week is a given date? It does NOT deal with hours, minutes, seconds, and time zones.
devel/DateConvert-0.16 (Score: 0.032514982)
Perl5 module to convert dates between any two calendar formats
Date::Convert allows you to convert date formats using an OO mechanism that lets you easily choose any two formats and add in new ones. If you have suggestions, bug reports, or if you want to add a new date format, feel free to contact me: morty@sanctuary.arbutus.md.us
devel/Data-Stag-0.14 (Score: 0.032514982)
Structured Tags datastructures
This module is for manipulating data as hierarchical tag/value pairs (Structured TAGs or Simple Tree AGgreggates). These data structures can be represented as nested arrays, which have the advantage of being native to perl.
devel/Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11 (Score: 0.032514982)
N at a time iteration API
This module tries to find middle ground between one at a time and all at once processing of data sets. The purpose of this module is to avoid the overhead of implementing an iterative api when this isn't necessary, without breaking forward compatibility in case that becomes necessary later on. The API optimizes for when a data set typically fits in memory and is returned as an array, but the consumer cannot assume that the data set is bounded. The API is destructive in order to minimize the chance that resultsets are leaked due to improper usage.
devel/Data-Structure-Util-0.16 (Score: 0.032514982)
Perl5 module to change the nature of data within a structure
Data::Structure::Util - Change nature of data within a structure Data::Structure::Util is a toolbox to manipulate the data inside a data structure. It can process an entire tree and perform the operation requested on each appropriate element. For example: It can transform all strings within a data structure to utf8 or transform any utf8 string back to the default encoding. It can remove the blessing on any reference. It can collect all the objects or detect if there is a circular reference. It is written in C for decent speed.
devel/Data-Table-1.75 (Score: 0.032514982)
Data type related to database tables, HTML table displays, etc
This perl package uses perl5 objects to make it easy for manipulating spreadsheet data among disk files, database, and Web publishing. A table object contains a header and a two-dimensional array of scalars. Four class methods Data::fromFile, Data::Table::fromCSV, Data::Table::fromTSV, and Data::Table::fromSQL allow users to create a table object from a CSV/TSV file or a database SQL selection in a snap. Table methods provide basic access, add, delete row(s) or column(s) operations, as well as more advanced sub-table extraction, table sorting, record matching via keywords or patterns, table merging, and web publishing. Data::Table class also provides a straightforward interface to other popular Perl modules such as DBI and GD::Graph.
Memcached-Based Data::Throttler
Data::Throttler::Memcached accepts the same arguments as Data::Throttler, plus the "cache" argument. The cache argument must be a hashref, which contains the arguments passed to the cache backend.
devel/Data-Throttler-0.06 (Score: 0.032514982)
Limit data throughput
Data::Throttler helps solving throttling tasks like "allow a single IP only to send 100 emails per hour". It provides an optionally persistent data store to keep track of what happened before and offers a simple yes/no interface to an application, which can then focus on performing the actual task (like sending email) or suppressing/postponing it.