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共有19,819项符合%22HTTP Server%22的查询结果,以下是第8,7918,800项(搜索用时0.009秒)
devel/xwpe-1.5.30a (Score: 0.0010835839)
Borland-like IDE programming environment
xwpe is a X-window programming environment designed for UNIX systems. It is similar to 'Borland C++' MS-DOS programming IDE environment. xwpe supports many compilers, linkers, and debuggers, so you are not tied to any particular set of tools. There is both a curses and X11 interface (the later with mouse support). Errors that occur while compiling and linking a program can be examined in the sources -- the cursor will jump to the corresponding line in the source file. Programs composed of more than one source file, can be managed with the project-option. Your program may be run and debugged from within xwpe -- allowing the user to set breakpoints and watch variables. Note: there are both English and German language version of the man pages, and help files. The German language version will be installed if "GERMAN_LANG" is set during ``make install'' of the port.
devel/funnelweb-3.2 (Score: 0.0010835839)
Powerful literate-programming macro pre-processor
FunnelWeb is a powerful literate-programming macro preprocessor that enables you to weave programs and documentation together. FunnelWeb is a production quality tool that was specifically engineered for practical everyday use.
devel/z80ex-1.1.21 (Score: 0.0010835839)
ZiLOG Z80 CPU emulator library
Portable ZiLOG Z80 CPU emulator library.
devel/ztcl-1.0.b4 (Score: 0.0010835839)
Zlib extension library for the Tcl
ZTCL is an extension library for TCL written in the C language. It implements an interface to the ZLIB compression and decompression library, the one used by GZIP.
devel/slf4j-1.7.21 (Score: 0.0010835839)
Simple facade or abstraction for various logging frameworks
The Simple Logging Facade for Java or (SLF4J) serves as a simple facade or abstraction for various logging frameworks, e.g. java.util.logging, log4j and logback, allowing the end user to plug in the desired logging framework at deployment time.
devel/yajl-2.1.0 (Score: 0.0010835839)
Portable JSON parsing and serialization library in ANSI C
Yet Another JSON Library. YAJL is a small event-driven (SAX-style) JSON parser written in ANSI C, and a small validating JSON generator. YAJL is released under the BSD license.
devel/plan9port-20140306 (Score: 0.0010835839)
Port of many Plan 9 programs to Unix-like operating systems
This is a port of the bulk of the Plan 9 software build environment to Unix. It tries to reproduce the Plan 9 build environment as faithfully as possible, providing u.h and libc.h, and blithely redefining tokens such as open, dup, and accept in order to provide implementations that better mimic the Plan 9 semantics. The result is a somewhat more complicated and less Unix-friendly environment, but Plan 9 programs can typically be compiled with little or no changes. The port includes the following: - Sources for Linux, FreeBSD, and SunOS - lib9 (nee libc), libString, libbin, libbio, libcomplete, libdraw, liblibflate, frame, libfs, libhtml, libhttpd, libip, libmux, libplumb, liblibregexp, libsec, thread, and libventi - 9term, acme, hoc, plumber, rio (nee 9wm), sam, and samterm, along with many small utilities and manual pages - Plan 9 bitmap fonts
devel/t1lib-5.1.2 (Score: 0.0010835839)
Type 1 font rasterization library for Unix/X11
t1lib is a library written in the C programming language allowing a programmer to generate bitmaps from Adobe (TM) Type 1 fonts quite easily. These bitmaps are returned in a data structure with type GLYPH. This special GLYPH-type is also used in the X11 window system to describe character bitmaps. It contains the bitmap data as well as some metric information. But t1lib is in itself entirely independent of the X11-system or any other graphical user interface.
devel/truc-0.12.0 (Score: 0.0010835839)
Web-based tool for requirement and use case tracking
Truc is a web-based tool for requirement and use case tracking. It has fileupload, discussions, version control, use case history, build and release management. It supports assignment of requirements & use cases to releases and filtering over all fields.
devel/vasm-1.7e (Score: 0.0010835839)
Portable 6502 6800 arm c16x jagrisc m68k ppc vidcore x86 z80 assembler
vasm is a portable and retargetable assembler to create linkable objects in various formats or absolute code. Multiple CPU-, syntax and output-modules can be selected. Currently the following CPUs are officially supported by vasm: M680x0 family (including M6888x, M68851 and CPU32) ColdFire family (all models of V2, V3, V4, V4e) 80x86 family (IA32 8/16/32 bit, using MIT-syntax) PowerPC family (POWER, 40x, 6xx, 7xx, 7xxx, 860, e300) ARM (architecture ARMv1 to ARMv4, including THUMB mode) Jaguar RISC (GPU and DSP instruction sets) Z80 family (Z80, 8080, GBZ80, 64180, RCM2/3/4k) C16x/ST10 6502 family 6800 family (6800, 68HC11) These syntax flavours are supported: Standard MIT (GNU-as style) syntax Motorola/Freescale 68k syntax (Devpac compatible) Old 8-bit style syntax