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Results 551560 of 8,048 for /www/.(0.005 seconds)
www/squidpurge-1.17 (Score: 0.06684447)
Powerful object purging utility for the Squid web proxy cache
Powerful purge utility for Squid. Includes support for wildcards in URLs. Full details of syntax and usage are at
www/OhlohWidgetsMacro-0.2 (Score: 0.06684447)
Trac macro to embed Ohloh widgets
OhlohWidgetsMacro is a plugin for Trac which embeds Ohloh widgets.
www/woof-2012.05.31 (Score: 0.06684447)
Web Offer One File, an ad-hoc single file webserver
Woof (Web Offer One File) is a Python small webserver designed to serve one or several times a file, then shutdown. Woof serves autogenerated archives, when a directory is specified.
www/august-0.63b (Score: 0.06684447)
HTML editor for the experienced Web author
August is a complete, non-WYSIWYG, HTML editor written in Tcl/Tk. It is meant for the experienced Web author.
www/apache-mode.el-2.0 (Score: 0.06684447)
Emacs major mode for editing Apache configuration files
[X]Emacs major mode for editing Apache configuration files
www/webcopy-0.98b7 (Score: 0.06684447)
Web Mirroring Program
WebCopy is a perl program that retrieves the URL specified in a Unix-like command line. It can also retrieve recursively any file that a HTML file references, i.e. inlined images and/or anchors, if specified with an option. It can be used as a "mirror" program to retrieve a tree of documents from a remote site, and put them on-line immediately through the local server.
www/wikicalc-1.0 (Score: 0.06684447)
Open Source Wiki-Spreadsheet
The wikiCalc program lets you make web pages with more than just paragraphs of prose. It combines the ease of authoring and multi-person editing of a wiki with the familiar visual formatting and calculating metaphor of a spreadsheet. Written in Perl and released under the GPL 2.0 license, it can easily be setup to run on almost any server as a web application or on a personal computer to publish by FTP.
www/htmlpp-4.2a (Score: 0.06684447)
Perl script to allow easy creation of HTML from template files
htmlpp is a Perl[45] script that allows easy maintaining of Web sites of any size, by allowing you to create "template" HTML files using a form of page description language. It will even turn plain-text files into quick-n-dirty, yet nicely formatted HTML using the "GURU mode" feature. Documentation is included in HTML format (stored in /usr/local/share/doc/htmlpp), and since the documentation was produced using htmlpp itself, you can take a look at the source file (also installed) to see an example of how to use htmlpp.
www/colorfultabs-29.7 (Score: 0.06684447)
Colors every tab in a different color
The most beautiful yet the simplest add-on that makes a strong colorful appeal. Colors every tab in a different color and makes them easy to distinguish while beautifying the overall appearance of the interface. An essential.
www/httpclient-2.8.0 (Score: 0.065958686)
Yet another HTTP client implementation by NaHi
httpclient gives something like the functionality of libwww-perl (LWP) in Ruby. httpclient formerly known as http-access2. Features: * methods like GET/HEAD/POST/* via HTTP/1.1. * HTTPS(SSL), Cookies, proxy, authentication(Digest, NTLM, Basic), etc. * asynchronous HTTP request, streaming HTTP request. * by contrast with net/http in standard distribution; o Cookies support o MT-safe o streaming POST (POST with File/IO) o Digest auth o Negotiate/NTLM auth for WWW-Authenticate (requires net/htlm module) o NTLM auth for Proxy-Authenticate (requires Win32/sspi module) o extensible with filter interface o you dont have to care HTTP/1.1 persistent connection (httpclient cares instead of you) * Not supported now o Cache o Rather advanced HTTP/1.1 usage such as Range, deflate, etc. (of course you can set it in header by yourself) For more detail, see API document at dev.ctor.org/doc/httpclient/