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benchmarks/interbench-0.31 (Score: 0.0052562496)
Interactivity benchmark for Unix-like systems
This benchmark application is designed to benchmark interactivity in Unix, originally written by Con Kolivas et al. for Linux. It is designed to measure the effect of changes in operating system kernel design or system configuration changes such as CPU, I/O scheduler and file system changes and options. With careful benchmarking, different hardware can be compared.
benchmarks/Benchmark-1.2.9 (Score: 0.0052562496)
PEAR framework to benchmark PHP scripts or function calls
Framework to benchmark PHP scripts or function calls.
biology/bowtie-1.1.2 (Score: 0.0052562496)
Ultrafast, memory-efficient short read aligner
Bowtie is an ultrafast, memory-efficient short read aligner. It aligns short DNA sequences (reads) to the human genome at a rate of over 25 million 35-bp reads per hour.
biology/bwa-0.7.9a (Score: 0.0052562496)
Burrows-Wheeler sequence aligner
BWA is a program for aligning sequencing reads against a large reference genome (e.g. human genome). It has two major components, one for read shorter than 150bp and the other for longer reads.
biology/python-nexus-1.35 (Score: 0.0052562496)
Generic nexus file format reader for python
python-nexus is a generic nexus (phylogenetics) file format(.nex, .trees) reader for python.
cad/ghdl-0.33 (Score: 0.0052562496)
GNU VHDL simulator
GHDL is the leading VHSIC Hardware Description Language (VHDL) simulator. Digital and mixed-signal systems such as field-programmable gate arrays and integrated circuits can be described by VHDL, and VHDL can also be used as a general purpose parallel programming language. GHDL compiles VHDL files and creates a binary which simulates the design. GHDL fully supports IEEE 1076-1987, IEEE 1-76-1993, IEEE 1076-2002 versions of VHDL, and partially IEEE 1076-2008.
cad/layouteditor-0.0.20110614 (Score: 0.0052562496)
IC/MEMS layout editor
A IC/MEMS layout editor. Features: all angle, font generator, macros, boolean operations, design rule checker, crossplatform compatible, supported formats:Calma GDSII, OASIS (Open Artwork System Interchange Standard), DXF, CIF (Caltech Intermediate Form)
comms/ems-flasher-0.03 (Score: 0.0052562496)
Utility to flash ROM images to the EMS USB 64mb flash cart
ems-flasher is software for flashing the EMS Gameboy USB 64 MBit cart.
comms/libfec-3.0.1 (Score: 0.0052562496)
Several forward error correction (FEC) decoders
This library package provides several forward error correction (FEC) decoders and accelerated primitives useful in digital signal processing (DSP). Except for the Reed-Solomon codecs, these functions take full advantage of the MMX, SSE and SSE2 SIMD instruction sets on Intel/AMD IA-32 processors and the Altivec/VMX/Velocity Engine SIMD instruction set on the G4 and G5 PowerPC. The library includes Viterbi decoders for the following convolutional codes: rate 1/2 k=7 rate 1/2 k=9 rate 1/6 k=15 ("Cassini") plus two Reed-Solomon encoder-decoders: one optimized for the (255,223) CCSDS standard code a general purpose encoder/decoder for arbitrary RS codes and three low-level 16-bit DSP support routines: signed dot product peak detection sum-of-squares (energy) computation This library is licensed under the "lesser" GNU General Public License.
comms/qrq-0.3.1 (Score: 0.0052562496)
Morse telegraphy trainer similar to the classic DOS version by DL4MM
qrq is an open source morse telegraphy trainer for Linux and Unix operating systems, similar to the classic DOS version of Rufz by DL4MM. It is intended to improve the ability to copy callsigns at high speeds, as needed for example for contesting.