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astro/Astro-ADS-1.26 (Score: 0.0048839888)
OO Perl interface to the ADS abstract service
The Astro::ADS module is an objected orientated Perl interface to the Astrophysics Data System (ADS) abstract service. The ADS is a NASA-funded project whose main resource is an Abstract Service, which includes four sets of abstracts: 1) astronomy and astrophysics, containing 719,449 abstracts; 2) instrumentation, containing 608,834 abstracts; 3) physics and geophysics, containing 1,079,814 abstracts; and 4) Los Alamos preprint server, containing 4,104 abstracts. Each dataset can be searched by author, object name (astronomy only), title, or abstract text words.
astro/Astro-DSS-1.6.1 (Score: 0.0048839888)
OO interface to the 1st and 2nd Digital Sky Surveys
The module is an object orientated interface to the both the first and second Digital Sky Surveys at the ESO-ECF online archive. While the first sky survey is 100% complete, the second survey covers 98% of the sky in Red, 45% of the sky in Blue and 27% of the sky in the Infra-red.
astro/Astro-SIMBAD-2.0.0 (Score: 0.0048839888)
OO Perl interface to the SIMBAD astronomical database
The Astro::SIMBAD module is an objected orientated Perl interface to the SIMBAD astronomical database. SIMBAD provides basic data, cross-identifications and bibliography for astronomical objects outside the solar system.
astro/swe-2.05.01 (Score: 0.0048839888)
High Precision Ephemeris Developed By Astrodienst
The SWISS EPHEMERIS is the high precision ephemeris developed by Astrodienst, largely based upon the DE406 ephemeris from NASA's JPL. Developers can license the Ephemeris library.Ephemeris users find 3200 years of read-made printable files of ephemerides, containing 19'200 print pages in PDF quality. The Swiss Ephemeris is available under a dual licensing model: GPL2 or Swiss Ephemeris Professional License.
astro/wmjupiter-1.21 (Score: 0.0048839888)
Dockapp that displays information on Jupiter
This dockapp shows you the actual distance of Jupiter in astronomical units (AE) and when the red spot crosses (which is a weather feature on Jupiter). The four Galileo Moons are displayed too but only when they are near the planet (Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto). The position of the red spot changes on the surface so you need to change that value within few months or so. The current position can be found on the Internet. It was 80 deg. as of 11th Jan 2002.
astro/wmsolar-1.1 (Score: 0.0048839888)
Dockapp that displays the Solar System viewed from the top
It shows you the solar system viewed from top (90 heliocentric). The objects have the following colors: Sun - yellow Mercury - green Venus - white Earth - cyan Mars - red Jupiter - gray Saturn - green Uranus - pink Neptune - cyan Pluto is not included since it's way "off course" A left click on the window changes the view between inner and outer planets. A left click on the date increases the day/month/year. A right click on the date does the opposite. Click the right mouse button on the solar system to reset the date to the current date (which is in Universal Time).
astro/xglobe-0.5 (Score: 0.0048839888)
Displays a view of the Earth (like xearth) with a rendered photo map
Displays a rendered view of the earth in your root window, similar to xearth, but instead uses a satellite image map of the earth. You can also substitute surface maps of other planets if you're feeling cosmic.
astro/xtide-2.15.1 (Score: 0.0048839888)
Harmonic tide clock and tide predictor
The xtide program predicts and displays tides. It is capable of producing output in a variety of dynamic and static formats, and has extensions for X, plain ASCII, and HTML.
audio/abcselect-1.5 (Score: 0.0048839888)
Extract parts, movements, etc from abc music files
abcselect is a perl script for extracting parts, movements etc. from files in the abc format of music notation.
audio/asmixer-0.5 (Score: 0.0048839888)
Mixer control for AfterStep window manager
The asmixer utility is a mixer control for the X Windows environment. It is designed to work with the AfterStep Window Manager, but it will work with Window Maker or most any other Window Manager. It has controls for three configurable channels which are master, pcm, and cd volume by default.