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Results 301310 of 17,660 for descr%3A%22spam filter%22.(0.009 seconds)
misc/talkfilters-2.3.8 (Score: 0.008589486)
Set of filters to convert English text to various stereotyped dialects
The GNU Talk Filters are filter programs that convert ordinary English text into text that mimics a stereotyped or otherwise humorous dialect. Each program reads from standard input and writes to standard output. The filters include: austro, b1ff, brooklyn, chef, cockney, drawl, dubya, fudd, funetak, jethro, jive, kraut, pansy, pirate, postmodern, redneck, valspeak, and warez.
net-mgmt/nagios-pf-plugin-0.1 (Score: 0.008589486)
Nagios plugin for checking PF
check_pf is a plugin intended for use with the Nagios network monitoring system. This plugin checks the status of PF, the OpenBSD packet filter, and compares the current state count to given or default thresholds, returning the result. It is written in C.
net-mgmt/qkismet-0.3.1 (Score: 0.008589486)
Qt 4 GUI client for Kismet
qKismet is graphical Kismet client writtent in Qt. It aims to be a full-featured client, which provides features allowing easy overwiew of Kismet output. Currently it displays networks, clients, alerts and status messages and allows to sort and filter them.
net/gq-1.3.4 (Score: 0.008589486)
GTK-based LDAP client
GQ is a GTK-based LDAP client. Features include: - browse and search modes - LDAP V3 schema browser - template editor - edit and delete entries - add entries with templates - export subtree or whole server to LDIF file - use any number of servers - search based on single argument or LDAP filter
www/ffproxy-1.6 (Score: 0.008589486)
Filtering HTTP proxy server
ffproxy is a filtering HTTP proxy server. It is able to filter by host, URL, and header. Custom header entries can be filtered and added. It can even drop its privileges and optionally chroot() to some directory. Logging to syslog() is supported, as is using another auxiliary proxy server. Contacting IPv6 servers is supported and allows transparent IPv6 over IPv4 browsing.
www/mknmz-wwwoffle-0.7.2 (Score: 0.008589486)
WWWOFFLE cache indexer for full-text search system Namazu
mknmz-wwwoffle performs full-text search over the cache created by WWWOFFLE, using full-text search system Namazu (http://www.namazu.org/). mknmz-wwwoffle adds a filter for mknmz which is used to generate index files for cache entries in WWWOFFLE.
mail/Sendmail-AccessDB-1.04 (Score: 0.008469173)
Perl5 interface to the Sendmail access.db list
This module is designed so that users of the Sendmail::Milter module (or other Sendmail programmers) can ascertain if a user has elected to whitelist themselves as a "spam friend" (where there should be no spam filtering on mail to them) or, where spam-filtering is not the default, but an option, where certain receipients have been labeled as "spam haters".
net-mgmt/flow-tools-0.68 (Score: 0.008403921)
Suite of tools and library to work with netflow data
Tools to capture, replicate, print, filter, send and other works on Cisco's NetFlow Export.
net-mgmt/flow-tools- (Score: 0.008403921)
Suite of tools and library to work with netflow data
Tools to capture, replicate, print, filter, send and other works on Cisco's NetFlow Export.
russian/koi2koi-1998.04.16 (Score: 0.008403921)
Cyrillic charset auto converter
Simple filter for autoconverting widely used cyrillic encodings to KOI8-R