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共有19,819项符合%22HTTP Server%22的查询结果,以下是第12,88112,890项(搜索用时0.011秒)
devel/picp-0.6.8 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Driver for the Microchip Picstart Plus development programmer
This is a FreeBSD port of picp, a command line driver for the Microchip Picstart Plus development programmer. It is compatible with a variety of PICs including the 16F84.
devel/pmccabe-2.6 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Code complexity estimator
pmccabe calculates McCabe-style cyclomatic complexity for C and C++ source code. Per-function complexity may be used for spotting likely trouble spots and for estimating testing effort. pmccabe also includes a non-commented line counter, decomment which only removes comments from source code; codechanges, a program to calculate the amount of change which has occurred between two source trees or files; and vifn, to invoke vi given a function name rather than a file name.
devel/codegen-1.0.7 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Tool to create code generators that operate on XML descriptions
This is an 'abstract' package, it provides the base framework for applications like CodeGen_PECL.
devel/safe-iop-0.3.1 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Safe integer operation library for C
This library provides a collection of (macro-based) functions for performing safe integer operations across platform and architecture with a straightforward API. It supports two modes of use: header-only and linked dynamic library. The linked, dynamic library supplies a format-string based interface which is in pre-alpha. The header-only mode supplies integer and sign overflow and underflow pre-condition checks using checks derived from the CERT secure coding guide. The checks do not rely on twos complement arithmetic and should not at any point perform an arithmetic operations that may overflow. It also performs basic type agreement checks to ensure that the macros are being used (somewhat) correctly.
devel/pragmarcs-20160904 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
PragmAda Reusable Components
PragmAda Reusable Components (PragmARCs) from PragmAda S/W Engineering Provides basic to high-level reusable components to reduce requirements to write new code by 50%. An non-comprehensive component list: * ANSI TTY control * Assertion handler * Assignment * Unbounded bags * Binary searcher * Binary semaphores * Regex matcher * Complex numbers * Date handler * Card deck handler * Concurrent forwarder * Genetic algorithm * New getline * fast string hashing * Extended num. images * Signed int. images * Least squares fitting * Linear eq. solver * Bounded lists * Unbounded lists * Extended maths * GCD/LCM Int. functs * Generic math functs * Matrix maths * Text menu handler * Min/Max functions * Mix case converter * Concurrent monitor * Postfix calculator * Protected options * Bounded queues * Blocking queues * Quick searcher * Generic Regex * REM neural network * Safe pointers * Safe suspension * Safe semaphores * Discrete operations * Skip lists * Generic heap sort * Generic insert sort * Quick in-place sort * Generic radix sort * General stacks * 3-way comparisons * Random Num. generator * and more!
devel/perlconsole-0.4 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Light program that lets you evaluate Perl code interactively
Perl Console is a light program that lets you evaluate Perl code interactively. It uses Readline for grabbing input and provides completion with all the namespaces loaded during your session. This is pretty useful for Perl developers that write modules. You can load a module in your session and test a function exported by the module. Readline is used to grab user input and provides then all the facilities your are used to : completion, key bindings, ...
devel/help-5.5.1 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Python bindings for the Qt5 toolkit, QtHelp module
PyQt5 is a set of Python bindings for Digia's Qt5 application framework. This package provides the QtHelp module.
devel/simpy-3.0.10 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Simulation in Python
SimPy (= Simulation in Python) is an object-oriented, process-based discrete- event simulation language based on standard Python and released under the GNU GPL. It provides the modeler with components of a simulation model including processes, for active components like customers, messages, and vehicles, and resources, for passive components that form limited capacity congestion points like servers, checkout counters, and tunnels. It also provides monitor variables to aid in gathering statistics. Random variates are provided by the standard Python random module.
devel/picprog-1.9.1 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Serial port pic16c84 programmer
This is Picprog, pic16c84 programmer software for the serial port device. To program a pic16c84 chip: picprog --burn --input something.hex --pic /dev/cuaa1 Remember: this is not a production quality programmer! See PIC16C84 data sheet for more information.
devel/argparse-1.2.1 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Optparse-inspired command-line parsing library
Argparse takes the best of the optparse command-line parsing module and brings it new life. Argparse adds positional as well as optional arguments, the ability to create parsers for sub-commands, more informative help and usage messages, and much more. At the same time, it retains the ease and flexibility of use that made optparse so popular.