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共有19,819项符合%22HTTP Server%22的查询结果,以下是第17,13117,140项(搜索用时0.011秒)
Automatically hash password/passphrase columns
DBIx::Class::PassphraseColumn - Automatically hash password/passphrase columns
Log queries for later analysis
DBIx::Class::QueryLog logs each transaction and query executed so you can analyze what happened in the session.
DBIx::Class profiler
DBIx::Class::QueryProfiler is a profiler for DBIx::Class. Also it provides more usable output or queries.
Adds syntactic sugar to skip the fancy objects
Easy way to turn resultsets into hashrefs.
Like update_or_create - but recursive
It is a base class for ResultSets providing just one method: recur- sive_update which works just like update_or_create but can recursively update or create data objects composed of multiple rows. All rows need to be identified by primary keys - so you need to provide them in the update structure (unless they can be deduced from the parent row - for example when you have a belongs_to relationship). If not all colums comprising the primary key are specified - then a new row will be cre- ated, with the expectation that the missing columns will be filled by it (as in the case of auto_increment primary keys).
Credential Management for DBIx::Class
DBIx::Class::Schema::Config is a subclass of DBIx::Class::Schema that allows the loading of credentials from a file. The actual code itself would only need to know about the name used in the configuration file. This aims to make it simpler for operations teams to manage database credentials.
Dynamic definition of a DBIx::Class::Schema
DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader automates the definition of a DBIx::Class::Schema by scanning database table definitions and setting up the columns, primary keys, and relationships. DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader currently supports only the DBI storage type. It has explicit support for DBD::Pg, DBD::mysql, DBD::DB2, and DBD::SQLite. Other DBI drivers may function to a greater or lesser degree with this loader, depending on how much of the DBI spec they implement, and how standard their implementation is. Patches to make other DBDs work correctly welcome. See DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::DBI::Writing for notes on writing your own vendor-specific subclass for an unsupported DBD driver. This module requires DBIx::Class 0.06 or later, and obsoletes the older DBIx::Class::Loader. This module is designed more to get you up and running quickly against an existing database, or to be effective for simple situations, rather than to be what you use in the long term for a complex database/project.
Enhanced populate method
A Perl module which provides an enhanced database populate method
databases/DBIx-Class-TimeStamp-0.14 (Score: 7.739885E-4)
DBIx::Class extension to handle date and time based fields
Works in conjunction with InflateColumn::DateTime to automatically set update and create date and time based fields in a table.
Perl extension to manage trees of data using the nested set model
This module provides methods for working with nested set trees. The nested tree model is a way of representing hierarchical information in a database. This takes a different approach to the Adjacency List implementation. (see DBIx::Class::Tree::AdjacencyList which uses parent relationships in a recursive manner).