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Results 811820 of 17,754 for %E6%8E%A7%E5%88%B6%E5%8F%B0.(0.01 seconds)
mail/courier-0.65.3 (Score: 0.007093003)
Courier SMTP IMAP POP3 HTTP mail server suite
Courier is a modular multiprotocol mail server that's designed to strike a balance between reasonable performance, flexibility and features: * Can be configured to function as an intermediate mail relay, or as a mail server that receives mail for one or more domains, or anything in between. * Web-based administration and configuration tool. * Uses an efficient maildir format as its native mail storage format. Some support is provided for legacy mbox mailboxes. * STARTTLS ESMTP extension (as well as IMAP/POP3/Webmail over SSL) in both the client and the server (requires OpenSSL). The ESMTP client can optionally require that the remote server's X.509 certificate is signed by a trusted root CA (a default set of root CAs is provided). * Mailboxes can be accessed via POP3, IMAP, SMAP, and HTTP. * A faxmail gateway that forwards E-mail messages via fax. * Courier includes a mailing list manager. * PAM, LDAP, PostgreSQL, or MySQL authentication. * Authenticated SMTP. * Integrated mail filtering.
net-p2p/vertex-0.3.1 (Score: 0.007093003)
Vertex is an implementation of the Q2Q protocol
Vertex is an implementation of the Q2Q protocol (sort of like P2P, but one better). There are a few moving parts in Vertex: * PTCP: a protocol which is nearly identical to TCP, but which runs over UDP. This lets Q2Q penetrate most NAT configurations. * JUICE ([JU]ice [I]s [C]oncurrent [E]vents): a very simple but immensely flexible protocol which forms the basis of the high-level aspects of Q2Q * vertex: a command line tool which exposes a few features useful in many situations (such as registration and authentication) The Q2Q network has some decentralized features (there is no one server or company which can control all Q2Q addresses) and features of centralization (addresses beneath a particular domain are issued by a server for that domain; once issued, some activities require the server to be contacted again, while others do not). Vertex includes an identity server capable of hosting Q2Q addresses.
security/tripwire-1.3.1 (Score: 0.007093003)
File system security and verification program
Tripwire is a tool that aids system administrators and users in monitoring a designated set of files for any changes. Used with system files on a regular (e.g., daily) basis, Tripwire can notify system administrators of corrupted or tampered files, so damage control measures can be taken in a timely manner. If "TRIPWIRE_FLOPPY" is set to "YES" in the environment or on the "make" command line, this port will write the tripwire database to a floppy disk, which should then be write-protected and used as a reference for future runs. The diskette should be formatted and present in the "A" drive before starting the "make install" step. Joe Greco <jgreco@ns.sol.net>
security/tripwire-1.2 (Score: 0.007093003)
File system security and verification program
Tripwire is a tool that aids system administrators and users in monitoring a designated set of files for any changes. Used with system files on a regular (e.g., daily) basis, Tripwire can notify system administrators of corrupted or tampered files, so damage control measures can be taken in a timely manner. If "TRIPWIRE_FLOPPY" is set to "YES" in the environment or on the "make" command line, this port will write the tripwire database to a floppy disk, which should then be write-protected and used as a reference for future runs. The diskette should be formatted and present in the "A" drive before starting the "make install" step. Joe Greco <jgreco@ns.sol.net>
textproc/re_graph-0.2 (Score: 0.007093003)
Regular Expression Graphing Program
The re_graph.pl program graphs regular expressions. The guts of the regular expression engine is a simple state machine. The various states and operations in the regular expression parser can be displayed using a surprisingly simple diagram. A few notes on what you are looking at: * The nodes Start and Stop denote the beginning and end of the regular expression. * The solid squares denote atoms. Lines indicate the next state. When a line splits, the state machine will take the top line first. If it's path is blocked it will backup and take the next lower line. This is repeated until it finds a path to the end or all paths are exhausted. * Brown boxes indicate a grouping operation, i.e. (). * Green boxes indicate a zero with test. The state machine will perform the test inside the box before moving ahead.
www/HTML-Breadcrumbs-0.7 (Score: 0.007093003)
Module to produce HTML 'breadcrumb trails'
HTML::Breadcrumbs is a module used to create HTML 'breadcrumb trails' i.e. an ordered set of html links locating the current page within a hierarchy. HTML::Breadcrumbs splits the given path up into a list of elements, derives labels to use for each of these elements, and then renders this list as N-1 links using the derived label, with the final element being just a label. Both procedural and object-oriented interfaces are provided. The OO interface is useful if you want to separate object creation and initialisation from rendering or display, or for subclassing. Both interfaces allow you to munge the path in various ways, to set labels either explicitly via a hashref or via a callback subroutine, and to control the formatting of elements via sprintf patterns or a callback subroutine.
devel/Cache-AgainstFile-1.016 (Score: 0.007061231)
Cache data structures parsed from files, watching for updates
A module that caches a data structure against a filename, statting the file to determine whether it has changed and needs to be re-parsed. You supply a routine to generate the data structure given the filename. This module is recommended for files which change infrequently but are read often, especially if they are expensive to parse. This approach has the advantage over lazy caching that multiple processes holding a cache will all update at the same time so you will not get inconsistent results if you request data from different processes. The module itself is simply a factory for various backend modules. The distribution includes backends for in-memory caching or file caching using Storable, plus an adaptor to use any modules offering the Cache or Cache::Cache interfaces as the cache implementation. Data structures are automatically serialised/deserialised by the backend modules if they are being persisted somewhere other than in memory (e.g. on the filesystem).
devel/Safe-Isa-1.000005 (Score: 0.007061231)
Call isa, can, does and DOES safely on things that may not be objects
Since Perl allows us to provide a subroutine reference or a method name to the -> operator when used as a method call, and a subroutine doesn't require the invocant to actually be an object, we can create safe versions of isa, can and friends by using a subroutine reference that only tries to call the method if it's used on an object. e.g. my $isa_Foo = $maybe_an_object->$_call_if_object(isa => 'Foo'); Note that we don't handle trying class names, because many things are valid class names that you might not want to treat as one (like say "Matt") - the is_module_name function from Module::Runtime is a good way to check for something you might be able to call methods on if you want to do that.
mail/alpine-2.20 (Score: 0.007061231)
Mail and news client descended from Pine
Alpine is a screen-oriented message-handling tool for news, and POP, IMAP, and local e-mail. In its default configuration it offers a limited set of functions geared toward the novice user, but it also has a large list of optional "power-user" and personal-preference features. Alpine's basic feature set includes: * View, Save, Export, Delete, Print, Reply and Forward messages. Compose messages in a simple editor with word-wrap and a spelling checker. Messages may be postponed for later completion. * Selection and management of message folders. * Address book to keep a list of long or frequently-used addresses. Personal distribution lists may be defined. Addresses may be taken into the address book from incoming mail without retyping them. * New mail checking/notification occurs automatically (configurable). * On-line, context-sensitive help screens. Alpine supports MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions), an Internet Standard for representing multipart and multimedia data in email.
multimedia/szap_s2-20100129s (Score: 0.007061231)
Simple zapping tool for the Linux DVB S2 API
szap-s2 is a command line channel zapping (i.e. tuning) utility similar to szap but including support for S2API a.k.a. DVB API version 5, which supports DVB-S2. When using szap-s2, one instructs it to change the channel to one of a list of channels supplied in a channels.conf type file. There is no manpage yet, but you can run szap-s2 without args to get a usage message. location of channel list file is ~/.szap/channels.conf one line of the szap channel file has the following format: name:frequency_MHz:polarization[coderate][delivery][modulation][rolloff]:sat_no:symbolrate:vpid:apid:service_id one line of the VDR channel file has the following format: name:frequency_MHz:polarization[coderate][delivery][modulation][rolloff]:sat_no:symbolrate:vpid:apid:tpid:?:service_id:?:?:?