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共有17,660项符合descr%3A%22spam filter%22的查询结果,以下是第11,51111,520项(搜索用时0.011秒)
chinese/scim-pinyin-0.5.92 (Score: 1.1597805E-4)
SCIM 中文智能拼音输入法
SCIM 中文智能拼音输入法 智能通用输入法平台,简称 SCIM,是一个让输入法开发者变得轻松的开发平台。它有一个非常清晰的体系 和简单的编程接口。
chinese/sunpinyin-2.0.4.r3 (Score: 1.1597805E-4)
Statistical language model based input method engine
SunPinyin is a statistical language model based Chinese input method, which was firstly developed by Sun Beijing Globalization team, and opensource'd to community with OpenSolaris project, with LGPLv2 and CDDL dual-licenses.
comms/ebook2cwgui-0.1.2 (Score: 1.1597805E-4)
gui front end for ebooks2cw
ebook2cwgui is a GUI front end for ebook2cw created in WxWidgets with support for both Linux and Windows. Written by Fabian Kurz, DJ1YFK <mail@fkurz.net>
comms/klog- (Score: 1.1597805E-4)
Simple Qt-based amateur radio logger
KLog is a simple amateur radio logging program for KDE. It supports QSL management, DXCC, WAZ and local awards, DX Clusters, Basic IOTA, Satellite support, and import from ADIF, TLF, and Cabrillo formats.
comms/nec2c-.9 (Score: 1.1597805E-4)
Used to calculate antenna patterns useful to ham radio
nec2c is a translation of the NEC2 FORTRAN source code to the C language. The translation was performed mostly "by hand" and a lot of modifications to the original program were introduced in order to modernize the NEC2 and to remove as many built-in limitations as possible. The attendant SOMNEC program was also translated to C and incorporated in nec2c as a function so that Sommerfeld ground solutions are a part of the program. Originally Written by: Numerical Electromagnetics Code (NEC2) developed at Lawrence Livermore lab., Livermore, CA. (contact G. Burke at 415-422-8414 for problems with the NEC code. For problems with the vax implem- entation, contact J. Breakall at 415-422-8196 or E. Domning at 415 422-5936) file created 4/11/80. Translation by: Neoklis Kyriazis 5B4AZ Limassol, Cyprus, neoklisk@cytanet.com.cy
comms/splat-1.4.0 (Score: 1.1597805E-4)
Used in calculating path losses, useful to ham radio and others
SPLAT! is an RF Signal Propagation, Loss, And Terrain analysis tool for the spectrum between 20 MHz and 20 GHz. Useful to Amateur Radio operators. Written by John A. Magliacane, KD2BD
comms/smstools-3.1.15 (Score: 1.1597805E-4)
SMS Gateway software for GSM modems and mobile phones
The SMS Server Tools 3 is a SMS Gateway software which can send and receive short messages through GSM modems and mobile phones. This is the enhanced version 3.x maintained by Mr. Keijo "Keke" Kasvi.
comms/syncterm-1.0 (Score: 1.1597805E-4)
ANSI-BBS terminal which supports telnet, rlogin, and SSH
An ANSI-BBS terminal designed to connect to remote BBSs via telnet, rlogin, or SSH. Supports ANSI music and the IBM charset when possible. Will run from a console, under X11 using XLib, or using SDL.
converters/RJSONIO-1.3.0 (Score: 1.1597805E-4)
Serialize R objects to JSON, JavaScript Object Notation
This is a package that allows conversion to and from data in Javascript object notation (JSON) format. This allows R objects to be inserted into Javascript/ECMAScript/ActionScript code and allows R programmers to read and convert JSON content to R objects. This is an alternative to rjson package. That version was too slow for converting large R objects to JSON and is not extensible, but a very useful prototype. It is fast for parsing. This package uses methods, vectorized operations and C code and callbacks to R functions for deserializing JSON objects to R. Verison 0.4 of this package uses a new native parser, implements the transformation code in C and allocates memory efficiently (rather than concatenating because of event driven parsing). The result is a significantly faster parsing of large JSON documents.
converters/base64-1.5 (Score: 1.1597805E-4)
Utility to encode and decode base64 files
Base64 is a command line utility which encodes/decodes arbitrary binary information in the base64 format used by MIME-encoded documents, such as electronic mail messages with embedded files (RFC 1341 and successors).