Ports 搜索

devel/PerlIO-via-dynamic-0.14 (Score: 0.032514982)
Dynamic PerlIO layers
PerlIO::via::dynamic is used for creating dynamic PerlIO layers. It is useful when the behavior or the layer depends on variables.
devel/Parse-CPAN-Packages-2.40 (Score: 0.032514982)
Parse 02packages.details.txt.gz from CPAN
The Comprehensive Perl Archive Network (CPAN) is a very useful collection of Perl code. It has several indices of the files that it hosts, including a file named "02packages.details.txt.gz" in the "modules" directory. This file contains lots of useful information and this module provides a simple interface to the data contained within.
devel/Pid-File-Flock-0.08 (Score: 0.032514982)
PID file operations
PID file operations
devel/Parse-ErrorString-Perl-0.22 (Score: 0.032514982)
Parse error messages from the Perl interpreter
Parse::ErrorString::Perl is a module for parsing Perl interpreter error messages.
devel/Parse-LocalDistribution-0.15 (Score: 0.032514982)
Perl extension to parses local .pm files as PAUSE does
This is a sister module of Parse::PMFile. This module parses local .pm files (and a META file if any) in a specific (current if not specified) directory, and returns a hash reference that represents "provides" information (with some extra meta data). This is almost the same as Module::Metadata does (which has been in Perl core since Perl 5.13.9). The main difference is the most of the code of this module is directly taken from the PAUSE code as of June 2013. If you need better compatibility to PAUSE, try this. If you need better performance, safety, or portability in general, Module::Metadata may be a better and handier option (Parse::PMFile (and thus Parse::LocalDistribution) actually evaluates code in the $VERSION line (in a Safe compartment), which may be problematic in some cases).
Perl6 like method signature parser
Parse::Method::Signatures is a Perl6 like method signature parser inspired by Perl6::Signature but streamlined to just support the subset deemed useful for TryCatch and MooseX::Method::Signatures.
devel/Parse-PMFile-0.36 (Score: 0.032514982)
Perl extension to parses .pm file as PAUSE does
The most of the code of this module is taken from the PAUSE code as of April 2013 almost verbatim. Thus, the heart of this module should be quite stable. However, I made it not to use pipe ("-|") as well as I stripped database-related code. If you encounter any issue, that's most probably because of my modification. This module doesn't provide features to extract a distribution or parse meta files intentionally.
devel/Parse-Pidl-4.3.11 (Score: 0.032514982)
IDL compiler written in Perl
Pidl is an IDL compiler written in Perl that aims to be somewhat compatible with the midl compiler. IDL stands for "Interface Definition Language". Pidl can generate stubs for DCE/RPC server code, DCE/RPC client code and ethereal dissectors for DCE/RPC traffic. IDL compilers like pidl take a description of an interface as their input and use it to generate C (though support for other languages may be added later) code that can use these interfaces, pretty print data sent using these interfaces, or even generate ethereal dissectors that can parse data sent over the wire by these interfaces. Pidl takes IDL files in the same format as is used by midl, converts it to a .pidl file (which contains pidl's internal representation of the interface) and can then generate whatever output you need. .pidl files should be used for debugging purposes only. Write your interface definitions in .idl format. The goal of pidl is to implement a IDL compiler that can be used while developing the RPC subsystem in Samba (for both marshalling/unmarshalling and debugging purposes).
devel/Parse-PlainConfig-2.06 (Score: 0.032514982)
Perl5 module to use plain config files
This perl module allows you to use generic config files in Perl applications. Syntax of the configuration file(s) to read is fully configurable including delimiters, maximum config size, ends of lines, and features include comments, associative arrays, types of variables with coercion
devel/Pragmatic-1.7 (Score: 0.032514982)
Adds pragmata to Exporter
Pragmatic implements a default import method for processing pragmata before passing the rest of the import to Exporter. Perl automatically calls the import method when processing a use statement for a module. Modules and use are documented in perlfunc and perlmod. (Do not confuse Pragmatic with pragmatic modules, such as less, strict and the like. They are standalone pragmata, and are not associated with any other module.)