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Results 181190 of 5,623 for /devel/.(0.019 seconds)
devel/boost-libs-1.55.0 (Score: 0.048428707)
Free portable C++ libraries (without Boost.Python)
Boost provides free peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries. The emphasis is on libraries that work well with the C++ Standard Library. Boost libraries are intended to be widely useful, and usable across a broad spectrum of applications. The Boost license encourages both commercial and non-commercial use. The goal is to establish "existing practice" and provide reference implementations so that Boost libraries are suitable for eventual standardization. Ten Boost libraries are already included in the C++ Standards Committee's Library Technical Report (TR1) and will be in the new C++0x Standard now being finalized. C++0x will also include several more Boost libraries in addition to those from TR1. More Boost libraries are proposed for TR2. NOTE: This package does not contain Boost.Python, it's in 'devel/boost-python-libs'.
devel/Test-Refcount-0.08 (Score: 0.048428707)
Assert reference counts on objects
The Perl garbage collector uses simple reference counting during the normal execution of a program. This means that cycles or unweakened references in other parts of code can keep an object around for longer than intended. To help avoid this problem, the reference count of a new object from its class constructor ought to be 1. This way, the caller can know the object will be properly DESTROYed when it drops all of its references to it. Test::Refcount provides two test functions to help ensure this property holds for an object class, so as to be polite to its callers. If the assertion fails; that is, if the actual reference count is different to what was expected, a trace of references to the object can be printed, if Marc Lehmann's Devel::FindRef module is installed. This may assist the developer in finding where the references are.
www/Apache-DB-0.14 (Score: 0.045010813)
Debugging and profiling tools for mod_perl
This package provides debugging and profiling tools for mod_perl: Apache::DB - Hooks for the interactive Perl debugger Apache::DProf - Hooks for Devel::DProf Apache::SmallProf - Hooks for Devel::SmallProf
science/liboglappth-1.0.0 (Score: 0.03819294)
Support libraries of science/ghemical port
libghemical is a support library packages for science/ghemical This is for the OpenGL stuff. See also: http://www.bioinformatics.org/pipermail/ghemical-devel/2007-September/000688.html
devel/9base-b20100604 (Score: 0.032514982)
Port of various original plan9 tools
9base is a port of following original Plan 9 userland tools to Unix: awk, basename, bc, cat, cleanname, date, dc, echo, grep, mk, rc, sed, seq, sleep, sort, tee, test, touch, tr, uniq, and yacc.
devel/avr-libc-1.8.1 (Score: 0.032514982)
C and math library for the Atmel AVR controller family
avr-libc -- a C and math library for the Atmel AVR controller family This library implements a subset of common C library functions, some Atmel AVR specific additions (like handling AVR's IO facilities, EEPROM etc.), as well as a 32-bit floating point math library (-lm). Everything is designed and implemented to cooperate with avr-gcc and avr-binutils.
devel/electricfence-2.2.2 (Score: 0.032514982)
Debugging malloc() that uses the VM hardware to detect buffer overruns
Electric Fence is a different kind of malloc() debugger. It uses the virtual memory hardware of your system to detect when software overruns the boundaries of a malloc() buffer. It will also detect any accesses of memory that has been released by free(). Because it uses the VM hardware for detection, Electric Fence stops your program on the first instruction that causes a bounds violation. It's then trivial to use a debugger to display the offending statement. It will probably port to any ANSI/POSIX system that provides mmap(), and mprotect(), as long as mprotect() has the capability to turn off all access to a memory page, and mmap() can use /dev/zero or the MAP_ANONYMOUS flag to create virtual memory pages. Complete information on the use of Electric Fence is in the manual page efence(3).
devel/libhtp-0.5.21 (Score: 0.032514982)
Security-aware parser for the HTTP protocol
LibHTP is a security-aware parser for the HTTP protocol and the related bits and pieces. The goals of the project, in the order of importance, are as follows: 1. Completeness of coverage; LibHTP must be able to parse virtually all traffic that is found in practice. 2. Permissive parsing; LibHTP must never fail to parse a stream that would be parsed by some other web server. 3. Awareness of evasion techniques; LibHTP must be able to detect and effectively deal with various evasion techniques, producing, where practical, identical or practically identical results as the web server processing the same traffic stream. 4. Performance; The performance must be adequate for the desired tasks. Completeness and security are often detremental to performance. Our idea of handling the conflicting requirements is to put the library user in control, allowing him to choose the most desired library characteristic.
devel/avro-1.8.1 (Score: 0.032514982)
Data serialization system for ANSI C
Avro is a data serialization system. Avro provides: * Rich data structures. * A compact, fast, binary data format. * A container file, to store persistent data. * Remote procedure call (RPC). * Simple integration with dynamic languages. Code generation is not required to read or write data files nor to use or implement RPC protocols. Code generation as an optional optimization, only worth implementing for statically typed languages.
devel/avro-1.8.1 (Score: 0.032514982)
Data serialization system for C++
Avro is a data serialization system. Avro provides: * Rich data structures. * A compact, fast, binary data format. * A container file, to store persistent data. * Remote procedure call (RPC). * Simple integration with dynamic languages. Code generation is not required to read or write data files nor to use or implement RPC protocols. Code generation as an optional optimization, only worth implementing for statically typed languages.