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Results 2,1712,180 of 17,754 for %E6%8E%A7%E5%88%B6%E5%8F%B0.(0.01 seconds)
games/cultivation-8 (Score: 9.91065E-4)
Unique game of conflict and cooperation in a gardening community
Cultivation is quite different from most other games. It is a social simulation, and the primary form of conflict is over land and plant resources---there is no shooting, but there are plenty of angry looks. It is also an evolution simulation. Within the world of Cultivation, you can explore a virtually infinite spectrum of different plant and gardener varieties. All of the graphics, sounds, melodies,and other content in Cultivation are 100% procedurally generated at playtime. In other words, there are no hand-painted texture maps---instead, each object has a uniquely "grown" appearance. Every time you play, Cultivation generates fresh visuals, music, and behaviors.
games/gnomeattacks-0.3 (Score: 9.91065E-4)
GNOME 2 game featuring a bizarre flying GNOME logo
Oh no! The fair city is under attack by a GNOME logo that drops bombs! You must destroy the city before the logo crashes into a building! Wait, no, that's not right. Oh no! There is a city standing in the way of the GNOME logo you're trying to fly around. You must destroy the buildings before they crash into your flying logo. Either way, the game is so simple to play that your cat could potentially earn the high score just by walking across the keyboard. GNOME Attacks! This game also features one of the coolest splash screens ever.
math/Algorithm-KMeans-2.05 (Score: 9.91065E-4)
Clustering multi-dimensional data with a pure-Perl implementation
Algorithm::KMeans is a perl5 module for the clustering of numerical data in multidimensional spaces. Since the module is entirely in Perl (in the sense that it is not a Perl wrapper around a C library that actually does the clustering), the code in the module can easily be modified to experiment with several aspects of automatic clustering. For example, one can change the criterion used to measure the "distance" between two data points, the stopping condition for accepting final clusters, the criterion used for measuring the quality of the clustering achieved, etc.
math/sfst-1.4.6h (Score: 9.91065E-4)
A toolbox for the implementation of morphological analysers
SFST is a toolbox for the implementation of morphological analysers and other tools which are based on finite state transducer technology. The SFST tools comprise: -- a compiler which translates transducer programs into minimised transducers -- interactive and batch-mode analysis programs -- tools for comparing and printing transducers -- an efficient C++ transducer library Features: -- easy to learn for users who are familiar with grep, sed, or Perl. -- efficient implementation in C++ -- supports -- a wide range of transducer operations -- UTF-8 character coding -- weighted transducers (basic functionality only)
net/mtr-0.86 (Score: 9.91065E-4)
Traceroute and ping in a single network diagnostic tool
mtr combines the functionality of the 'traceroute' and 'ping' programs in a single network diagnostic tool. As mtr starts, it investigates the network connection between the host mtr runs on and a user-specified destination host. After it determines the address of each network hop between the machines, it sends a sequence ICMP ECHO requests to each one to determine the quality of the link to each machine. As it does this, it prints running statistics about each machine. Official mtr repository is at https://github.com/traviscross/mtr
shells/esh-0.8.5 (Score: 9.91065E-4)
The "easy shell", a small shell with Lisp-like syntax
esh is a new shell for Unix, written completely from scratch. It is very small, both in number of lines of source code and in memory consumption. The whole shell is about 5000 lines of C source code, and occupies about twice as little memory as bash in some cases. However, esh is also extremely flexible, with a real programming language at the core. The syntax is a simplified form of Scheme. The current version is 0.8, though it is already stable and featureful. The reason for the low version number is lack of real-world testing. It is released under the GPL, of course.
sysutils/fetchlog-1.4 (Score: 9.91065E-4)
Fetch and convert new messages of a logfile
The fetchlog utility displays the last new messages of a logfile. It is similar like tail (1) but offers some extra functionality like pattern matching with regular expressions or output formatting. To show only the new messages appeared since the last call fetchlog uses a bookmark to remember which messages have been fetched. fetchlog works on syslog generated logfiles as well as other logfiles. fetchlog can be used standalone or as a Nagios (TM) plugin. Together with Net-SNMP one can look at/monitor new messages in remote logfiles. -Alexander Haderer alexander.haderer@loescap.de
sysutils/munin-2.0.25 (Score: 9.91065E-4)
Common components between a munin node and server
Munin network-wide graphing framework (node) Munin is a tool for graphing all sorts of information about one or more servers and displaying it in a web interface. It uses the excellent RRDTool (written by Tobi Oetiker) and is written in Perl. Munin has a master/node architecture. The master connects to all the nodes at regular intervals, and asks them for data. It then stores the data in RRD-files, and (if needed) updates the graphs. One of the main goals have been ease of creating own "plugins" (graphs). This are the common components to drive both the server and the node components of munin.
textproc/aiksaurus-1.2.1 (Score: 9.91065E-4)
Set of libraries and applications which provide a thesaurus
Aiksaurus is a set of libraries and applications which provide a thesaurus (currently English only, based on Guttenburg's Moby thesaurus) using native GUI on several platforms: UNIX (GTK+ & Qt), Win32 & MacOSX (Cocoa). The core library itself is platform-independent. The principal language is C++, with some use of Cocoa/ObjC++; wrappers are provided for C and Cocoa/ObjC. Aiksausus plugins exist for AbiWord on UNIX and Win32; the library is also used by Lyx; and the new Cocoa port provides a MacOSX NSService hook so that Safari and other such applications can use this thesaurus without Aiksaurus-specific development.
www/planet-2.0 (Score: 9.91065E-4)
Planet is a flexible feed aggregator - and more!
Planet is a flexible feed aggregator, this means that it downloads feeds and aggregates their content together into a single combined feed with the latest news first. It uses Mark Pilgrim's Ultra-liberal feed parser so can read from RDF, RSS and Atom feeds and Tomas Styblo's template library to output static files in unlimited formats based on a series of templates. Planet was written for the Planet Debian and Planet GNOME websites by Scott James Remnant <scott@netsplit.com> and Jeff Waugh <jdub@perkypants.org>. It was originally based on 'spycyroll'.