Ports Search

Results 2,0912,100 of 17,754 for %E6%8E%A7%E5%88%B6%E5%8F%B0.(0.007 seconds)
mail/qmhandle-1.3.2 (Score: 0.0010014757)
Tool to view and manage a qmail queue
qmHandle is a simple program which allows you to view and manage a qmail message queue. The key features of qmHandle are: * You can read the qmail queue, like you do with the qmail-qread program. However, the output of this program is improved over qmail-qread, with the output of the message subjects and color capabilities; * You can print queue statistics, like qmail-qstat, with color capabilities; * You can view a message in the queue; * You can remove a message from the queue.
mail/dracmail-0.1.2 (Score: 0.0010014757)
DracMail is a webmail interface built using PHP
dracMail is a webmail interface built using PHP, ExtJS (JavaScript framework), MySQL and IMAP. Features include: Rich UI, WYSIWYG editor, HTML mail composing and message caching.
math/gap- (Score: 0.0010014757)
GAP is a system for computational discrete algebra
GAP (Groups, Algorithms and Programming) is a system for computational discrete algebra with particular emphasis on, but not restricted to computational group theory.
misc/colwide-0.01 (Score: 0.0010014757)
Utility which outputs a number of characters to the screen
colwide is a Perl script which displays either 80 or specified number of hash (#) characters on the screen. Can be useful to determine terminal width.
misc/seabios-1.9.3 (Score: 0.0010014757)
Open source implementation of a 16bit X86 BIOS
Seabios is an open source implementation of a 16bit X86 BIOS. SeaBIOS can run in an emulator or it can run natively on X86 hardware
multimedia/xawtv-3.103 (Score: 0.0010014757)
TV viewing application and a few TV utilities
This is a _simple_ xaw-based TV Program which uses the bttv driver or video4linux (included in 2.1.x). Copy Policy is GNU GPL.
net-mgmt/Net-ACL-0.07 (Score: 0.0010014757)
Class representing a generic access-list/route-map
This module represents a generic access-list and route-map. It uses the Net::ACL::Rule object to represent the rules.
net/Net-Nmsg-0.15 (Score: 0.0010014757)
Net::Nmsg is a perl binding to libnmsg
Net::Nmsg is a perl binding to libnmsg, the reference implementation of the NMSG binary structured message interchange format. The NMSG documentation describes the format as: The NMSG format is an efficient encoding of typed, structured data into payloads which are packed into containers which can be transmitted over the network or stored to disk. Each payload is associated with a specific message schema. Modules implementing a certain message schema along with functionality to convert between binary and presentation formats can be loaded at runtime by libnmsg. nmsgtool provides a command line interface to control the transmission, storage, creation, and conversion of NMSG payloads.
net/Net_POP3-1.3.8 (Score: 0.0010014757)
Provides a POP3 class to access POP3 server
Provides a POP3 class to access POP3 server. Support all POP3 commands including UIDL listings, APOP authentication, DIGEST-MD5 and CRAM-MD5 using optional Auth_SASL package.
news/newscache-1.2.r.6 (Score: 0.0010014757)
NewsCache is a free cache server for USENET News
What is NewsCache? NewsCache is a free cache server for USENET News available under the GNU General Public License. NewsCache can be plugged in between your news reader(s) and your news server. NewsCache acts to news readers like a news server and retrieves news articles from the news server like a news reader. Whenever, a client requests an article from NewsCache, NewsCache checks whether the article has already been stored in the cache area. If this is the case, the article is sent directly to its client. Otherwise, the article is requested from the upstream news server, stored in the cache area and sent back to the client.