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Results 221230 of 417 for /lang/.(0.02 seconds)
lang/JavaScript-Squish-0.07 (Score: 0.13971135)
Reduce/Compact JavaScript code to as few characters as possible
This module provides methods to compact javascript source down to just what is needed. It can remove all comments, put everything on one line (semi-)safely, and remove extra whitespace.
lang/Marpa-PP-0.014 (Score: 0.13971135)
Pure Perl version of Marpa
Marpa::PP is the pure Perl version of Marpa. Marpa parses any language whose grammar can be written in BNF. That includes recursive grammars, ambiguous grammars, infinitely ambiguous grammars and grammars with useless or empty productions.
lang/Marpa-XS-1.008000 (Score: 0.13971135)
XS version of Marpa
Marpa::XS is the XS version of Marpa. Marpa parses any language whose grammar can be written in BNF. That includes recursive grammars, ambiguous grammars, infinitely ambiguous grammars and grammars with useless or empty productions.
lang/Marpa-0.208 (Score: 0.13971135)
Parse any Language You Can Describe in BNF
Marpa parses any language whose grammar can be written in BNF. That includes recursive grammars, ambiguous grammars, infinitely ambiguous grammars and grammars with useless or empty productions.
lang/Modern-Perl-1.20150127 (Score: 0.13971135)
Enable all of the features of Modern Perl with one import
Modern Perl programs use several modules to enable additional features of Perl and of the CPAN.
lang/Parse-Perl-0.007 (Score: 0.13971135)
Interpret string as Perl source
This module provides the capability to parse a string at runtime as Perl source code, so that the resulting compiled code can be later executed. This is part of the job of the string form of the eval operator, but in this module it is separated out from the other jobs of eval. Parsing of Perl code is generally influenced by its lexical context, and this module provides some explicit control over this process, by reifying lexical environments as Perl objects.
lang/Perl6-Subs-0.05 (Score: 0.13971135)
Perl6::Subs - Define your subroutines in the Perl 6 style
Perl6::Subs is a source filter that adds a very useful subset of Perl 6 subroutine syntax to Perl 5. Given a subroutine defined with a Perl 6 prototype, the code generated by Perl6::Subs will, at runtime, declare the formal parameters, assign them their values, and validate their contents according to both built-in and user-given rules.
lang/Promises-0.94 (Score: 0.13971135)
An implementation of the Promise/A+ pattern
This module is an implementation of the "Promise/A+" pattern for asynchronous programming. Promises are meant to be a way to better deal with the resulting callback spaghetti that can often result in asynchronous programs.
lang/Pugs-Compiler-Rule-0.37 (Score: 0.13971135)
Compiler for Perl 6 Rules
This module provides an implementation for Perl 6 Rules. It is a front-end to several other modules: * Pugs::Grammar::Rule parses the Rules syntax. * Pugs::Grammar::Rule::Rule specifies the Rules syntax with Rules. * Pugs::Emitter::Rule::Perl5 converts parsed Rules to Perl 5 code. * Pugs::Runtime::Rule provides the runtime engine for Rules. * Pugs::Runtime::Match represents a Match object.
lang/Quantum-Superpositions-2.02 (Score: 0.13971135)
QM-like superpositions in Perl
The Quantum::Superpositions module adds two new operators to Perl: any and all. Each of these operators takes a list of values (states) and superimposes them into a single scalar value (a superposition), which can then be stored in a standard scalar variable. The any and all operators produce two distinct kinds of superposition. The any operator produces a disjunctive superposition, which may (notionally) be in any one of its states at any time, according to the needs of the algorithm that uses it. In contrast, the all operator creates a conjunctive superposition, which is always in every one of its states simultaneously. Superpositions are scalar values and hence can participate in arithmetic and logical operations just like any other type of scalar. However, when an operation is applied to a superposition, it is applied (notionally) in parallel to each of the states in that superposition.