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Results 16,59116,600 of 17,754 for %E6%8E%A7%E5%88%B6%E5%8F%B0.(0.012 seconds)
textproc/Numbers_Words-0.16.4 (Score: 4.578865E-5)
PEAR package provides methods for spelling numerals in words
With Numbers_Words class you can convert numbers written in arabic digits to words in several languages. You can convert an integer between -infinity and infinity. If your system does not support such long numbers you can call Numbers_Words::toWords() with just a string. With the Numbers_Words::toCurrency($num, $locale, 'USD') method you can convert a number (decimal and fraction part) to words with currency name. The following languages are supported: * bg (Bulgarian) * cs (Czech) * de (German) * dk (Danish) * en_100 (Donald Knuth system, English) * en_GB (British English) * en_US (American English) * es (Spanish Castellano) * es_AR (Argentinian Spanish) * et (Estonian) * fr (French) * fr_BE (French Belgium) * he (Hebrew) * hu_HU (Hungarian) * id (Indonesian) * it_IT (Italian) * lt (Lithuanian) * nl (Dutch) * pl (Polish) * pt_BR (Brazilian Portuguese) * ru (Russian) * sv (Swedish)
textproc/libtre-0.8.0 (Score: 4.578865E-5)
Python interface for the tre regular expressions library
Libtre is an attempt to create a lightweight, robust, and efficient fully POSIX compliant regexp matching library. There is still some work left, but the results so far are promising. At the core of Libtre is a new algorithm for regular expression matching with submatch addressing. The algorithm uses linear worst-case time in the length of the text being searched, and quadratic worst-case time in the length of the used regular expression. In other words, the time complexity of the algorithm is O(M2N), where M is the length of the regular expression and N is the length of the text. The used space is also quadratic on the length of the regex, but does not depend on the searched string. This quadratic behaviour occurs only on pathological cases which are probably very rare in practice.
textproc/sgrep2-1.94a (Score: 4.578865E-5)
Grep for structured text like SGML and HTML
sgrep (structured grep) is a tool for searching and indexing text, SGML,XML and HTML files and filtering text streams using structural criteria. The data model of sgrep is based on regions, which are nonempty substrings of text. Regions are typically occurrences of constant strings, SGML-tags, or meaningful text elements, which are recognizable through some delimiting strings or the builtin SGML, XML and HTML parser. Regions can be arbitrarily long, arbitrarily overlapping, and arbitrarily nested. Sgrep is a convenient tool for making queries to almost any kind of text files with some well kown structure. These include programs, mail folders, news folders, HTML, SGML, etc... With relatively simple queries you can display mail messages by their subject or sender, extract titles or links or any regions from HTML files, function prototypes from C or make complex queries to SGML files based on the DTD of the file.
textproc/xerces-j-2.11.0 (Score: 4.578865E-5)
XML parser for Java
The Xerces Java Parser is a complete implementation of the parser related portions of JAXP 1.4 and also brings Xerces into compliance with SAX 2.0.2, the DOM Level 3 Core and Load/Save W3C Recommendations, the XML Inclusions (XInclude) Version 1.0 W3C Recommendation and the XML Schema 1.0 Structures and Datatypes Second Edition W3C Recommendations. Xerces2 is the next generation of high performance, fully compliant XML parsers in the Apache Xerces family. This version of Xerces introduces the Xerces Native Interface (XNI), a complete framework for building parser components and configurations that is extremely modular and easy to program. The Apache Xerces2 parser is the reference implementation of XNI but other parser components, configurations, and parsers can be written using the Xerces Native Interface.
textproc/xhtml-basic-1.0.20001219 (Score: 4.578865E-5)
From the abstract: The XHTML Basic document type includes the minimal set of modules required to be an XHTML host language document type, and in addition it includes images, forms, basic tables, and object support. It is designed for Web clients that do not support the full set of XHTML features; for example, Web clients such as mobile phones, PDAs, pagers, and settop boxes. The document type is rich enough for content authoring. XHTML Basic is designed as a common base that may be extended. For example, an event module that is more generic than the traditional HTML 4 event system could be added or it could be extended by additional modules from XHTML Modularization such as the Scripting Module. The goal of XHTML Basic is to serve as a common language supported by various kinds of user agents. The document type definition is implemented using XHTML modules as defined in "Modularization of XHTML", found in ports/textproc/xhtml-modularization.
www/libhtp-0.2.14 (Score: 4.578865E-5)
Security-aware parser for the HTTP protocol
LibHTP is a security-aware parser for the HTTP protocol and the related bits and pieces. The goals of the project, in the order of importance, are as follows: 1. Completeness of coverage; LibHTP must be able to parse virtually all traffic that is found in practice. 2. Permissive parsing; LibHTP must never fail to parse a stream that would be parsed by some other web server. 3. Awareness of evasion techniques; LibHTP must be able to detect and effectively deal with various evasion techniques, producing, where practical, identical or practically identical results as the web server processing the same traffic stream. 4. Performance; The performance must be adequate for the desired tasks. Completeness and security are often detremental to performance. Our idea of handling the conflicting requirements is to put the library user in control, allowing him to choose the most desired library characteristic.
www/mod_encoding-20021209 (Score: 4.578865E-5)
Apache module for non-ASCII filename interoperability
mod_encoding - Apache module for non-ascii filename interoperability This module improves non-ascii filename interoperability of apache (and mod_dav). It seems many WebDAV clients send filename in its platform-local encoding. But since mod_dav expects everything, even HTTP request line, to be in UTF-8, this causes an interoperability problem. I believe this is a future issue for specification (RFC?) to standardize encoding used in HTTP request-line and HTTP header, but life would be much easier if mod_dav (and others) can handle various encodings sent by clients, TODAY. This module does just that. This module adds following directives: EncodingEngine, SetServerEncoding, AddClientEncoding, DefaultClientEncoding, and NormalizeUsername. Note by maintainer: It also solves the problem with the "hostname\\username" way of authentication that Windows machines do when they attach to a DAV server. See the use of the NormalizeUsername directive.
www/CGI-Ex-2.44 (Score: 4.578865E-5)
CGI utility suite - makes powerful application writing fun and easy
CGI::Ex provides a suite of utilities to make writing CGI scripts more enjoyable. Although they can all be used separately, the main functionality of each of the modules is best represented in the CGI::Ex::App module. CGI::Ex::App takes CGI application building to the next step. CGI::Ex::App is not quite a framework (which normally includes pre-built html) instead CGI::Ex::App is an extended application flow that dramatically reduces CGI build time in most cases. It does so using as little magic as possible. See CGI::Ex::App. The main functionality is provided by several other modules that may be used separately, or together through the CGI::Ex interface.
www/CGI.pm-3.63 (Score: 4.578865E-5)
Simple Common Gateway Interface Class for Perl
There are two styles of programming with CGI.pm, an object-oriented style and a function-oriented style. In the object-oriented style you create one or more CGI objects and then use object methods to create the various elements of the page. Each CGI object starts out with the list of named parameters that were passed to your CGI script by the server. You can modify the objects, save them to a file or database and recreate them. Because each object corresponds to the "state" of the CGI script, and because each object's parameter list is independent of the others, this allows you to save the state of the script and restore it later.
Catalyst TT View with template names relative to the Controller
Catalyst::View::TT::ControllerLocal is like a normal Catalyst TT View, but with template file names relative to the current Controller. So with a set of templates like: ./root/edit.html ./root/add.html ./root/Frobniz/add.html and an action "add" in the Controller "MyApp::Controller::Frobniz", you set "$c->stash->{template}" to "add.html" in order for it to pick up the "./root/frobbiz/add.html" template. Setting the "$c->stash->{template}" from Controller "MyApp::Con- troller::Bogon" would instead pick the default template in "./root/add.html" (since there is no Bogon subdirectory under root). In addition, since there is no file "edit.html" except in the Frobniz directory, C::V::TT::ControllerLocal will default to looking for "edit.html" in ./root/ and ./root/base (or whatever you set MyApp->con- fig->{INCLUDE_PATH} to).