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devel/libev-4.22 (Score: 0.039849535)
Full-featured and high-performance event loop library
Libev is a high-performance event loop/event model with lots of features. It is modelled (very loosely) after libevent and the Event perl module, but aims to be faster and more correct, and also more featureful. And also smaller.
devel/mm-1.4.2 (Score: 0.039849535)
Shared memory allocation library for pre-forked process models
OSSP mm - Shared Memory Allocation Library Copyright (c) 1999-2005 Ralf S. Engelschall <rse@engelschall.com> Copyright (c) 1999-2005 The OSSP Project <http://www.ossp.org/> OSSP mm is a 2-layer abstraction library which simplifies the usage of shared memory between forked (and this way strongly related) processes under Unix platforms. On the first layer it hides all platform dependent implementation details (allocation and locking) when dealing with shared memory segments and on the second layer it provides a high-level malloc(3)-style API for a convenient and well known way to work with data-structures inside those shared memory segments.
devel/al-0.9.3 (Score: 0.039849535)
Defines an abstract type of buffer that can move data without copying
OSSP al defines an abstract data type of a data buffer that can assemble, move and truncate chunks of data in a stream but avoids actual copying. It was built to deal efficiently with communication streams between software modules. It especially provides flexible semantical data attribution through by-chunk labeling. It also has convenient chunk traversal methods and optional OSSP ex based exception handling.
devel/cfg-0.9.11 (Score: 0.039849535)
Library for parsing arbitrary C/C++-style configuration files
OSSP cfg is a ISO-C library for parsing arbitrary C/C++-style configuration files. A configuration is sequence of directives. Each directive consists of zero or more tokens. Each token can be either a string or again a complete sequence. This means the configuration syntax has a recursive structure and this way allows to create configurations with arbitrarily nested sections.
devel/l2-0.9.13 (Score: 0.039849535)
C library for a flexible and sophisticated Unix logging facility
OSSP l2 is a C library providing a very flexible and sophisticated Unix logging facility. It is based on the model of arbitrary number of channels, stacked together in a top-down data flow tree structure with filtering channels in internal nodes and output channels on the leave nodes.
devel/val-0.9.4 (Score: 0.039849535)
Flexible name to value mapping library for C variables
OSSP val is a flexible name to value mapping library for C variables. It is a companion library to OSSP var. It allows one to access C variables through name strings, although the C language does neither provide such a dedicated facility nor an evaluation construct (which could be used to implement such a facility easily).
devel/xds-0.9.3 (Score: 0.039849535)
Generic and extensible framework for serialization
The OSSP xds library is generic and extensible encoding and decoding framework for the serialization of arbitrary ISO C data types. OSSP xds consists of three components: the generic encoding and decoding framework, a set of shipped engines to encode and decode values in certain existing formats (Sun RPC/XDR and XDS/XML are currently provided), and a run-time context, which is used to manage buffers, registered engines, etc. The library is designed to allow fully recursive and efficient encoding/decoding of arbitrary nested data.
devel/ex-1.0.6 (Score: 0.039849535)
OSSP ex is a small exception handling library for use in C
OSSP ex is a small ISO-C++ style exception handling library for use in the ISO-C language. It allows you to use the paradigm of throwing and catching exceptions in order to reduce the amount of error handling code without making your program less robust.
devel/var-1.1.3 (Score: 0.039849535)
Flexible, full-featured, and fast variable expansion library
OSSP var is a flexible, full-featured and fast variable construct expansion library. It supports a configurable variable construct syntax very similar to the style found in many scripting languages (like @name, ${name}, , etc.) and provides both simple scalar (${name}) and array (${name[index]}) expansion, plus optionally one or more post-operations on the expanded value (${name:op:op...}).
devel/str-0.9.12 (Score: 0.039849535)
Generic String Library
OSSP str - Generic String Library Copyright (c) 1999-2003 Ralf S. Engelschall <rse@engelschall.com> Copyright (c) 1999-2003 The OSSP Project <http://www.ossp.org/> OSSP str is a generic string library written in ISO-C which provides functions for handling, matching, parsing, searching and formatting of ISO-C strings. So it can be considered as a superset of POSIX string(3), but its main intention is to provide a more convenient and compact API plus a more generalized functionality.