Ports 搜索

www/RT-Extension-CommandByMail-3.00 (Score: 0.056974534)
RT Extension to change ticket metadata via email
RT's extension that allows you to change ticket metadata via email.
www/weblint++-1.15 (Score: 0.056974534)
HTML validator and sanity checker
Weblint is a syntax and minimal style checker for HTML: a perl script which picks fluff off html pages, much in the same way traditional lint picks fluff off C programs.
www/websh-3.6.0b5 (Score: 0.056974534)
Embeds a TCL8 interpreter in the Apache server
Web|sh is a TCL module for Apache. It is currently the most advanced and the best supported of the several such modules listed at http://tcl.apache.org/ Works with both Apache-1.3.x and 2.x and has an interesting development paradigm.
www/webstone-2.5 (Score: 0.056974534)
World wide web server benchmarking with SSL support
WebStone is free benchmarking tool for web servers available from Mindcraft. The version available here has been SSL enabled, so secure web servers can be benchmarked using our version. In addition to the default configuration parameters, the following can be specified: 1. SSL_VERSION: SSLv2, SSLv23 or SSLv3 (default SSLv3) 2. SSL_CIPHER(SSL preferred cipher): use ssl ciphers specified in ssl[2,3].h, e.g RC4-SHA, IDEA-CBC-SHA, DH-DSS-DES-CBC3-SHA (default EDH-RSA-DES-CBC3-SHA). Specifying an SSLv2 cipher in SSLv3 mode won't work (and vice versa) 3. SSL_CACHE_MODE(client cache mode): ON, OFF (default OFF) 4. SSL_MIX(percentage HTTPS connections, remaining connections are filled in with HTTP connections): 0.0-1.0 (default 1.0) 5. HTTPS_PORT: port (default 8443)
www/webtrees-1.6.2 (Score: 0.056974534)
Online genealogy viewer
webtrees is the web's leading online collaborative genealogy application. webtrees works from standard GEDCOM files, and is therefore compatible with every major desktop application. webtrees aims to be efficient and effective by using the right combination of third-party tools, design techniques and open standards.
www/wgetpaste-2.27 (Score: 0.056974534)
Paste to several pastebin services via bash script
A Script that automates pasting to a number of pastebin services relying only on bash, sed, coreutils (mktemp/sort/tr/wc/whoami/tee) and wget.
www/RT-Extension-Gravatar-2.01 (Score: 0.056974534)
RT Extension to change ticket metadata via email
RT's extension that displays gravatar images within RT
www/wsdlpull-1.24 (Score: 0.056974534)
C++ WSDL Parser
An efficient C++ WSDL library which parses a WSDL file & provides APIs to access WSDL elements. It has a library for parsing xml schemas and validating instances. It uses xml pull parsing methodology, and is meant to be semantically equivalent to WSDL4J.
www/wsmake-0.7.901 (Score: 0.056974534)
Software for production and maintenance of web sites
Wsmake is a tool that aids in the production and maintenance of web sites. It was written to reduce the amount of time it takes to make changes to common information across a website, by keeping the content of the website separate from the design. Wsmake supports a model where the contents of the website are statically generated from sources.
www/xapian-omega-1.2.23 (Score: 0.056974534)
CGI search application built on Xapian
This package contains two index building utilities (omindex and scriptindex) and a CGI search application (omega). These use the Xapian search library to provide a search over a collection of documents.