Ports 搜索

devel/cpp-netlib-0.11.2 (Score: 2.3422862E-4)
Cross-platform, standards compliant networking library
cpp-netlib is a collection of network related routines/implementations geared towards providing a robust cross-platform networking library. cpp-netlib offers the following implementations: * Common Message Type -- A generic message type which can be used to encapsulate and store message related information, used by all network implementations as the primary means of data exchange. * Network protocol message parsers -- A collection of parsers which generate message objects from strings. * Adapters and Wrappers -- A collection of Adapters and wrappers aimed towards making the message type STL friendly. * Network protocol client and server implementations -- A collection of network protocol implementations that include embeddable client and server types.
devel/Devel-LexAlias-0.05 (Score: 2.3422862E-4)
Perl module which does alias lexical variables
Description from the home page: Devel::LexAlias provides the ability to alias a lexical variable in a subroutines scope to one of your choosing. If you don't know why you'd want to do this, I'd suggest that you skip this module. If you think you have a use for it, I'd insist on it. Still here? lexalias( $where, $name, $variable ) $where refers to the subroutine in which to alias the lexical, it can be a coderef or a call level such that you'd give to caller $name is the name of the lexical within that subroutine $variable is a reference to the variable to install at that location
devel/Mouse-2.4.5 (Score: 2.3422862E-4)
Moose minus the antlers
Moose is a postmodern object system for Perl5. Moose is wonderful. Unfortunately, Moose has a compile-time penalty. Though significant progress has been made over the years, the compile time penalty is a non-starter for some very specific applications. If you are writing a command-line application or CGI script where startup time is essential, you may not be able to use Moose (we recommend that you instead use persistent Perl executing environments like FastCGI for the latter, if possible). Mouse is a Moose compatible object system, which aims to alleviate this penalty by providing a subset of Moose's functionality.
devel/Test-TableDriven-0.02 (Score: 2.3422862E-4)
Write tests, not scripts that run them
Writing table-driven tests is usually a good idea. Adding a test case doesn't require adding code, so it's easy to avoid fucking up the other tests. However, actually going from a table of tests to a test that runs is non-trivial. Test::TableDriven makes writing the test drivers trivial. You simply define your test cases and write a function that turns the input data into output data to compare against. Test::TableDriven will compute how many tests need to be run, and then run the tests. Concentrate on your data and what you're testing, not plan tests = scalar keys %test_cases> and a big foreach loop.
games/bygfoot-2.2.1 (Score: 2.3422862E-4)
Football (soccer) management game
Bygfoot is a football (a.k.a. soccer) management game. Bygfoot allows you to manage a team by training the players, buying and selling them, contracting loans, maintaining the stadium, etc. You can be promoted or relegated, even become a champion. It includes a "team editor" which you can use to create your own teams or edit the existing ones. The game is deliberately kept simple (though not easy): you only have to keep one eye at your players and another at your stadium.
games/gmastermind-0.6 (Score: 2.3422862E-4)
Well-known mastermind game
The well-known mastermind game. Drag-and-drop colors from the palette or from the board itself. The object is to determine the hidden combination of four colors. The game may be played in two modes: with replacement, which means that colors may repeat, and without replacement, which means that colors are unique. The user selects a choice of four colors and "commits" them. The program replies with an evaluation -- a black peg for a color that is placed correctly, and a white peg for a color that is in the wrong position. The user may make a total of eight queries. LICENSE: GPL2 or later
mail/faces-1.7.7 (Score: 2.3422862E-4)
Visual mail, user, and print face server
Faces is a Gtk+ program for monitoring a list visually. Typically this is a list of incoming mail messages. IMAP and POP mailbox formats are supported. Faces has three different modes of operation: * The default will monitor for new mail. * You can monitor the whole of a mail file. * Custom monitoring. You can specify a program or shell script to run. Lots of good examples can be downloaded from: ftp://ftp.cs.indiana.edu/pub/faces/picons/src/ Audio capabilities are also provided as a conditional compilation option.
mail/sendmail-8.15.2 (Score: 2.3422862E-4)
Reliable, highly configurable mail transfer agent with utilities
Sendmail implements a general purpose internetwork mail routing facility under the UNIX operating system. It is not tied to any one transport protocol - its function may be likened to a crossbar switch, relaying messages from one domain into another. In the process, it can do a limited amount of message header editing to put the message into a format that is appropriate for the receiving domain. All of this is done under the control of a configuration file. Sendmail is a trademark of Sendmail, Inc.
net/socketpipe-1.9 (Score: 2.3422862E-4)
Zero overhead remote process plumbing
Socketpipe connects over a TCP/IP socket a remote command to a local input generation command and/or a local output processing command. The connection is made by redirecting the input/output file descriptors to the socket. This saves the context switching and data copying overhead associated with piping data through ssh(1) or rsh(1). Socketpipe must be installed on both machines and user authentication is still performed by a command like ssh(1) or rsh(1). The confidentiality and integrity of the data in transit is not protected against mallicious attacks; the command is designed for use in a trusted LAN environment.
security/scrypt-0.8.0 (Score: 2.3422862E-4)
Bindings for the scrypt key derivation function library
This is is a set of Python bindings for the scrypt key derivation function. Scrypt is useful when encrypting password as it is possible to specify a minimum amount of time to use when encrypting and decrypting. If, for example, a password takes 0.05 seconds to verify, a user won't notice the slight delay when signing in, but doing a brute force search of several billion passwords will take a considerable amount of time. This is in contrast to more traditional hash functions such as MD5 or the SHA family which can be implemented extremely fast on cheap hardware.