Ports 搜索

devel/Term-ANSIColor-4.05 (Score: 4.578865E-5)
Color screen output using ANSI escape sequences
While ANSI color escape codes are fairly simple, it can be hard to remember the codes for all of the attributes and the code resulting from hard-coding them into your script is definitely difficult to read. This module is designed to fix those problems, as well as provide a convenient interface to do a few things for you automatically (like resetting attributes after the text you print out so that you don't accidentally leave attributes set). Despite its name, this module can also handle non-color ANSI text attributes (bold, underline, reverse video, and blink). It uses either of two interfaces, one of which uses "constants" for each different attribute and the other of which uses two subs which take strings of attributes as arguments.
devel/pire-0.0.5 (Score: 4.578865E-5)
Perl Incompatible Regular Expressions library
This is PIRE, Perl Incompatible Regular Expressions library. This library is aimed at checking a huge amount of text against relatively many regular expressions. Roughly speaking, it can just check whether given text maches the certain regexp, but can do it really fast (more than 400 MB/s on our hardware is common). Even more, multiple regexps can be combined together, giving capability to check the text against apx.10 regexps in a single pass (and mantaining the same speed). Since Pire examines each character only once, without any lookaheads or rollbacks, spending about five machine instructions per each character, it can be used even in realtime tasks. On the other hand, Pire has very limited functionality (compared to other regexp libraries). Pire does not have any Perlish conditional regexps, lookaheads & backtrackings, greedy/nongreedy matches; neither has it any capturing facilities.
devel/cjson-1.1.0 (Score: 4.578865E-5)
Fast JSON encoder/decoder for Python
This module implements a very fast JSON encoder/decoder for Python. JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation and is a text based lightweight data exchange format which is easy for humans to read/write and for machines to parse/generate. JSON is completely language independent and has multiple implementations in most of the programming languages, making it ideal for data exchange and storage. The module is written in C and it is up to 250 times faster when compared to the other python JSON implementations which are written directly in python. This speed gain varies with the complexity of the data and the operation and is the range of 10-200 times for encoding operations and in the range of 100-250 times for decoding operations.
devel/envisage-4.5.1 (Score: 4.578865E-5)
Enthought extensible application framework
Envisage is a Python-based framework for building extensible applications, that is, applications whose functionality can be extended by adding "plug-ins". Envisage provides a standard mechanism for features to be added to an application, whether by the original developer or by someone else. In fact, when you build an application using Envisage, the entire application consists primarily of plug-ins. In this respect, it is similar to the Eclipse and Netbeans frameworks for Java applications. Each plug-in is able to: * Advertise where and how it can be extended (its "extension points"). * Contribute extensions to the extension points offered by other plug-ins. * Create and share the objects that perform the real work of the application ("services"). The Envisage project provides the basic machinery of the Envisage framework.
devel/funcparserlib-0.3.6 (Score: 4.578865E-5)
Recursive descent parsing library based on functional combinators
Parser combinators are just higher-order functions that take parsers as their arguments and return them as result values. Parser combinators are: * First-class values * Extremely composable * Tend to make the code quite compact * Resemble the readable notation of xBNF grammars Parsers made with funcparserlib are pure-Python LL(*) parsers. It means that it's very easy to write them without thinking about look-aheads and all that hardcore parsing stuff. But the recursive descent parsing is a rather slow method compared to LL(k) or LR(k) algorithms. So the primary domain for funcparserlib is parsing little languages or external DSLs (domain specific languages). The library itself is very small. Its source code is only 0.5 KLOC, with lots of comments included. It features the longest parsed prefix error reporting, as well as a tiny lexer generator for token position tracking.
devel/gevent-1.1.1 (Score: 4.578865E-5)
Python co-routine networking library based on greenlet
gevent is a coroutine-based Python networking library that uses greenlet to provide a high-level synchronous API on top of the libevent event loop. Features include: - Fast event loop based on libevent (epoll on Linux, kqueue on FreeBSD). - Lightweight execution units based on greenlet. - API that re-uses concepts from the Python standard library (for example there are Events and Queues). - Cooperative sockets with SSL support. - DNS queries performed through libevent-dns. - Monkey patching utility to get 3rd party modules to become cooperative. - Fast WSGI server based on libevent-http gevent is inspired by eventlet but features more consistent API, simpler implementation and better performance. Read why others use gevent and check out the list of the open source projects based on gevent.
devel/z80asm-1.8 (Score: 4.578865E-5)
Assembler for the Z80 microprocessor
z80asm is an assembler for the Z80 microprcessor. The assembler aims to be portable and complete. Of course it assembles all official mnemonics, but it also aims to assemble the unofficial mnemonics. The assembler features the output of listing files which show the source with the assembled codes and address next to it. It also allows outputting of label files, in a format which can be included by other assembler source files. Other noteworthy features are complete calculation capabilities, conditional assembling of parts of the code, and inclusion of other source files. The assembler was written with the MSX computer in mind as the target platform, but it can be used for any system with a Z80 in it. The original idea was to make header files with labels of MSX specific addresses (BIOS, BDOS, system variables), but nothing like this has been done yet.
devel/yajl-ruby-1.2.1 (Score: 4.578865E-5)
Streaming JSON parsing and encoding library for Ruby
This gem is a C binding to the excellent YAJL JSON parsing and generation library. Features: * JSON parsing and encoding directly to and from an IO stream (file, socket, etc) or String. Compressed stream parsing and encoding supported for Bzip2, Gzip and Deflate. * Parse and encode multiple JSON objects to and from streams or strings continuously. * JSON gem compatibility API - allows yajl-ruby to be used as a drop-in replacement for the JSON gem * Basic HTTP client (only GET requests supported for now) which parses JSON directly off the response body *as it's being received* * ~3.5x faster than JSON.generate * ~1.9x faster than JSON.parse * ~4.5x faster than YAML.load * ~377.5x faster than YAML.dump * ~1.5x faster than Marshal.load * ~2x faster than Marshal.dump
devel/tesla-0.0.20140425 (Score: 4.578865E-5)
Temporally Enhanced Security Logic Assertions
TESLA builds on our experiences developing the TrustedBSD MAC Framework and Capsicum: our most critical security properties are frequently safety (temporal) properties rather than static invariants. Current tools for testing temporal properties are largely static, and unable to work effectively on extremely large C-language software bases, such as multi-million lines-of-code operating system kernels and web browsers. TESLA borrows ideas from model checking, applying them in a dynamic context using compiler-assisted instrumentation to continuously validate temporal security assertions during software execution. We have implemented a prototype of TESLA based on clang/LLVM AST transforms, which is able to test both explicit automata against C implementations (such as protocol state machines in the kernel and OpenSSL) and inline assertions checking for missing access control checks in OS logic.
devel/umem-1.0.1 (Score: 4.578865E-5)
Port of the Solaris memory allocator
Portable libumem. ================ This is a port of Solaris libumem to non-Solaris systems. The port was made while integrating libumem with our Ecelerity MTA product, so your initial experience will not be 100% out-of-the-box, because there is no standalone configure script for the library at this time. (patches welcome!) In addition, since our deployment is threaded, we force the library into threaded mode. While the library is itself stable (it's the memory allocator used by the Solaris OS), the port may have a few rough edges. We're shipping umem with Linux and Windows versions of our product as we have found it to be stable. We will continue to update this project as and when we make improvements, and welcome third-party patches that improve the usability for everyone. Wez Furlong, OmniTI, Inc.