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Results 6,3416,350 of 18,669 for descr.zh_CN%3A%E9%81%8F%E5%88%B6%E5%9E%83%E5%9C%BE.(0.013 seconds)
databases/puredb-2.1 (Score: 2.3999134E-4)
Set of libraries for creating and reading constant databases
PureDB is a portable and tiny set of libraries for creating and reading constant databases. It manages data files that contains text or binary key/data pairs of arbitrary sizes. Lookups are very fast (normally only one disk access to match a hash value), overhead is low (a database is 1028 bytes plus only 16 extra bytes per record), multiple concurrent read access are supported, and databases can be up to 4 Gb long, and they are portable across architectures.
devel/bzr-colo-0.4.0 (Score: 2.3999134E-4)
Plugin for bzr to support colocated branches
In order to provide a faster and simpler working model, this plugin tries to support a configuration similar to git and Mercurial's colocated branches, where there is a single working tree that can be switched between multiple branches that all co-exist in the same directory. This working model is entirely possible using Bazaar's existing technology, and this plugin aims to make it as simple as possible to use that model.
devel/dbus-1.8.20 (Score: 2.3999134E-4)
Message bus system for inter-application communication
D-BUS supplies both a system daemon (for events such as "new hardware device added" or "printer queue changed") and a per-user-login-session daemon (for general IPC needs among user applications). Also, the message bus is built on top of a general one-to-one message passing framework, which can be used by any two apps to communicate directly (without going through the message bus daemon).
devel/gvp-0.3.0 (Score: 2.3999134E-4)
Go Versioning Manager
Go Versioning Packager gvp stands for Go Versioning Packager and is based on gst, a similar tool that provides dependency isolation for Ruby gems. The tool modifies your GOPATH to point to a local .godeps/ directory so that you can keep the dependencies of your project isolated there, it also modifies GOBIN and PATH to include the new GOPATH/bin directory. gvp is a companion tool to gpm but both tools can be used independently from each other. https://github.com/pote/gvp
devel/eric6-6.1.9 (Score: 2.3999134E-4)
Full featured Python and Ruby editor and IDE based on Qt
Eric is a full featured Python and Ruby editor and IDE, written in python. It is based on the cross platform Qt gui toolkit, integrating the highly flexible Scintilla editor control. It is designed to be usable as everyday's quick and dirty editor as well as being usable as a professional project management tool integrating many advanced features Python offers the professional coder. This is a port of eric6 (based on Qt4).
devel/mutable-containers-0.3.2 (Score: 2.3999134E-4)
Abstactions and concrete implementations of mutable containers
One of Haskell's strengths is immutable data structures. These structures make it easier to reason about code, simplify concurrency and parallelism, and in some cases can improve performance by allowing sharing. However, there are still classes of problems where mutable data structures can both be more convenient, and provide a performance boost. This library is meant to provide such structures in a performant, well tested way. It also provides a simple abstraction over such data structures via typeclasses.
devel/CPAN-Inject-1.14 (Score: 2.3999134E-4)
Base class for injecting distributions into CPAN sources
Following the release of CPAN::Mini, the CPAN::Mini::Inject module was created to add additional distributions into a minicpan mirror. While it was created for use with a minicpan mirror, similar functionality can be reused in other situations. CPAN::Inject replicates the basics of this functionality. Specifically, it takes an arbitrary tarball and adds it to the CPAN sources directory for a particular author, and then add the new file to the CHECKSUMS file.
devel/bcompiler-1.0.2 (Score: 2.3999134E-4)
Bytecode compiler extension
bcompiler enables you to encode your scripts in phpbytecode, enabling you to protect the source code. bcompiler could be used in the following situations - to create a exe file of a PHP-GTK application (in conjunction with other software) - to create closed source libraries - to provide clients with time expired software (prior to payment) - to deliver close source applications - for use on embedded systems, where disk space is a priority.
devel/Devel-ptkdb-1.1091 (Score: 2.3999134E-4)
Tk debugger for Perl
ptkdb is a debugger for perl that uses Perl/Tk for a user interface. Features include: Hot Variable Inspection Breakpoint Control Panel Expression List Subroutine Tree To debug a script using ptkdb invoke perl like this: perl -d:ptkdb myscript.pl ptkdb can easily be used to debug CGI scripts if your web server box is capable of running Perl/Tk applications. Just change the shebang line of your scripts to: #! /usr/bin/perl -w -d:ptkdb
devel/File-MimeInfo-0.27 (Score: 2.3999134E-4)
Determine file type
This module can be used to determine the mime type of a file. It tries to implement the freedesktop specification for a shared MIME database. For this module shared-mime-info-spec 0.12 was used. This package only uses the globs file. No real magic checking is used. The File::MimeInfo::Magic package is provided for magic typing. If you want to determine the mimetype of data in a memory buffer you should use File::MimeInfo::Magic in combination with IO::Scalar.