Ports 搜索

graphics/tkpng-0.9 (Score: 0.08697138)
PNG support for Tcl/Tk
This port implements support for loading and using PNG images with Tcl/Tk. Although other extensions such as Img also add support for PNG images, I wanted something that was lightweight, did not depend on libpng, and which would be suitable for inclusion in the Tk core, as Tk does not currently support any image formats natively that take advantage of its internal support for alpha blending, and alpha antialiasing and drop shadows really go a long way toward beautifying Tk applications. At this time, the package supports reading images from files or binary data. Base64 decoding is supported as of version 0.6. Exporting images to PNG format is not supported yet. The package supports the full range of color types, channels and bit depths from 1 bit black & white to 16 bit per channel full color with alpha (64 bit RGBA) and interlacing. Ancillary "chunks" such as gamma, color profile, and text fields are ignored, although they are checked at a minimum for correct CRC.
graphics/togl-1.7 (Score: 0.08697138)
Tk OpenGL widget
Togl is a Tk widget for OpenGL rendering. Togl is based on OGLTK, originally written by Benjamin Bederson at the University of New Mexico (who has since moved to the University of Maryland). Togl adds the new features: - color-index mode support including color allocation functions - support for requesting stencil, accumulation, alpha buffers, etc - multiple OpenGL drawing widgets - OpenGL extension testing from Tcl - simple, portable font support - overlay plane support Togl allows one to create and manage a special Tk/OpenGL widget with Tcl and render into it with a C program. That is, a typical Togl program will have Tcl code for managing the user interface and a C program for computations and OpenGL rendering. Togl is copyrighted by Brian Paul (brian_paul@avid.com) and Benjamin Bederson (bederson@cs.umd.edu). See the LICENSE file for details.
graphics/truevision- (Score: 0.08697138)
GNOME 3D modeler
Truevision is a 3D modeler for Gnome. It is still in development, so not really stable and quite not usable yet. Features: - Create some objects: - finite solid primitives: box, sphere, cone, cylinder, torus, heightfield, superellipsoid - finite patch primitive: disc - infinite solid primitive: plane - lights: point, cylindrical, spot, area - csg operators: union, merge, intersection, difference - atmospherics: background, skysphere, media, fog - Manipulate them (rotate, scale, translate, etc) - Manipulate and edit the camera - Render the scene with the multithreaded povray frontend - Create and edit materials (except slope maps), with preview in editor - Output the scene to povray - Save and load scenes, objects, materials - Save materials with preview in material library
graphics/ttygif-1.2.1 (Score: 0.08697138)
Converts a ttyrec file into animated gif
Ttygif converts a ttyrec file into animated gif (need a X11 terminal).
graphics/tulip-4.9.0 (Score: 0.08697138)
System dedicated to the visualization of huge graphs
Tulip software is a system dedicated to the visualization of huge graphs. It manages graphs with a number of elements(node and edges) up to 500.000 on a personal computer(PIII 600, with 256mo). Its SuperGraph technology architecture enables to do the following things : * 3D visualizations * 3D modifications * Plug-in support for easy evolution * Building of clusters and navigation into it * Automatic drawing of graphs * Automatic clustering of graphs * Automatic selection of elements * Automatic Metric coloration of graphs
graphics/tumble-0.33 (Score: 0.08697138)
Creates a PDF file from image files
Tumble is a utility to construct PDF files from one or more image files. Supported input image file formats are JPEG, and black and white TIFF (single- or multi-page). Black and white images will be encoded in the PDF output using lossless Group 4 fax compression (ITU-T recommendation T.6). This provides a very good compression ratio for text and line art. JPEG images will be preserved with the original coding. The current version of Tumble will only work on little-endian systems, such as x86, VAX, and Alpha. The byte order dependencies will be fixed in a later release.
graphics/xglurbules-3.3 (Score: 0.08697138)
Burning particle system eye candy program thingy for X11
An eyecandy particle system for X that can make a nice desktop background Requires X11 and shared memory helps. There's a screenshot or four at :
graphics/xgrasp-1.7d (Score: 0.08697138)
Display GL animations on X screen
xgrasp is a program to display GL animations in an X window. This is version 1.7d. It only works on 8-bit Pseudocolor displays.
graphics/pyggel-0.08 (Score: 0.08697138)
Python Graphical Game Engine and Libraries
Pyggel (Python Graphical Game Engine + Libraries) will ease the learning curve of getting into 3d programming, while also having a strong enough framework for full-sized applications.
graphics/xmandel-1.0 (Score: 0.08697138)
Window based interface to Mandelbrot sets and Julia sets
Xmandel is a user friendly interface for generating Mandelbrot sets and Julia sets. It initially comes up with several command buttons, which are described in the man page, for controlling the execution. A Mandelbrot set is drawn in the window of the initial form when the mandel button is selected. Other buttons are provided for zooming, clearing, etc. A separate window is created for drawing the Julia sets.