Ports 搜索

sysutils/webjob-1.9.0 (Score: 0.0024129655)
Download and execute a program over HTTP/HTTPS
WebJob downloads a program or script from a remote WebJob server over HTTP/HTTPS and executes it in one unified operation. Any output produced by the program/script is packaged up and sent to a remote, possibly different, WebJob server. WebJob is useful because it provides a mechanism for running known good programs on damaged or potentially compromised systems. This makes it ideal for remote diagnostics, incident response, and evidence collection. WebJob also provides a framework that is conducive to centralized management. Therefore, it can support and help automate a large number of common administrative tasks and host-based monitoring scenarios such as periodic system checks, file updates, integrity monitoring, patch/package management, and so on.
www/HTML-GenToc-3.20 (Score: 0.0024129655)
Generate a Table of Contents for HTML documents
HTML::GenToc generates anchors and a table of contents for HTML documents. Depending on the arguments, it will insert the information it generates, or output to a string, a separate file or STDOUT. While it defaults to taking H1 and H2 elements as the significant elements to put into the table of contents, any tag can be defined as a significant element. Also, it doesn't matter if the input HTML code is complete, pure HTML, one can input pseudo-html or page-fragments, which makes it suitable for using on templates and HTML meta-languages such as WML. Also included in the distrubution is hypertoc, a script which uses the module so that one can process files on the command-line in a user-friendly manner.
audio/bcg729-1.0.1 (Score: 0.002411048)
Software G729A encoder and decoder library written in C
Bcg729 is a software G729A encoder and decoder library written in C, developed by Belledonne Communications, the company supporting the Linphone project. It was written from scratch and is NOT a derivative work of ITU reference source code in any kind. It can be executed on many platforms, including both ARM and x86 with very decent performances. libbcg729 supports concurrent channel encoding/decoding for multi-call applications such as conferencing.
comms/zssh-1.5c (Score: 0.002411048)
Interactively transferring files to a remote machine while using ssh
zssh (Zmodem SSH) is a program for interactively transferring files to a remote machine while using the secure shell (ssh). It is intended to be a convenient alternative to scp, allowing to transfer files without having to open another session and re-authenticate oneself. zssh is an interactive wrapper for ssh used to switch the ssh connection between the remote shell and file transfers. Files are transferred through the zmodem protocol, using the rz and sz commands.
devel/go-json-rest-1.0.0 (Score: 0.002411048)
Quick and easy way to setup a RESTful JSON API
Go-Json-Rest is a thin layer on top of net/http that helps building RESTful JSON APIs easily. It provides fast URL routing using a Trie based implementation, and helpers to deal with JSON requests and responses. It is not a high-level REST framework that transparently maps HTTP requests to procedure calls, on the opposite, you constantly have access to the underlying net/http objects.
devel/Data-Hexdumper-3.00.01 (Score: 0.002411048)
Module for displaying binary data in a readable format
Data::Hexdumper provides a simple way to format and display arbitrary binary data in a way similar to how some debuggers do for lesser languages. It gives the programmer a considerable degree of flexibility in how the data is formatted, with sensible defaults. It is envisaged that it will primarily be of use for those wrestling alligators in the swamp of binary file formats, which is why it was written in the first place.
devel/IO-MultiPipe-0.0.0 (Score: 0.002411048)
Check for errors when running a command through multiple pipes
Normally if a part of a pipe fails, depending on the location, it won't be detected. This breaks down a command involving pipes and runs each command separately. It uses open3 to run each chunk of the pipe. use IO::MultiPipe; my $pipes = IO::MultiPipe->new(); #This sets the pipe that will be run. $pipes->set('sed s/-// | sed s/123/abc/ | sed s/ABC/abc/'); if ($pipes->{error}){ print "Error!\n"; } #'123-ABCxyz' through the command set above. my $returned=$pipes->run('123-ABCxyz');
devel/Log-Contextual-0.006005 (Score: 0.002411048)
Perl extension for simple logging interface with a contextual log
This module is a simple interface to extensible logging. It is bundled with a really basic logger, Log::Contextual::SimpleLogger, but in general you should use a real logger instead of that. For something more serious but not overly complicated, try Log::Dispatchouli (see "SYNOPSIS" for example.) The reason for this module is to abstract your logging interface so that logging is as painless as possible, while still allowing you to switch from one logger to another.
devel/Module-Manifest-1.08 (Score: 0.002411048)
Parse and examine a Perl distribution MANIFEST file
Module::Manifest is a simple utility module created originally for use in Module::Inspector. It allows you to load the MANIFEST file that comes in a Perl distribution tarball, examine the contents, and perform some simple tasks. Granted, the functionality needed to do this is quite simple, but the Perl distribution MANIFEST specification contains a couple of little idiosyncracies, such as line comments and space-separated inline comments.
devel/devel-replay-1.0.4 (Score: 0.002411048)
Program that helps you fix a build interactively
Best program ever. This program is a wrapper, it will exec whatever arguments it's given and if the program returns a non-zero exit status or terminates abnormally it will prompt the user to run the program again. It's best used when debugging a large build like so: make CC="replay cc" Then if cc bombs you don't have to restart make, you can just fix your source file and resume your build.