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devel/Term-Menus-2.99 (Score: 0.032514982)
Create Powerful Terminal, Console, and CMD Environment Menus
Term::Menus allows you to create powerful Terminal, Console and CMD environment menus. Any perl script used in a Terminal, Console or CMD environment can now include a menu facility that includes sub-menus, forward and backward navigation, single or multiple selection capabilities, dynamic item creation and customized banners. All this power is simple to implement with a straight forward and very intuitive configuration hash structure that mirrors the actual menu architecture needed by the application. A separate configuration file is optional. Term::Menus is cross platform compatible.
devel/Term-ProgressBar-Quiet-0.31 (Score: 0.032514982)
Perl extension to display a progress bar, if interactive
Term::ProgressBar is a wonderful module for showing progress bars on the terminal. This module acts very much like that module when it is run interactively. However, when it is not run interactively (for example, as a cron job) then it does not show the progress bar.
devel/Term-ProgressBar-Simple-0.03 (Score: 0.032514982)
Simpler Term::ProgressBar interface
Progress bars are handy - they tell you how much work has been done, how much is left to do and estimate how long it will take. But they can be fiddly! This module does the right thing in almost all cases in a really convenient way. It wraps Term::ProgressBar::Quiet so there is no output unless the code is running interactively - lets you put them in cron scripts. It deals with minor updates - only refreshes the screen when it will change what the user sees so it is efficient. It completes the progress bar when the progress object is destroyed (explicitly or by going out of scope) - no more '99%' done.
devel/Term-ProgressBar-2.17 (Score: 0.032514982)
Perl extension to display a progress bar
A really simple progress bar for things that take a while. Doing something: ########### The bar grows as things done. Fifty hash marks are printed altogether.
devel/Term-Prompt-1.04 (Score: 0.032514982)
Perl extension for prompting a user for information
This perl routine will take a prompt, a default response and a list of possible responses and deal with the user interface, (and the user!), by displaying the prompt, showing the default, and checking to be sure that the response is one of the legal choices.
devel/Test-Harness-Straps-0.30 (Score: 0.032514982)
Detailed analysis of test results for Perl
Test::Harness is limited to printing out its results. This makes analysis of the test results difficult for anything but a human. To make it easier for programs to work with test results, we provide Test::Harness::Straps. Instead of printing the results, straps provide them as raw data. You can also configure how the tests are to be run.
devel/Term-Query-2.0 (Score: 0.032514982)
Interactive question-response user interface module
Excerpted from the README file: Term::Query.pm is a Perl 5 module, which performs generalized queries on various kinds of values. Validation and normalization of input, based on the type, is automated, as is error reporting and re-solicitation of input. Input of '?', unless configured otherwise, provides useful, helpful information, based on the expected input type, even in the absence of a programmer-supplied help string.
devel/Term-RawInput-1.22 (Score: 0.032514982)
Drop-in replacement for <STDIN> with handling of non-standard keys
Term::RawInput is a simple drop-in replacement for <STDIN> in scripts with the additional ability to capture and return the non-standard keys like 'End', 'Escape', 'Insert', etc.
devel/Test-HexString-0.03 (Score: 0.032514982)
Test binary strings with hex dump diagnostics
This testing module provides a single function, is_hexstr(), which asserts that the given string matches what was expected. When the strings match (i.e. compare equal using the eq operator), the behaviour is identical to the usual is() function provided by Test::More.
devel/Test-Identity-0.01 (Score: 0.032514982)
Assert the referential identity of a reference
Test::Identity provides a single testing function, identical. It asserts that a given reference is as expected; that is, it either refers to the same object or is undef. It is similar to Test::More::is except that it uses refaddr, ensuring that it behaves correctly even if the references under test are objects that overload stringification or numification. It also provides better diagnostics if the test fails.