Ports 搜索

games/bygfoot-2.2.1 (Score: 2.2893705E-4)
Football (soccer) management game
Bygfoot is a football (a.k.a. soccer) management game. Bygfoot allows you to manage a team by training the players, buying and selling them, contracting loans, maintaining the stadium, etc. You can be promoted or relegated, even become a champion. It includes a "team editor" which you can use to create your own teams or edit the existing ones. The game is deliberately kept simple (though not easy): you only have to keep one eye at your players and another at your stadium.
games/gmastermind-0.6 (Score: 2.2893705E-4)
Well-known mastermind game
The well-known mastermind game. Drag-and-drop colors from the palette or from the board itself. The object is to determine the hidden combination of four colors. The game may be played in two modes: with replacement, which means that colors may repeat, and without replacement, which means that colors are unique. The user selects a choice of four colors and "commits" them. The program replies with an evaluation -- a black peg for a color that is placed correctly, and a white peg for a color that is in the wrong position. The user may make a total of eight queries. LICENSE: GPL2 or later
games/unigine-heaven-4.0 (Score: 2.2893705E-4)
Unigine Heaven Benchmark, basic version, linux binaries
Heaven Benchmark immerses a user into a magical steampunk world of shiny brass, wood and gears. Nested on flying islands, a tiny village with its cozy, sun-heated cobblestone streets, an elaborately crafted dirigible above the expanse of fluffy clouds, and a majestic dragon on the central square gives a true sense of adventure. An interactive experience with fly-by and walk-through modes allows for exploring all corners of this world powered by the cutting-edge UNIGINE Engine that leverages the most advanced capabilities of graphics APIs and turns this benchmark into a visual masterpiece. This port includes the linux-binaries of the basic (free-to-use) version of the benchmark.
japanese/kiten-4.14.3 (Score: 2.2893705E-4)
Japanese reference/study tool for KDE 4
Kiten is a Japanese reference/learning tool. FEATURES - Search with English keyword, Japanese reading, or a Kanji string on a list of EDICT files. - Search with English keyword, Japanese reading, number of strokes, grade number, or a Kanji on a list of KANJIDIC files. - Comes with all necessary files. - Very fast. - Limit searches to only common entries. - Nested searches of results possible. - Compact, small, fast interface. - Global KDE keybindings for searching highlighted strings. - Learning dialog. (One can even open up multiple ones and have them sync between each other.) - Browse Kanji by grade. - Add Kanji to a list for later learning. - Browse list, and get quizzed on them.
java/bouncycastle-1.55 (Score: 2.2893705E-4)
Cleanroom build of Java Cryptography Extensions
The Bouncy Castle Crypto APIs consist of the following: . A lightweight cryptography API in Java. . A provider for the JCE and JCA. . A clean room implementation of the JCE 1.2.1. . A library for reading and writing encoded ASN.1 objects. . Generators for Version 1 and Version 3 X.509 certificates, Version 2 CRLs, and PKCS12 files. . Generators for Version 2 X.509 attribute certificates. . Generators/Processors for S/MIME and CMS (PKCS7). . Generators/Processors for OCSP (RFC 2560). . Generators/Processors for TSP (RFC 3161). . Generators/Processors for OpenPGP (RFC 2440). . A signed jar version suitable for JDK 1.4/1.5 and the Sun JCE. It's distributed under a modified X license.
java/bouncycastle-1.45 (Score: 2.2893705E-4)
Bouncy Castle Crypto API由如下内容组成: . Java 语言的轻量级的密码学API。 . JCE 和 JCA 的提供者。 . JCE 1.2.1 的一个清晰实现。 . 读写编码的 ASN.1 对象的类库。 . 版本1和版本3的 X.509 证书,版本2的 CRL 和 PKCS12 文件生成器。 . 版本2的 X.509 属性证书生成器。 . S/MIME 和 CMS(PKCS7)的生成器和处理器。 . OCSP(RFC 2560)的生成器和处理器。 . TSP(RFC 3161)的生成器和处理器。 . OpenPGP(RFC 2440)的生成器和处理器。 . 适用于JDK 1.4/1.5的签名jar。 在X许可协议(修改过)下发行。 - Alex Dupre ale@FreeBSD.org
lang/bigloo-4.1a.2 (Score: 2.2893705E-4)
Scheme interpreter and native code compiler
This is a port of Bigloo, a Scheme system which includes a compiler generating C code and Java classes and an interpreter. Bigloo is the tool of choice for the construction of small autonomous applications in Scheme. Bigloo is mostly conformant to the Revised5 Report on the Algorithmic Language Scheme with many extensions: Rgc, a lex facility. Match, a pattern-matching compiler. Foreign languages interface (connection to C and to Java). Module language. Extension package system. An Lalr facility. An Object system. A thread library. DSSSL support. Unicode characters and strings. Process, Pipe and Socket support.
mail/bayespam-0.9.2 (Score: 2.2893705E-4)
Qmail spam filter written in Perl using Bayesian classification
Bayespam is a qmail spam filter written in Perl, using Bayesian classification to filter out unsolicited commercial email. It is written with ease of installation and use in mind, and it is encouraged that you give it a try. Bayespam actually learns as you give it more spam to process, so it should become better and better the longer you use it. Bayespam is based on a paper written by Paul Graham called A Plan for Spam. In this paper, Mr. Graham talked about a spam filter he is working on that used Bayesian classification to determine if a particular piece of email is spam or not.
mail/faces-1.7.7 (Score: 2.2893705E-4)
Visual mail, user, and print face server
Faces is a Gtk+ program for monitoring a list visually. Typically this is a list of incoming mail messages. IMAP and POP mailbox formats are supported. Faces has three different modes of operation: * The default will monitor for new mail. * You can monitor the whole of a mail file. * Custom monitoring. You can specify a program or shell script to run. Lots of good examples can be downloaded from: ftp://ftp.cs.indiana.edu/pub/faces/picons/src/ Audio capabilities are also provided as a conditional compilation option.
mail/sendmail-8.15.2 (Score: 2.2893705E-4)
Reliable, highly configurable mail transfer agent with utilities
Sendmail implements a general purpose internetwork mail routing facility under the UNIX operating system. It is not tied to any one transport protocol - its function may be likened to a crossbar switch, relaying messages from one domain into another. In the process, it can do a limited amount of message header editing to put the message into a format that is appropriate for the receiving domain. All of this is done under the control of a configuration file. Sendmail is a trademark of Sendmail, Inc.