Ports 搜索

devel/forks-0.36 (Score: 0.0052770097)
Drop-in replacement for Perl threads using fork()
The "forks" pragma allows a developer to use threads without having to have a threaded perl, or to even run 5.8.0 or higher. There were a number of goals that I am trying to reach with this implementation. The standard Perl 5.8.0 threads implementation is very memory consuming, which makes it basically impossible to use in a production environment, particularly with mod_perl and Apache. Because of the use of the standard Unix fork() capabilities, most operating systems will be able to use the Copy-On-Write (COW) memory sharing capabilities (whereas with the standard Perl 5.8.0 threads implementation, this is thwarted by the Perl interpreter cloning process that is used to create threads). The memory savings have been confirmed. You should be able to run threaded applications unchanged by simply making sure that the "forks" and "forks::shared" modules are loaded, e.g. by specifying them on the command line.
devel/qgit-2.3 (Score: 0.0052770097)
Graphical interface to git repositories
QGit is a git GUI viewer built on Qt/C++. With qgit you will be able to browse revisions history, view patch content and changed files, graphically following different development branches. Features : - View revisions, diffs, files history, files annotation, archive tree. - Commit changes visually cherry picking modified files. - Apply or format patch series from selected commits, drag and drop commits between two instances of qgit. - Associate commands sequences, scripts and anything else executable to a custom action. Actions can be run from menu and corresponding output is grabbed by a terminal window. qgit implements a GUI for the most common StGIT commands like push/pop and apply/format patches. You can also create new patches or refresh current top one using the same semantics of git commit, i.e. cherry picking single modified files.
devel/quickcheck++-0.0.3 (Score: 0.0052770097)
Tool for testing C++ programs automatically, inspired by QuickCheck
QuickCheck++ is a tool for testing C++ programs automatically, inspired by QuickCheck, a similar library for Haskell programs. In QuickCheck++, the application programmer provides a specification of parts of its code in the form of properties which this code must satisfy. Then, the QuickCheck++ utilities can check that these properties holds in a large number of randomly generated test cases. Specifications, i.e. properties, are written in C++ by deriving from the quickcheck::Property class. This class contains members not only to express the specification but also to observe the distribution of test data and to write custom test data generators. The framework also allows the specification of fixed test data, as can be done with more traditional unit testing frameworks.
graphics/gimp-lqr-plugin-0.7.1 (Score: 0.0052770097)
Liquid rescale GIMP plug-in
The Liquid Rescale plugin is an implementation of the content-aware resizing by seam carving algorithm by Shai Avidan and Ariel Shamir. It aims at resizing pictures non uniformly while preserving the features of the picture, i.e. avoiding distortion of the important parts of the picture. It can also be used to remove portions of the picture in a consistent way. It works both ways, but enlarging gives better results if done in successive steps. It can use extra layers as masks to select which features of the image should be preserved and which should be discarded. The plugin works on the active layer or floating selection. If a selection is present, it is saved to a channel. If the layer has a transparency mask, an option is given to select the behaviour (apply/discard).
graphics/mozjpeg-3.1 (Score: 0.0052770097)
Advanced JPEG encoder for the Web
MozJPEG is a fork of libjpeg-turbo with 'jpgcrush' functionality built in. This project's goal is to reduce the size of JPEG files without reducing quality or compatibility with the vast majority of the world's deployed decoders. The idea is to reduce transfer times for JPEGs on the Web, thus reducing page load times. 'mozjpeg' is not intended to be a general JPEG library replacement. It makes tradeoffs that are intended to benefit Web use cases and focuses solely on improving encoding. It is best used as part of a Web encoding workflow. For a general JPEG library (e.g. your system libjpeg), especially if you care about decoding, we recommend graphics/libjpeg-turbo port.
java/bcel-5.2 (Score: 0.0052770097)
Library for generating Java bytecode
The Byte Code Engineering Library (formerly known as JavaClass) is intended to give users a convenient possibility to analyze, create, and manipulate (binary) Java class files (those ending with .class). Classes are represented by objects which contain all the symbolic information of the given class: methods, fields and byte code instructions, in particular. Such objects can be read from an existing file, be transformed by a program (e.g. a class loader at run-time) and dumped to a file again. An even more interesting application is the creation of classes from scratch at run-time. The Byte Code Engineering Library (BCEL) may be also useful if you want to learn about the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and the format of Java .class files. BCEL is already being used successfully in several projects such as compilers, optimizers, obsfuscators and analysis tools, the most popular probably being the Xalan XSLT processor at Apache.
mail/whoson-2.05 (Score: 0.0052770097)
Implementation of `WHO iS ONline' protocol
This software is supposed to work as a "reference implementation" of the suggested "whoson" internet protocol. The protocol is expected to be employed on "spam relay protected" mail servers to allow traveling customers still send their email via the protected server. For this, a realtime database of "temporarily trusted" IP addresses is maintained by a special daemon program. The database may be filled by, e.g. POP/IMAP servers, and used by SMTP server. Another possible use of the protocol is to have the database filled by RADIUS/TACACS server for all dialup clients, and SMTP server using it to put the user identity into the "Received" header along with the source IP address. The protocol itself is defined in a separate document "whoson.txt".
math/Math-Units-1.3 (Score: 0.0052770097)
Unit conversion
The Math::Units module converts a numeric value in one unit of measurement to some other unit. The units must be compatible, i.e. length can not be converted to volume. If a conversion can not be made an exception is thrown. A combination chaining and reduction algorithm is used to perform the most direct unit conversion possible. Units may be written in several different styles. An abbreviation table is used to convert from common long-form unit names to the (more or less) standard abbreviations that the units module uses internally. All multiplicative unit conversions are cached so that future conversions can be performed very quickly. Too many units, prefixes and abbreviations are supported to list here. See the source code for a complete listing.
misc/mtail-1.2.0 (Score: 0.0052770097)
Small tail workalike that performs output coloring
mtail is a small tail workalike that performs output coloring using ansi escape sequences (although the sequences are overridable, so you could cause it to output something else, e.g. html font tags, if you really wanted to). mtail is written in python, is fairly small, and should be relatively platform-independent. It has a config file that can contain an arbitrary number of entries, each of which has a series of regular expressions to indicate which files to color according to which entry. for each entry, the config file specifies a coloring scheme using regular expressions and, optionally, filters to apply to each line before coloring (for example, to strip out extra info, etc.). the config file also may override the predefined colors and the escape sequences (or whatever) actually used to perform the coloring.
net/tsocks-1.8.b5 (Score: 0.0052770097)
Allow non SOCKS aware applications to use SOCKS without modification
SOCKS servers are a form of proxy that are commonly used in firewalled LAN environments to allow access between networks, and often to the Internet. The problem is that most applications don't know how to gain access through SOCKS servers. This means that network based applications that don't understand SOCKS are very limited in networks they can reach. An example of this is simple 'telnet'. If you're on a network firewalled from the internet with a SOCKS server for outside access, telnet can't use this server and thus can't telnet out to the Internet. tsocks' role is to allow these non SOCKS aware applications (e.g telnet, ssh, ftp etc) to use SOCKS without any modification. It does this by intercepting the calls that applications make to establish network connections and negotating them through a SOCKS server as necessary.