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共有17,660项符合descr%3A%22spam filter%22的查询结果,以下是第5,8615,870项(搜索用时0.01秒)
security/smap-0.5.0 (Score: 1.6401772E-4)
SIP scanner and identifier
smap is a simple scanner for SIP enabled devices smap sends off various SIP requests awaiting responses from SIP enabled DSL router, proxies and user agents. It could be considered a mashup of nmap and sipsak ;)
security/pam-1.0.3 (Score: 1.6401772E-4)
PECL classes for PAM integration
pecl-pam provides PAM (Pluggable Authentication Modules) integration. PAM is a system of libraries that handle the authentication tasks of applications and services. The library provides a stable API for applications to defer to for authentication tasks.
security/vxquery-0.2.1 (Score: 1.6401772E-4)
VuXML Query Tool
The VuXML Query Tool, vxquery, is a simple utility for selecting entries from a VuXML document by package name and version. Suggested usage: /bin/ls /var/db/pkg | vxquery -f - /usr/ports/security/vuxml/vuln.xml
security/openvas-libraries-8.0.7 (Score: 1.6401772E-4)
OpenVAS libraries
The Open Vulnerability Assessment System (OpenVAS) is a framework of several services and tools offering a comprehensive and powerful vulnerability scanning and vulnerability management solution. This package contains core libraries.
security/smtpscan-0.5 (Score: 1.6401772E-4)
Remote SMTP server version detector
smtpscan is a remote SMTP server version detector. It can be used to guess which mail software is used on a remote server, that may hide its SMTP banner.
security/rex-encoder-0.1.0 (Score: 1.6401772E-4)
Ruby Exploitation(Rex) library for various polymorphic encoders
This library provides the basis for all of the polymorphic encoders that Metasploit uses for payload encoding. Encoders are used to try and create a version of a payload that is free of bad characters as defined by the exploit.
security/snort2pfcd-0.8 (Score: 1.6401772E-4)
Snort alert to pf blocker
Analyzes snort alert output and blocks ip addresses using pf for a specified period of time. A whitelist is specified in CIDR format to exclude local and trusted ip address from being blocked.
security/w3af-1.6.49 (Score: 1.6401772E-4)
Web Application Attack and Audit Framework
w3af is a Web Application Attack and Audit Framework. The project's goal is to create a framework to find and exploit web application vulnerabilities that is easy to use and extend.
sysutils/pftables-0.1.1 (Score: 1.6401772E-4)
Minimal rc script to save and restore pf tables upon reboots
While the FreeBSD Handbook on pf explains the simple steps necessary to make pf tables survive a reboot, it does not (yet) point to an already existing script. This rc script provides a minimum solution.
sysutils/colorize-0.3.4 (Score: 1.6401772E-4)
Robust log colorizer
colorize is a perl script to add color to your logs (system logs, apache logs, squid logs, and many other formats). colorize can also output a colorized version of your logs as HTML.